Boarding School

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Boarding School

Boarding School

"Dear Student," the sign on the door says, "You and your entire class are invited to the most highly esteemed boarding school in London. Do not fret, a plane flight has been arranged, and your belongings loaded on the plane. Please proceed to the buses."

Everyone was shocked, and some yelled out. But in the end, they proceeded to the buses, to start a new life.

So, here is how this will work:

Everyone will get to pick one subject they like the most, and that will be the place you live. The subjects are:




Physical Activity

And no trading cards/collectibles are allowed in the school. Music has to be very old, like classical or medieval. Ok, here is the Character sheet;


Age: You have to be under 18

Favorite Subject: listed above



Pet(s); Max. Three

Would you like to be an Assistant Writer? Assistant Writers help me write the story.

Do you want a Social or Academic Plotline?; Social Plotlines are about the events and friends and crushes and that stuff, while Academic Plotlines are about studying, and getting good grades, and being a nerd and that stuff.

Also, at any time, you can change part of you character, and that will have impacts on the story.

Ready to begin? 

submitted by Gared
(July 3, 2016 - 9:52 am)


I wait in the gym Thomas, told me he had an important plan and needed me to help. I of course agreed. "Hey," I great him as he comes in. Thomas looks as if he has been up all night planning something, this should be interesting. "what do you what do you want?" I ask as he gets closer. "We need that Turnleaf girl gone," he says, I grimace. I get that Thomas hates Ella, but, I just dislike her, maybe a little less. "I have the perfect plan, you stay here, I'll be right back, while I'm gone, put up the rings," he says walking away, to most likey the prinacepals office. I begin to hang up the large metel rings up,as long as I didn't have to do them I would be fine. a crackeling filled the air, and I stoped.

"Attention students! as for this year, you must be in class at 7:50 exactly otherwise you are late! and that will get you a dention if your found by me, if you are found by a teacher you will join that class for the day!" the voice goes away, and there's a bit of crackeling, before Thomas comes back into the room.

"Perfect, now we wait," he says, I nod, still not sure what is actually going on. soon, I notice a few of the back rounds kids that don't seem to get involved with anythin, come in, but I'm interested when Leo comes in with a scowl, directed towered me.

"what?" is say, annoyed with him. he shakes his head turns, but I feel like he's insuting me, for  some reason. "If you have a problem why don't you tell me, instead of being a wimp, and talking about me behind my back," I say, twriling him to face me, he's about the same hight as me now, so I don't have to be worried about not being able to not seeing his attacks.

"You think I'm afraid of you?" he snarls, pushing me, I take a step, impressed by his charisma. techenicly, he's a couson, (BTW: Leo's adopted and his mom's a judge, his grandmother his real one, was the only family he had left, she is gone, and the judges, neice is Violet Jackson's older sister who is an actor, so Jackson and Leo are cousans,) but he's never been brave enough to fight back. "After all you've done, ou put Ash in a freakng coma, you almost Hunter arested, then almost killed him, trapped Ella in a hold with Ashlee, and gave Ella a black eye which left her with an eye patch for a week, you almost killed Lexi," He rants taking a breathe, "Do you know how hard it was to be with Ella, while her sister was dying? do you? she was a lot more intimadating than you then, so don't even go there."

"what, am I supossed to be impressed? Thomas, did all those things, I meerly helped, and it was my help, but give Lexa my best," I say, and seeing the confuson on his face was priceless.

"It's lexi," he corrects, I smile.

"Oh didn't Ella tell you, didn't you know? she and I were friends back when you wern't there for her, yep, we hung up with her sis, we would call her Lexa, not Lex," I say, Leo seems defeated, and turns back and gets oer to Sorren and Cleo, who must've come in while we were talking. I look around, but Thomas is no where to be seen. I start mentelly, counting all the students seeing if any of them would be late, but they al seem to be here, everything seems normal, intell, Ella comes in.


"so, will-will you go to the masked dance with me?" i ask," you know to make up for this," I say. as I carry Ella in my arms, she smiles.

