School Drama Rebo
Chatterbox: Inkwell
School Drama Rebo
School Drama Reboot
This is a reboot of the original, which was created by me May 7th, 2015. It goes along the same lines. Rules below.
This is set in middle school. Most characters will be seventh graders. You can put some characters as sixth or eighth grades but the "default" is seventh.
Please create at least one girl and one guy. They can be relatively throw a way characters whose perspective you only write in ocassionally or only get mentioned, I don't really mind.
Please make characters who are original and interesting. If you have a character who is basically an insert of yourself, I will get irratated. I know you like writing as wonderfully awesome nerds such as ourselves, but real life is not like that. Try and go out of your writerly comfort zone, write as someone your complete opposite!
In each grade, there are some basic types of groups. There are two versions of each- popular and unpopular, except for the Kind Girls and Kind Boys, who are both only semi popular. You can be in one group, a social butterfly, or a lone wolf.
Girly Girls
Smart Girls
Sportsy Girls
Artsy Girls
Kind Girls
Troublemaking Boys
Smart Boys
Sportsy Boys
Artsy Boys
Kind Boys
Character Form
Crush if any:
Friends in other groups if any:
(July 18, 2016 - 6:15 pm)
Actually never mind, I just saw Indigo's comment saying she didn't want any new people joining. Sorry about that.
(July 22, 2016 - 3:17 pm)
I slowly open my laptop again, keeping tabs on Aya's position.
guardianxyz: ARE YOU ALIVE?
casualbamfing: YES! She's gone. I played the part of the innocent new girl.
guardianxyz: Don't do that! That's an excuse for her to tear you APART!
casualbamfing: No, she won't. My logic follows that if I avoid her consistently and answer her in monosyllables, she'll leave me alone.
guardianxyz: Ooooh, OK. By the way, any progress on Operation Oreo?
Operation Oreo was a mission to replace files in the Scientology database with ads for Oreos. The idea was that it would get more coverage if we did something very bizarre as opposed to simply deleting the files.
casualbamfing: Slow but steady. They have strong defenses.
guardianxyz: Alright, gotta go. Hey, how is saving up for private school going?
casualbamfing: Not too well. Mom has a good job, but since I can take extra courses on my own time, she doesn't want to send me to private school.
guardianxyz: Too bad. They have the BEST programming program. Not like you need it, haha.
Kyra smiled before shutting down the computer.
It was time to head over to school.
(July 22, 2016 - 3:29 pm)
When I get back to the table, I glance over at Lana. WHY WOULD SHE WEAR THAT LIP GLOSS?! Oh my gosh, how could she wear that?
It looks awful. "Darling, I think a rash shade of hot pink lipstick would look better then that lip gloss." I say, sipping at my latte.
Megan looks around at the rest of us mischievously. I raise an eyebrow, knowing only too well that look. "What is it, Megan?" I ask.
"... Weeell ..." she says. "You girls still crushing on the same boys as last year?" she asks slyly. I shrug. "Mark is cute, but there's always other guys. There's quite a few new kids who'll be in school this year, most in seventh or eighth."
"Let's see, there's a Cleo and Charles Hartsworth, a Leo Hanks ... you know, Megan you shouldn't be asking that now. Too many new possibilities. In a week or two, then we can compare notes."
(July 22, 2016 - 4:02 pm)
@Brookeira Heh, I love Operation Oreo and the whole Wolveniche thing in general.
I crumple the plastic cup and toss it into the trash as I exit the cafe. I swipe at the lip gloss I had impulsively smeared on at the last minute. One thing is for sure. I do not want to be hanging out with those girls at school.
I plop down awkwardly outside the building, breathing slowly. The thought of school is stressful enough without having to deal with these girls. If I befriend them, they'll suck me into their pink lip stain and silver eyeshadow ways. Soon I'll be as loco as Aya.
And, well, if I openly take a stand against them? My own sister will turn on me. I can't deal with the stress. I massage my temples, wishing Britt could have picked other people to befriend.
"We should all pick someone to show around," I say. "Get our pick of the lot." I take a sip of my low-fat vanilla latte.
"Show them around the school, make sure they don't get the wrong ideas about the place," Aya agrees.
