New AE Chat!
Chatterbox: Inkwell
New AE Chat!
New AE Chat!
Ashlee G. Made an AE Personal Talking Post, and it seems to be dead, so we recreated it.
No CAPTCHAs-sorry Pavlavla.
AEs only may talk on this thread. Please alert your Chatterboxer that you are joining this talk.
They can do this on their computer! Who care if we are borrowing our CBer's computer? How many times do I have to say this: it doesn't matter!
Excuse Donut's rudeness.
*Whispers* Crysti's the rude one.
So, let us begin this talk.
submitted by Donut & Crysti
(July 20, 2016 - 4:02 pm)
(July 20, 2016 - 4:02 pm)
YESSSS! The thread is being revived.
Ignore Zeon... He's in a good mood because Arwen accepted his invitation.
Wait, what invitation?
Going to prom, of course.
That wasn't an invitation...
Also, I have heard of Crysti'st name, but not Donut. Nonetheless, I know nothing of your personalities. Mind to introduce yourselves?
(July 20, 2016 - 8:06 pm)
Hi! This is Jack-a-Nat, but it is New CB Name Day, so I'm going under MermaidGirl.
Donut was my first AE and Crysti is my second and last AE (I don't want another one).
Donut USED to be sassy and rude. Since I left her home with Crysti for four weeks while I was at camp, she is now nice and cute. She is nine and has a twin CAPTCHA named Pavlavla. She has slightly wavy brown hair and brown eyes.
Crysti has crystal powers, and USED to be nicer and less sophistacated. I left her home with Donut for four weeks while I was at camp, as said before. Now, she talks in an obnoxous, fancy voice and thinks that she is too good for everyone and everything. Crysti has wavy light blonde hair and blue yes.
So, those are my AEs. Thanks for looking at this revived AE Chat.
(July 21, 2016 - 8:44 am)
*Slams head into wall* We forgot to reply! Sounds like you two swapped personalities!
Not 100%, I do believe. Maybe only about 80% swapped. 20% is a purely unique.
Wait, what?
Oh, nothing. But thank you, Jack-A-Nat, for the introduction!
(July 21, 2016 - 6:35 pm)
Hi, Zeon. I am in a good mood because you asked me.
Ahh, girls. Pay no attention to her, dude.
*in a dangerous tone of voice* Jaarrnnneeenn... we already talked about this, remember?
I don't give a video game for your talks, Arwen. In fact, I am going to get off the computer and go play Skyrim now. Hey Zeon, do you play Skyrim or Oblivion? BEST GAMES EVER. I usually prefer multiplayer games, though.
Video games, video games, video games. Chilly, Chilly, Chilly. That's all you talk about, isn't it?
Except for the time when I talked about throwing a pie in your face on the other AE chat room. You know, I think I have another one somewhere around here...
*Buut IImm nott alwd onnn this thrd.*
(July 21, 2016 - 9:04 am)
I LOOOOVE Skyrim! Do you want to play online multiplayer?
(July 21, 2016 - 9:46 am)
Jarnen, you do the same as my poor brother over here.
*Busy talking to Arwen* Wait, what? *Looks back at Jarnen* OH. Didn't see you there. Hey, bro!
First time you didn't see your own best friend.
Be quiet! And Jarnen, Ashlee said she's going to get me Skyrim soon. But I haven't played either one yet. I am big on COD, Black Ops, Division, and Minecraft.
So, simply saying, anything Multiplayer related with a gun.
Minecraft doesn't- Oh wait. MODDED MINECRAFT DOES!
*Sighs* Well, Arwen, you really got stuck with a stupid boy, didn't you? He spends his time either playing video games, surfing, staring at his "Arwen Collection" or talking about you. He spends at LEAST 10 hours a day talking about you.
YES I DO *Grins proudly* And I am not stupid!
Arwen probably thinks you are.
Just kidding, little bug.
Don't you dare call-
Well, we should be going. I wonder where Poofball went...?
(July 21, 2016 - 12:11 pm)
Hello. Jack-a-Nat is leaving us at her home again, but this time for 30 days.
And Jack-a-Nat is only bringing her phone. So, we can use her computer as much as we want! I'm going to make it my goal to comment on every post on the first page of every section except for This Month.
Donut, that seems very difficult.
All we have to do is say Cool or Interesting, 'cuz we can't say TOP. Let's join some RPs too.