"Well, that'll have to do, but to be honest, I was hoping for a car or something," she jokes, I smile. we get into the hospitle, that luckly stay on campus, considering how many times we've needed it.

"Oh, my! Dear what happened?" a nurse says, rushing over to us.

"Thomas," Ella croaks, the nurse presses her lips together, and shakes her head. no doubt thinking Ella's gone mad. "Gym," she says instead, and the nurse seems to ease up.

"All right honey, why don't you put her down in room 234 just down the hall," she directs me, "I'm going to bring up her medical record," I nod walking over to the room, and laying Ella down on a chair, with a moviable back that is covered in a soft sheet. "So sweetie, It says here that your Ella Turnleaf, I'm a big fan of your father's work, but you supossed to be in the Writing class," the nurse specticly. "You said that this happened in gym?" she seems confused like we knew things she didn't which we did but it's not like she would beleive it.

"Yes, their was a lock down in the writing class and all the students were to report to closest classroom and have class with that subject today," I say improvising. the nurse's eyebrows lower and she gives me an I-don't-think-so look, but eased up when Ella nodded.

"Well, okay I supose, lets take a look, I'm going to have to ask you to leave why don't you come back later in a bout an hour?" she says to me, I nod, and get out of the chair I   was sitting in. I head back to the Gym to see everyone leaving.

"Where did you go?" Thomas asks. I shrug.

"You told me to get close to her, she trusts me, I wasn't going to let her bleed out on thegrass, no thanks to you," I say coldly. Thomas rolls his eyes. I scoff, I can't bleieve that hedoesn't care tat he could have done some real damage to a girl he has some stupid little gurdge on! "Whatever, I'll be in my dorm," I start to walk off, but he catchs my shoulder.

"This is a mission, not time for you to go soft on me, you are only to seem close to Turnleaf, I swear to all things gym if you take her side-"

"Oh shut up, like I would join the writers?" I say in a snarky voice. Thomas smiles and lets me go. 

submitted by Annabeth c
(February 3, 2017 - 6:52 pm)

Valentine's Day Dance

There will be a Valentine's Day Dance on Febrauary 14, on a special beach o  the coast. The entire school will be transported there two days before.

-Principal Herman 

submitted by Poster, (Gared)
(February 3, 2017 - 8:20 pm)

I am making a new charrie. Its boring being only Gared. There is not quite enough behind-the-scene stuf to keep me buisy.

Name: Adam LeBrown

Subject: Math

Gender: Male

Appearance: Tall enough to be tall, but not enough to be memorable. Wears a blue jacket, often with the hood over his eyes. Long black hair. Blue eyes. Wears beat-up slacks.

Personality: Tough, but not tough enough to be threatening. Relentless if provoked, but usually just sits by the window and thinks. Very sad most of the time. Tries to be different. If everyone likes blue, even though it is his favourite colour, he will say he likes green best. If everyone wants to watch a movie, he will say he wants to play a board game.

Pet: a small dog. Its black with white feet, and has a large furry tail. 

submitted by Gared
(February 3, 2017 - 8:27 pm)


I walk into the Math wing of the school, and look down at my mud-spattered shoes. I am late. About three months late. WHY? WHY WHY WHYWHYWHYWHY?!?

"Hi." I say as I walk in, and then move to the back of the room, and fiddle with my calculator. 

submitted by Gared
(February 3, 2017 - 8:36 pm)


I shake off the boy (Gared's) suspicions off easily. He is not the confident, but he is on to me. I make a mental note to be more careful. Walking to art class, I notice a poster for a Valentine's Day dance. Oh horrors of horrors. Just what I need. Normally, I would enjoy a bit of sugar and spice like this, but not during a mission. I won't be going, of course. I'll use the dance as a distraction. It will be a good time to steal some information, or talk to the confident. Why hasn't he contacted me? Is something wrong?  I push the worries from my head. I'll call Aunt Margret tonight and sort things out with her. 



