Boarding School

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Boarding School

Boarding School

"Dear Student," the sign on the door says, "You and your entire class are invited to the most highly esteemed boarding school in London. Do not fret, a plane flight has been arranged, and your belongings loaded on the plane. Please proceed to the buses."

Everyone was shocked, and some yelled out. But in the end, they proceeded to the buses, to start a new life.

So, here is how this will work:

Everyone will get to pick one subject they like the most, and that will be the place you live. The subjects are:




Physical Activity

And no trading cards/collectibles are allowed in the school. Music has to be very old, like classical or medieval. Ok, here is the Character sheet;


Age: You have to be under 18

Favorite Subject: listed above



Pet(s); Max. Three

Would you like to be an Assistant Writer? Assistant Writers help me write the story.

Do you want a Social or Academic Plotline?; Social Plotlines are about the events and friends and crushes and that stuff, while Academic Plotlines are about studying, and getting good grades, and being a nerd and that stuff.

Also, at any time, you can change part of you character, and that will have impacts on the story.

Ready to begin? 

submitted by Gared
(July 3, 2016 - 9:52 am)

That would be soooooo cool!

submitted by Gared
(July 21, 2016 - 10:10 pm)

"No, you monsters!" I shout as they slam the door in my face. "I never did anything, it was Thomas!"

Too late, they are gone.

I spend hours in a blank, white, cushioned room. Since when did we have one of these in the Hospital Wing? Or in the school in general? They must have had crazy people in the past here.

I throw myself against the white walls, furious. Stupid Thomas. Stupid Thomas. At least they didn't search me, so I still have my phone to text Hunter. Dude, get Thomas, I text. I feel bad for Hunter, I don't have the patience to explain what happened, so he is left in the dark.

I run my hand over the cushioned walls, trying to find a snag or anything besides the perfect, clean white. It is actually sort of amusing that they put me in here. What can a single girl do that ends up putting her in a cushioned cell? Well, let's see...

Having Thomas as an enemy will do it quite well.

I can't help but laugh. Thomas might have won this time, but he won't be a victorious snob for much longer. If Hunter can pull this off, I'll be laughing my way out of here. I swear.

So for now, I lay my head against the wall and fall asleep, a dream of sand crabs, ladders, pebbles, and holes filling my mind. 

submitted by OceanWolf/Ashlee G., Jack-a-Nat's Challenge
(July 21, 2016 - 7:51 pm)

Shhhhhh! Wake up, idiot! I have picked the lock. Now, you need to stay here, antill I have finished restraining the nurses.

submitted by Gared
(July 22, 2016 - 9:20 am)

You know what? I really don't know what to write. I will wait and see what Gared, Annabeth, and Ashlee post, to look for an interesing opening. And, Ashlee, we kinda posted contradictory posts, you saying Ella was in the hole with Ash, and Thomas taunting them, and I said Thomas was taunting Cleo in the closet and now he's in the hospital... How about if we say your story happened before mine? I don't know why im writing this, i guess it doesn't really matter. G'Night everyone! 



Aww, my CAPTCHA says "poni"

You want a "pony"? 

submitted by Elmodaisy
(July 21, 2016 - 8:04 pm)

Yeah, I kinda noticed that problem, as well. Sooo.. we can say that happened a few hours before Cleo and the closet situation happened. I didn't post for a while either because Cleo was in the closet and Annabeth wanted to continue the hole situation after her baseball game. So I sort of waited a bit. But everything seems fantastic so far!

submitted by OceanWolf, age Ashlee G., Jack-a-Nat's Challenge
(July 21, 2016 - 9:06 pm)

Hmm, and since we have a sort of... violent theme going on - and this is a school - should we maybe have some of the rebels form a learning group? Since they are in high school now and they need to be learning more than one subject for the next four years. So they could form the group and meet in secret (similar idea to Dumbledore's Army). Just a suggestion, but it might be sort of a subplot to the whole Thomas, his minions, and the Principal vs the rebels. By the way, I root for the rebels, obviously!

submitted by OceanWolf, age Ashlee G., Jack-a-Nat's Challenge
(July 21, 2016 - 9:08 pm)

Argh! I'm sorry I haven't posted for so long, I have been looking for an opening. Here I go!


