Adventure RP

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Adventure RP

Adventure RP

So, it was a normal day in summer vacation. You were sitting on the couch, playing a video game, when the doorbell rang. Someone had dropped a very thick letter on your doorstep. It read;

"Dear person playing videogames,

Please come on a potentially dangerous adventure to find El Dorado. Wait outside, and we will come pick you up. We are providing all suplies.

See you soon,

Adventure Inc.

P.S., We are responsible for all lack of judgment on your part before you get to the jungle.

P.S.S. We will not play pop music. We will only play electro and rock music."

So, here are the rules:

Be smart, so don't do something stupid, or your character may die.

Have fun

And here is the character sheet:

Name Gared

Age xxxx

Appearance Tall, wears a black suit and sunglsses.





This will be sort of like Boarding School, and you can write your own character. This will make refrences to;

Harry Potter 

Docter Who


Percy Jackson

H. P. Lovecraft

Magic; The Gathering

I will not mention superhero movies.

Anything I forget? Let's Begin 



submitted by Gared
(July 9, 2016 - 9:50 am)

I'm a sucker for adventures :P

Name:  Novella

Age: 13

Appearance: You people should know by now.

Background: Uh? Make up a background . . . ah yes. All her life she seems to be quite nerdy with electronics and never leaves the house much, but she is a ctaully a survivalist in disguise and has been training with ordinary objects all her life. Or something.

Other: Nada 


submitted by Novelist, The Secret Forest
(July 28, 2016 - 9:41 am)


submitted by Gared
(July 28, 2016 - 1:00 pm)