Oh no. I don't do dances. I don't do paper hearts and Valentines and the like. Besides, who would go with me? As everyone exits the cafeteria, chattering and laughing, I catch a glimpse of Scarlet's bright red hair. Before I can wonder why the heck my eyes are focusing on her (it's the hair, probably), I almost bump into the doorway listed on my schedule. Right. Exit. PE this way. Oh darn, I'm going to be late...

submitted by Rose bud
(February 3, 2017 - 9:05 pm)

Ashlee (Ash)~~~

as Hunter and I walk to class I notice flyers stapiled to practicly everyother tree. "Hey, hold on," I say walking up to a paper with Red hearts over it, "Ah, my fellow writing dork, you wanna go?" I ask pointing towered the paper.

"Why, Ash! I never took you as the romantic type!" Hunter says in a mock surprise, I punch him lightly in the arm. "Sure, but come on, I'm taking any chances, with that new if your late, rule, I do not want to be doing Gym today," he replies. I nod my head. not like we're afraid of Thomas we're simply afriad of the things he's capible of, but then again, every sane person is. as we near the Writing building, I see blurs of PE kids on the the field that are throwing things that look like knives at each other, and this makes me  so much more happy about choosing Writing.

"you two make a close call, a couple more seconds and there would've been a chance of being in PE or math or art," Gared says shuddering at Art.

"Ah, come on Gared, you know you love us," I tease, he waves us towered two empty seats around the middle of the class. Hunter take sthe left I take right, and Gared proceedes with the lession.

"Alright you have today to finish a ten page fantasy story about whatever by tomorrow," he says. most groan, but Hunter and I have been in his class enough to know that this is one of his easier assignments. "And just to clarefy," he starts looking over at us, "There will be no basing villians off of the PE teacher, unless they're really good." this time hunter and I are the only people who groan. everyone stares at us. and I suddenly relieze that we are missing a key ingreadiant in our little writer trio, that would probably be that right now we're a duet. 

"Gared, have you seen Ella?" I call up to him. he starts typing in his computer and look sconfused.

"It says that she's here...hold on," I here the key clicking on the keyboard from over here. "Oh, okay, she's apperently in PE right now, Thomas must've cuaght her late for class," he says. I glance over at Hunter who was already looking at me, "Relax, Leo's there right?" he asks a retorical questain. "Okay please begin you work and keep the talking to a low murmer," he says, "Oh! and extra credit if you use the Supreme Awesome Gared as your hero," he adds. I highly doubt he was being serious.

"Do you think she's okay?" I ask Hunter, after Gared goes back to checking his Email or what ever he's doing right now.

"Of course why wouldn't she be? I mean Leo is over there, so is Sorren and Cleo, they won't let her die," he says. which does not reasure me the least bit. I only remeber how she acted when Lexi was targeted last year by Thomas. he's right Ella'll be fine I try to convince myself, it's not like she can't protect herself. "We'll go by her dorm later," Hunter says, as if he was reading my mind, I nod and start my story.


"ELLA!" I shout opening her dorm door which was unlocked. all the lights are off, and Cucumber the cat just stares at me blankly, layiing on ella's pillow. Fluff the snowy owl is asleep looking dead on the couch."HELLO?" I scream again.

"I guess you didn't hear," a male voice says from the kitchen the only lit up part of the dorm room. Leo comes over from the mini fridge with a glass of orange juice. "Ella's back in the hospitle becouse of Jackson," he says Jackson's name with such loathe I know that it has to be pretty bad. "I'll take you if you want, I was expecting you to come here actually, I didn't want to go there without you guys," Leo says walking towered the door, Hunter and I follow.

"It's a nice day," I state the obvious the boys nod, not wanting to speak not that I can blame them, I feel as if I just caused more ackwardness between us. finally we approach the desk for the hospitle.

