I'm terrified.

Chatterbox: Inkwell

I'm terrified.

I'm terrified.

I run through the woods.

The branches whip at my legs. 

Heavy footsteps pound the earth behind me.

I gasp, try to breathe. Run faster.

Can't stop. I let out a breathless, despairing sob.

Can't get away. Hands reach out, touch my waist, stop me.


"What were you thinking?" John whispered to me, rocking me as I cry. "Let me go. I can't go back. I won't... I can't... I'm unwanted." I sob. "I want you. This can work. It doesn't matter what they think or say. We can do this." "Truly?" "Truly."

submitted by My Story
(July 28, 2016 - 6:30 am)
As I walk through meadows, I smile. 
I can laugh at the frisky squirrels chase each other. 
I can sing with the merry birds. 
I can run and leap like the fawn.
I am relieved of a heavy past, of a heavy burden. 
But I won't reflect on that now. 
The only time I hesitate is when I approach a village. 
Children play on the streets. 
Adults hurry to and fro, calling out. 
But there's a friendly atmosphere. 
I brave a smile and walk in. 
Several strangers acknowledged my presence with a nod or friendly greeting. 
No one laughs unkindly. 
No one stares at me like I'm an outcast. 
No one calls me names nor teases me. 
submitted by Daisy
(September 4, 2016 - 8:46 am)