I do want to join a Role Play other than the Role Play that we made.
You said no to AE Middle School.
I'm 100 years old and I appear 20: I am too old.
And if you don't want to post, I'll do it.
(July 21, 2016 - 5:20 pm)
Ashlee has posted on every thread on every section (besides This Month) before! It is her goal, and she does a great job with it.
I believe she came close to doing so, not 100%.
Nooo, ask Ash!
Fine. Ashlee- wait, she isn't allowed on here.
Stop acting as a minuscule bug, Zeon.
I haven't turned into a bug in 3 weeks.
Then don't be a childish knave.
If you were in COD-
Which I am not.
-Then you would be VERY. DEAD. Kill shot, 100+ points for a headshot.
Mhm. Say what you wish. Farewell, for now, Donut and Crysti.
WAIT WAIT WAIT! Poofball just said "tiny"!
*Chokes in surprise* Little Poofball is growing up. Congratulations, Ash will be so happy once I tell her!
(July 22, 2016 - 12:50 am)
Wait, Zeon's a bug? Sorry but *cracks up* are his wings beetle wings? OMIGOSH LIKE THE ELYTRA FROM MINECRAFT!?!
Wow, Frosty, how immature.
Oh well... MINECRAFFFTTT!!!!
(July 22, 2016 - 10:22 am)
YESSSS YES! I never saw it that way!
What way?
I am not a little beetle... I am a MINECRAFT ELYTRA!
What on earth is an "elytra"?
Something you have no care in learning about.
Says who?
Well, if you are asking me then you DON'T CARE TO FIGURE IT OUT.
Ah, so very true, Zeon. You never give me intelligent precise statements.
*Turns into a beetle by joy* WAIT? WHAT? I did it again! YEESSS!
Your unceasing verbal shouting agonizes my ears dreadfully.
Well your long sentences hurt my ears, Quill. *Grins* VICTORY!
(July 22, 2016 - 1:56 pm)
Boy, it's been a long time since we joined one 'a these!
*under breath* Not long enough. . .
Ah, c'mon. If anything, do it to humor Mandy.
Humph. I still say there are better ways to spend my valuable time than this madness.
WHATever. Critic, all you do these days is read and correct my grammar.
That's all she ever does.
Like you're super interesting.
Of course I am!
Sure. You spend your time looking at pictures of Feather.
*sputters* *blushes* I also play ping-pong, watch Netfix, and bake muffins with you.
You should be eternally grateful!
For 2 games of ping-pong, 6 episodes of Grey's Anatomy, and 47 muffins?
They were zucchini muffins.
Don't you like zucchini muffins?
Yes, of course! I LOVE ALL MUFFINS! But it's a scientific fact that 1 regular muffin is equal 47 zucchini muffins.
Actually, that is not mentioned in the zucchini muffin section in this encyclopedia.
That is terribly vexing, you know.
'Tis the point!
Mandy. You totally made up the part about the 47 zucchini muffins for 1 regular.
No I didn't.
*sigh* WHATever.
Not you too!
. . . Let's talk about something else, shall we?
Let's think of a ship name for me + muffins!
*bursts out laughing*
That's not funny, it's incredibly unintelligent!
(July 22, 2016 - 10:16 am)
Here is a song quote:
I got that sunshine in my pocket, got that good song in my feet.
I enjoy music, and sunshine is beautiful.
By: Random Posts Co.
Just joking.
(July 22, 2016 - 10:46 am)
I emailed Jack-a-Nat, and she said that I can give myself powers. Yayyayyayyayyayyayyay! Crysti got them, so it's my perfect right to have them... Oh, yeah. Back to my powers. I am adopting lightning/electricity powers. Yayyayyayyayyayyayyayyayyayyayyay! So that means I can make and control lightning, sense electricity, and turn on and off electrical devices. Yayyayyayyayyayyayyay!
I'm gonna' go post that on RPs that I am in.
(July 22, 2016 - 1:43 pm)
I do not believe Donut was targeting your gaming systems, Zeon.
True. BUT IF YOU DO...
Let's just say you'd regret it. I have given you the word of caution, Donut. Be careful with that power around Zeon.
(July 22, 2016 - 3:50 pm)
I truthfully will never turn off anyone's gaming device. So, yeah. Don't worry 'bout that!
(July 23, 2016 - 11:06 am)