"How can I he- oh, it you," the nurse says. I remeber him from a time back, but that's one of those stories for another time. "You must be looking for the Turnleaf girl," he stops for a moment, "only three visiers at a time," he informs us. "One of you needs to stay here,"  Leo Hunter and I make three, but I guess Cleo or Sorren's in there.

"Ash you and Leo should go, you guys are closer han me and El" Hunter says. sitting down in one of the waiting room's chairs. I nod, happy he was letting me go. the nurse points down the hall, and Leo and I walk in silance intel we get to the room number. I stop and Leo runs into me I shush him and listen.

"Hmm, I swear on luke Castellen's grave, if this is fake," I here Ella say. I smile already imaginang her firey purple eyes.

"Just like you to swear on a fictional charrictar death," I hear a strangly familar voice, LEo growls and burst through the door. steaming with anger.

"Oh I'm sorry did I interupt?" Leo asks sarcasticly. I walk in myself to see Jackson's arm wrapped around Ella's waist and Ella's aroud Jackson's neck, her head rested on shoulder, and she looks as if she just run a marathon.

"Jackson's just helping me walk, they put on a bandage, if you can even call it that some my entire side is stiff, I can't bend over at all, and I haven't tried to sit yet," Ella says.

"What would be fake?" Leo says not trusting a word Ella says, me, I didn't see anything wrong with the fact she was acting friendly around evil thing 2.

"You were easdropping," Jackson states, "I you must know, Ella wanted to make sure Thomas didn't put me up to asking, and taking her to the valentines day dance." Leo's face goes from hurt to anger to little angry emoji, which I have to admitt is pretty funny.

"Your going to the dance with him? the same guy who dropped you when you were on crutchs? yeah seems like nothing can go wrong with this," Leo says.

"Well, Hello!" I say feeling very out of place. "Ellie, how ya feeling?" I ask.

"I'd be better if I could talk to you alone, Jackson why don't you and Leo go back out to the waiting room," with that the boys left and Ella and me alone to talk



Oh cliff hanger Rick riordan has taught me well.

Update on my cat, he is no longer stuck in the box, he got his head stuck though and he started dancing with it, and it ran into my ankle so I'm laughing, but alos in serious pain, okay well maybe not serious pain, just like stubbed pinky toe pain sooooooo...... 

submitted by Annabeth c
(February 4, 2017 - 12:58 am)

Ashlee (Ash)~~~

as Hunter and I walk to class I notice flyers stapiled to practicly everyother tree. "Hey, hold on," I say walking up to a paper with Red hearts over it, "Ah, my fellow writing dork, you wanna go?" I ask pointing towered the paper.

"Why, Ash! I never took you as the romantic type!" Hunter says in a mock surprise, I punch him lightly in the arm. "Sure, but come on, I'm taking any chances, with that new if your late, rule, I do not want to be doing Gym today," he replies. I nod my head. not like we're afraid of Thomas we're simply afriad of the things he's capible of, but then again, every sane person is. as we near the Writing building, I see blurs of PE kids on the the field that are throwing things that look like knives at each other, and this makes me  so much more happy about choosing Writing.

"you two make a close call, a couple more seconds and there would've been a chance of being in PE or math or art," Gared says shuddering at Art.

"Ah, come on Gared, you know you love us," I tease, he waves us towered two empty seats around the middle of the class. Hunter take sthe left I take right, and Gared proceedes with the lession.

"Alright you have today to finish a ten page fantasy story about whatever by tomorrow," he says. most groan, but Hunter and I have been in his class enough to know that this is one of his easier assignments. "And just to clarefy," he starts looking over at us, "There will be no basing villians off of the PE teacher, unless they're really good." this time hunter and I are the only people who groan. everyone stares at us. and I suddenly relieze that we are missing a key ingreadiant in our little writer trio, that would probably be that right now we're a duet. 

"Gared, have you seen Ella?" I call up to him. he starts typing in his computer and look sconfused.