"Hey, where did your sister go?" Megan asks. "It would so suck if she got lost on the first day of school."
I half shrug. "She said something about not feeling so good. I forget."
"I bet she's just getting some fresh air or something, no need to go looking."
(July 22, 2016 - 7:47 pm)
I'm so sorry I forgot I joined? What's going on right now?
(July 23, 2016 - 8:16 am)
@Anyone? :(
(July 23, 2016 - 6:53 pm)
You never replied to my character sheet. Does it work?
Name: Flynn Alexander
Age: 14
Appearance: Tall, with brown hair and green eyes. Wears beat-up jeans and tee-shirts, usualy with animal graphics. Wears a pair of black Chuck Taylors.
Personality: Nice, laid back. Playes the drums. Although caring, has a slightly skewed moral compass, and doesn't always help those who need it. That comes arcoss as being a bully sometimes, and he has trouble keeping friends he has made. Self centered. He will always help himself. Howeaver, he has made, if not friends, himself fairly well regarded. He tries to not get caught up in drama.
Groups: Smart Boys, popular boys.
Gender: Male
(July 23, 2016 - 9:03 am)
Yup, sorry about the confusion. I could have sworn I approved it, but no matter.
(July 23, 2016 - 2:14 pm)
Oh, ouch. Indigo, you just had to make this roleplay AFTER I left! Ooooo....that's low.
Just kidding! But this is one of my favorite roleplays! I'm just dropping by to say goodbye, good luck, and have fun!
My fav peeps are in this roleplay too....Ohwell!
Have fun y'all!
By lil FAM!
(July 24, 2016 - 12:36 pm)
I'm sorry it coincided so badly! I wish you could have joined, but I honestly didn't think of it until a while after you had officially left.
Thanks for dropping by!
(July 24, 2016 - 2:10 pm)
Is it okay with everyone if we skip ahead to actually going to school?
(July 24, 2016 - 2:11 pm)
(July 24, 2016 - 4:37 pm)
Wait. I can use this . . .
Trevor~ I don't need an alarm clock. I don't need a phone. I have something way more annoying.
"AH! Wake up wake up!"
So I was dreaming about walking through a seren forest, leaves fluttering by, being carrassed by the soft breeze. Suddenly a bear approaches me. I tense, and in my sleep, my leg twitches slightly. It pounces, and all I remember is waking up to see my little sister jumping on my bed.
"You have to get up!" she screams into my ear.
I groan and roll over , twisting the sheets in knots. "We still have three more hours . . ."
"NO you overslept! My clock didn't ring and I didn't get up either! It's eleven!"
"What the heck?!" Oh, okay so now I can't trust my own sister to wake me up. It's like my alram battery died in the middle of the night . . .
"What about mom?" I asked, panicked.
"She had to go to work early."
"Dang it dang it." I shoot up and race over to my closet. I grab a bundle of random clothes.
"You didn't plan out your outfit?" Sally asks, a disgusted look on her face.
"No . . . and we can't even worry about that right now lunch there has probably already started!"
"Yeah . . . the teacher already called."
I grimace and pound down the stairs, Sally at my heels like a puppy.
I grab some sandwiches, a couple of pears, and stuff them into our backpacks, not sure whether or not we have to bring our own lunch.
I throw Sally her pink, butterfly backpacks and sling my gray and green one over my shoulder, letting one arm cuff hang off [somehow I'm aving a mental block and gforgot the name of those]. We rush outside, hop onto our bikes, and pedal as fast a we can.
(July 25, 2016 - 12:39 am)
Hey, I'm going to be gone on vacation starting tomorrow. You guys can
still post if you want, but I won't be able to do anything with my
charries. I'll be back in a couple of days.
The door swings open and kids pour out of class. I swing my backpack
over one shoulder and wander down the hall. It's the first day of
school, and already I'm somewhat bored. That history teacher has a
talent for making people sleepy, irritable and generally unable to
Indigo posted this on her CBers vs Zombies thread and I decided to post it here as a little booster.
(July 29, 2016 - 11:55 am)
ergh, I'm so sorry about that. After you persuaded me to actually work on those, I left the two open on my browser as "Submit Posts"... and this happened. Well, at least I learned a good lesson. XD
(August 1, 2016 - 5:40 pm)