H. P. Lovecraft
Chatterbox: Inkwell
H. P. Lovecraft
H. P. Lovecraft RP
Dear Student of the Unexplained and Evil,
I am Proff. Vandervault, of the Archam University, and the keeper of the dreaded Necronamicon. I need, in the frankest terms, help. Chulhu, the terrible monster which has plauged our world from before we existed, is back.
Are you willing to help me?
I hope this reaches you with speed,
Proff. Vandervault
So, ready to take down Cthulhu? If you are not framiliar with the H. P. Lovecraft universe, I will explain. If you are an H. P. Lovecraft fanatic, like myself, I will make this interesting. Ok, I need a character sheet filled out COMPLETLY. Here is the character sheet. This is only for your character, and is not about real you.
Age (Make it reasonable, lest I suspect an Old One's ploy to deafet me)
Lovecraftian expiriance x/100
Spellcasting ability x/100
Resistance to Insanity x/100
Where do you live (no Ismouthians, please)
Lovecraftien Knowladge (number of Lovecraft books read)
Eldritch Knowladge (Would you like yoiur character to know something really evil?)
Backstory (either post it here, or explain as the story progresses.)
Other (Put something cool here, like pets, or combat abilities!)
Prefered Position (I will explain later)
OP is allowed, bu when Cthulhu comes, he eats and/or makes OP people go insane first. I am the number one stotyteller. You can do small things, but please let me cover the big stuff, like the Dunwitch Horror coming back, or Yog Sothoth, Cthulhu's grandfather, coming out of hiding. So like the Boarding School thread, only with Cthulhu
This is the year 2016, so let's try and stop Cthulhu. But there is no knowladge of Cthulu, and Lovecraft was never born, so no handy-dandy Wikipedia. The only thing that we know about Cthulhu is from the Dreaded Necronomicon (please put 'dreaded' before 'Necrinomicon', or Cthulhu gets flash-summoned and eats you)
Please try only to RP in first person.
Cthulhu is green.
If you break any of these rules, bad things may happen, unless you break them in a fun way. (like writing a Wikipedia article on Cthulhu)
Please be a good guy. No Cthulhu Cultists are players. Cthulhu Cultists will be NPCs
You may die. Sorry.
Have fun, be safe, and don't respect unearthly authority!
These are what special ability you have. Like being a nerd about computers, and hacking into the Cthulhu Cultist's email account, and stuff like that. I will assign them, after looking at the Character Sheets, and picking the best one.
Hacker, can hack computors
Weapon Master, can actully fight Old Ones. You can be a Martial Arts warrior or a Swordsman/woman
Journalist, can tell the public about possible danger using the media
Stratagist, can outwit Cthulhu by Positioning troops
Decypherer, (that's me!) can understand runes, Old Ones speach and many ther dialects
Apprentices (there will be six) Will be assigned to a person witha position, and learn their art. If the person with a position dies, the Apprentices take over.
That is it. Sorry it is so long, but this will be awsome!
(July 5, 2016 - 10:39 am)
As Lilian and I walked by the Whhole Foods to the right of Powell's, I see a teen, with a staff like mine, a Cthulhu cutist's staff. Reaching for my enchanted silver knife, I step forward, motioning for Lilian to stop.
"Helo" I say, thinking fast.
"Hello" She said, pulling out a similar silver knife.
"Wait, before we attack each other, are you Delia Thornewell?"
I motion for Lillian to come closer. "This is Lillian. She is going to help me save the world. Now, have you quit the Cult?"
"Yes, I have, after I figured I would be a sacrifice to Bugg-shash, I ran away. Then you sent me with the letter with the plane ticket here. By the way, how did you get the money?" She asked back
"I am very rich. I have been working at Miscatonic/Archam University only to get the dreaded Necrinomicon."
We were standing out side the grocery store still, then I remembered something. "I need to go inside."
I returned a little later, with twenty bottles of fruit and vegie juice. Beciedes apple and garlic, the bottles contained kale, onions, onions, and lemons. "These kill scions of gods. So when Cthulhu sends a few slightly mutant cultists after us, this will kill them. I also have a medical degree."
We walked twords the McMenimins that was below the hotel. As we walked in, I said "Wait, Delia, let me see your arms. Really, this is a matter of life and death."
She pulled back her sleeves, and I saw the rash that started the mutation. There were no tenticles or boney plates, but definetly gained through contact with the Old Ones. I grabbed my messanger bag, stuck the bag of art supplies from Blick in, and pulled out some lemon juice. "here" I said, holding out the bottle of lemon juice,"Rub it on your rashes. That way you wouln't start mutating."
She did as I said, and the rash shrivled away. The waiter came to our table and I ordered three plates of curry clams. We waited, and I pulled out the dreaded Necrinomicon, and read about Gloon. Afterwards, we went up to our rooms. "Wait, I only booked two. That means that Lilian, you get to share a room with an ex-cultist! Have fun. Wait, Delia, do you have any other clothes? Like other than a robe? No, let's go shopping tommorow. I have a few million dollars, so let's have some form of fun!"
(July 7, 2016 - 10:27 am)
The next day!
the girls had not killed each other. Well, they seemed to get a long fine. We walked to my car, a prius, with a vault in the trunk. I slid my possetions into the vault, and I drove us to Voodu Donuts. "Calm down, Delia, it's not real voodu, and they have no idea why we are here. After eating the most sane donuts we could find, we left.(No, I would not like a bubble gum donut for breakfast) Heading to city center, I decieded we should go shopping. I drove to a mall, and gave them instructions to meet me here at lunchtime.
They came back with fairly normal clothes, and we went to a seafood place for lunch. Apparently, The girls both liked seafood. "wait" I said,"Delia, do you have a touchscreen phone? I know Lilian has one, but do you?"
The answer was no, so we went to the palacial Apple store and looked. For a while, me and Lilian were left alone. "So" I inquired,"Did you help defeat the comeback of the Dunwich Horror that Delia caused?"
The answer was yes. But as I looked out of a window, I saw a human with scales, and instantly knew who it was; Yig. Pulling out a bottle of juice, I grab my knife and cover it with the sickly yellow juice. Running out the door, I point the knife, and stab. Casting a simple incantation, I blast Yig into infinity.
I wait for the girls to come out, and then tell Lilian to drench her arrows with juice, then keep her bow at the ready. Delia casts a wipe memories incantation, and we run off.
(July 7, 2016 - 10:48 am)
I like this!
(July 7, 2016 - 12:37 pm)
thanks. You could post as well. Mabey you could do a coversation with Lilian?
(July 7, 2016 - 1:28 pm)
At the hotel, I call the Portland Art Museum and tell them I am coming to look at the jade art. I am anxious to see the Cthulhu statuette. What is going on?
(July 7, 2016 - 1:36 pm)
Alright, team, ready to go to Seattle? Good, because that is what we are doing!
(July 8, 2016 - 12:51 pm)