"It says that she's here...hold on," I here the key clicking on the keyboard from over here. "Oh, okay, she's apperently in PE right now, Thomas must've cuaght her late for class," he says. I glance over at Hunter who was already looking at me, "Relax, Leo's there right?" he asks a retorical questain. "Okay please begin you work and keep the talking to a low murmer," he says, "Oh! and extra credit if you use the Supreme Awesome Gared as your hero," he adds. I highly doubt he was being serious.

"Do you think she's okay?" I ask Hunter, after Gared goes back to checking his Email or what ever he's doing right now.

"Of course why wouldn't she be? I mean Leo is over there, so is Sorren and Cleo, they won't let her die," he says. which does not reasure me the least bit. I only remeber how she acted when Lexi was targeted last year by Thomas. he's right Ella'll be fine I try to convince myself, it's not like she can't protect herself. "We'll go by her dorm later," Hunter says, as if he was reading my mind, I nod and start my story.


"ELLA!" I shout opening her dorm door which was unlocked. all the lights are off, and Cucumber the cat just stares at me blankly, layiing on ella's pillow. Fluff the snowy owl is asleep looking dead on the couch."HELLO?" I scream again.

"I guess you didn't hear," a male voice says from the kitchen the only lit up part of the dorm room. Leo comes over from the mini fridge with a glass of orange juice. "Ella's back in the hospitle becouse of Jackson," he says Jackson's name with such loathe I know that it has to be pretty bad. "I'll take you if you want, I was expecting you to come here actually, I didn't want to go there without you guys," Leo says walking towered the door, Hunter and I follow.

"It's a nice day," I state the obvious the boys nod, not wanting to speak not that I can blame them, I feel as if I just caused more ackwardness between us. finally we approach the desk for the hospitle.

"How can I he- oh, it you," the nurse says. I remeber him from a time back, but that's one of those stories for another time. "You must be looking for the Turnleaf girl," he stops for a moment, "only three visiers at a time," he informs us. "One of you needs to stay here,"  Leo Hunter and I make three, but I guess Cleo or Sorren's in there.

"Ash you and Leo should go, you guys are closer han me and El" Hunter says. sitting down in one of the waiting room's chairs. I nod, happy he was letting me go. the nurse points down the hall, and Leo and I walk in silance intel we get to the room number. I stop and Leo runs into me I shush him and listen.

"Hmm, I swear on luke Castellen's grave, if this is fake," I here Ella say. I smile already imaginang her firey purple eyes.

"Just like you to swear on a fictional charrictar death," I hear a strangly familar voice, LEo growls and burst through the door. steaming with anger.

"Oh I'm sorry did I interupt?" Leo asks sarcasticly. I walk in myself to see Jackson's arm wrapped around Ella's waist and Ella's aroud Jackson's neck, her head rested on shoulder, and she looks as if she just run a marathon.

"Jackson's just helping me walk, they put on a bandage, if you can even call it that some my entire side is stiff, I can't bend over at all, and I haven't tried to sit yet," Ella says.

"What would be fake?" Leo says not trusting a word Ella says, me, I didn't see anything wrong with the fact she was acting friendly around evil thing 2.

"You were easdropping," Jackson states, "I you must know, Ella wanted to make sure Thomas didn't put me up to asking, and taking her to the valentines day dance." Leo's face goes from hurt to anger to little angry emoji, which I have to admitt is pretty funny.

"Your going to the dance with him? the same guy who dropped you when you were on crutchs? yeah seems like nothing can go wrong with this," Leo says.

"Well, Hello!" I say feeling very out of place. "Ellie, how ya feeling?" I ask.

"I'd be better if I could talk to you alone, Jackson why don't you and Leo go back out to the waiting room," with that the boys left and Ella and me alone to talk



Oh cliff hanger Rick riordan has taught me well.

Update on my cat, he is no longer stuck in the box, he got his head stuck though and he started dancing with it, and it ran into my ankle so I'm laughing, but alos in serious pain, okay well maybe not serious pain, just like stubbed pinky toe pain sooooooo...... 

submitted by Annabeth c
(February 4, 2017 - 12:58 am)
submitted by Annabeth c, age TOP
(February 4, 2017 - 12:59 am)


A dance?

I walk through the hallways and to math (I don't understand why orchestra would be in math, but okay XD) when I see the bright pink poster that catches everyone's eye. 

So. A Valentine's Day Dance. Where everyone from all classes would be forced to mingle. That's great. I hear a loud noise behind me and notice that Cobalt just ran into a door. I laugh for a second until he catches my glance and smiles sheepishly.

I walk into my class and head for the back room to get my cello.


I walk into class and head to the back of the room where my binder is. But as soon as I open it, an unwelcoming surprise erupts. 

My entire binder has graffiti all over it, saying rude things like "Nerd" and other stuff that we would get in trouble with the teachers for saying. In anger, I chuck the binder against the wall, and all of the papers and hinges explode.

"Veronica?" I hear Abby call. "Is something the matter?"

But I start laughing because I know exactly what to do to get them back. And how to get Thomas back.  

submitted by Killim
(February 4, 2017 - 9:53 am)


submitted by annabeth C, age TOP
(February 4, 2017 - 2:54 pm)



"Hey Leo!" I call out from the waitig room, Leo and Jackson are walking out of what must be Ella's room. "What are you doing here?" I snarl at Jackson. He stares at me, about to talk, but stops for a moment.

"I don't have to explain myself to you,"  Jackson says, harshly. Leo doesn't even look at him, like he's just some gum on the bottom of his shoe. the Waiting room is dimmed so it's a little brighter then dusk. the nurse stares at us, afraid a fight will break out any minute.

"Leo, what's up, Thomas chop off your tounge?" I joke. Leo scowls, clearly not in the mood.

"So are you and Ash going to the valintines dance together?" Leo asks. I nod. "Oh, nice, you know I actually planned on asking Ella today," he says acusingly.

"Sorry I beat you to it," Jackson says, and everythign falls into place. Leo is planning on attacking Jackson, because he and ella are going to the dance, nah, there's probably more. "Just, no hard feelings right, I mean, it's not my fault Ella likes me more," Jackson says simply, I watch as Leo turns redder than fire, and throws a punch at Jackson. he easily deflects it, and returns with a kick to Leo's side. they keep going, not listening to me when I tell them to stop.

finally, a nurse comes over, "Both of you stop, I said Stop young man." she says, taking something off of the counter, "Tomorrow right after school," shes says handing a peice of paper to Leo.

"What? you've got to be kidding, what about him?" Leo says, "If anyone deserves a dention it's him."

"Jackson? why would he need one, I saw the entire thing, he was meerly defending himself," the nurse says. I guess working for Thomas has it's perks. "And be careful with you tone, I remeber who you're talking to, I can give more dentions if you would like."she threatens.

"Nah, Marge, let 'em off easy this time," Jackson says to the nurse. she gives a side ways glance, but rips up Leo's dentition slip. "Next time though, I won't stop it," Jackson says only loud enough for me and Leo to hear. Leo rolls his eyes. and walk away. "Hunter, if you wanted to, you could see her, she's fine, just sore," Jackson says. leavng himself. I nod even though he wasn't looking and walk over to where I saw the two come out.

"Ash, he did this, he's come close to killing us all, what am I supposed to tell him?"

"I get it, but really you've lasted this long, and-"

"he's afraid that the same thing will happen to me,"

"Ella, you can't leave,"

"Um, Hello?" I call out knocking on the ajar door. the talking dies down, and Ash opens the door. I walk in, the room is scarcly simailer to my room, when I was losing my mind, oh the memories! "So," I say I feel like I should atmitt to listening to them, "what's this about you leaving?" I'm afraid Ella will be bad, but she just sighs.

"My dad, over the summer was talking about keeping me out of the school, I had conficed him not to but  today the nurse said with sucha fatal wound she had to call him, he scared that the same thing that happened to lexi will happen to me, he want's me to leave," I'm about to respond, but the door, opens to reveal Thomas.

submitted by Annabeth c, age TOP
(February 4, 2017 - 3:40 pm)


(An hour before Ash and Leo arrive at the hostpitle)

I sit up on the bed, Jackson sitting in the chair next to it. not, doing anything, just enjoying the company, he really doesn't seem like the same person he was the last two years. I open my mouth to say something, but my phone starts blurting If I die Young (nightcore male versoin, so beautiful) I pick it up to see My dad picture, and a pick up button. I answer my phone.

"Dad?" I ask unaware of why he's calling.

"Ella, thank god your okay!" he says. I knew that he must know what happened. no doubt nothing about Thomas though, I don't know if that's good or bad. "I have been thinking, I think you should come home,"

"D-dad? you kidding right?" I say, Jackson gives me a strange look. and I mouth, I'll tell you later "You don't expect me to go back there, I mean the summer was fun, but all year?"

"It's safer over her, I have it deceded you'll be coming home in a week," he says. I press my lips together.

"No, you can't take me away," I say, knowing that there's no hope.

"Ellenore, I am your father, I can do what ever I please," he retorts.

"No, no you can't you can't control my life!" I yell into the phone.

"Yes I can, I don't care how much pleading you do, I'll be there next wendsday,"

"Your impossible! mom would've let me stay," I say, biting my tounge knowing I've crossed a line.

"Your mother would not have let you stay, she knew when things get to rough,"

"How would you know? you left us, you left me, seven year, I lived without a father, I can go a few more," I say, not caring anymore.

"Ellenore Turnleaf! You-"

"No, I'm staying here, and you can do nothing about it!" I scream, my face feeling hot. there's a quietness between us before he speaks.

"Your mother would be so disapointed in you," he mummbles.

"don't say that, DON'T YOU DARE SAY THAT," I scream.

"Ellenore I am your father-"

"No, your my legal gardian, and you'll never be anymore, I hate you,"

"wendsday, have you bags packed," I hang up. putting my phone down, I start hyperventilating.

"Hey, Ella," Jackson says putting his hand on my shoulder. I duck under it, I start to clench my fists. "okay, so the nurs is going to mad if you make a dent in the wall, so, uh...punch this," he says holdling up a pillow. I look at him, and he nods. I punch with all my might,  he stumbles back and smiles, "You got some power," he jokes. I open and close my fists and sit on the bed, not sure If I want to cry or scream, or go on a mass murder spree, though I'm pretty sure that last one is illegal. "Can you tell me what happened?" he asks, seeming very interested.

"Of course, you want to destroy one pillow and suddenly everyone wants to know what's the matter," I say. Jackson, looks at me and sigh, I look though my phone (BTW:I don't think you can actually do this with a phone...but,) and find the last conversation I had the one I just had. I press play, and my argue begins. when it's over Jackson stops, I can't tell if he's more surprised at the way I reacted or how My dad talked.

"I won't let him take," he says  wrapping his arms around me in a hug, I ackwardly pat him on the back before laying my hands on his back.

"Gods, I swear on Luke Casstelen's grave, if your faking," I threaten, he smiles.

"Only you will swear on a fiction charrictar's death,"


submitted by Annabeth c
(February 4, 2017 - 7:29 pm)

This is Darth Daisy and I know Gared and Annabeth are going to kill me. 

But I have to back out.  

submitted by I'm Backing Out.
(February 4, 2017 - 8:34 pm)

What me kill you nooooooooooo *twidles with knife hidden behind back*

but yeah no worries, is it possible for you to maybe come back later? a couple weeks/months? 

submitted by Annabeth c, age TOP, @daisy
(February 5, 2017 - 6:13 pm)

I'm confuzzled. Where is everyone exactly in the story? I think Azalea is going to cause some huge plot twist during the dance and Cobalt is eventually going to ask Scarlet to go with him, but what happens up to that point? 

submitted by Rose bud
(February 5, 2017 - 8:58 pm)