The news soon reached my ears. Ella, Cleo and Ash were all in the hospital. Everyone knew it was Thomas, but none of the adults believed us. I soon heard that Thomas was hanging up by his heels from a ceiling fan. I sniggered.

The next day, Thomas came up to me, smirking. "Don't think your safe," he said. "I haven't forgotten you."

My knees wanted to collapse, but I forced myself to stand up straight and look Thomas in the eye. I lifted my fist to punch him but thought better of it. He thought I was scared and smirked again.

I knew my tongue would hurt him worse than my fist, so I spoke. "Oh you haven't?" I said with mock relief.

"Oh good. I was worried for a moment." I grinned coldly. "Good luck." I swaggered off, leaving Thomas open-mouthed in my wake.


Later that day,  I was walking down the hall. Thomas ended up cornering me somehow. I scolded myself inwardly and braced myself for attacks of any kind, whether physical or verbal.

Thomas threw a punch straight at my ribs. It collided, and I was too slow to stop it. I gritted my teeth. That boy had some serious muscles! Everyone hurried on around me, too scared to help. I held my hand to my ribs. When I pulled it back, it was red. I gasped.

Thomas smirked yet again, and lifted his fist, straight towards my head. This time I was ready. I caught it and lifted it behind his head, wrenching it out of joint. He howled with pain and I let him fall to the ground.

"Think I wouldn't fight back?" I panted. Each breath was painful. My ribs ached, and I knew too much longer and I would HAVE to go to the hospital wing.

"No. I knew it." He breathed, still on the ground. He was holding his wrist, and I hoped I had broken it, or at least sprained it. Slowly, he stood back up. The world started blurring with the blood I had lost, but I held my ground. I knew one of my ribs was broken, if not more.

Thomas gave me a painful smirk. I hit him in the jaw, but he just brushed it away. He leapt at me, knocking me to the ground. With all my remaining strength, I kicked him square in the rear. Hard. He yelled with pain and fell to the ground once again, holding his bum. I smirked at him.

"Think again," I whispered, which was all I could say. Then  I scurried off to the hospital wing.

About halfway there I stopped. The ground spun too much to continue. I pulled out my phone and texted Alan.

Unknowingly, I texted him the same typo Ash has when she was poisioned.


Then the world went black.



My phone buzzed while I was studying. Quickly, I picked it up and saw it was from Paralia. Why did I still have her number? I looked at it anyway. A single word.

"Hrlp?" I wondered out loud. I remembered something Hunter had told me when Ash was poisoned. A single word texted to him, a typo of help. I gasped.

I just knew Paralia was in trouble.

Somehow, using some sixth sense I had suddenly accuired, I ran towards the hospital wing. About three-quarters of the way there, there was a body laying on the floor. I bent down and immediently recongized Paralia's dress and braids. Quickly, I lifted her up and walked the rest of the way to the nurses office.

When I got there, the nurse sighed.

"Another one?" She asked. "Who did it this time?"

"I don't know." I answered truthfully. I told her what had happened, that I knew, as she busied herself getting a bed ready for Paralia. A few minutes after she was in the bed, Paralia groggily came to. She immediently tried to sit up, but the nurse gently pushed her back down.

"No, you need to rest. You have three broken ribs, Paralia. Not good. What happened?!"

"Thomas...." She murmured, just as the person himself entered. He sported a bruised eye, a stiff neck and a fanny pack with an ice pack sticking out. I smirked. Obviously Paralia had fought back. The nurse tsktsked.

"You are all delirious. How could Thomas do this? He wouldn't hurt a fly." The nurse turned to Thomas, who immediently put on a puppy eye face and nodded. The nurse gasped when she saw him. I rolled my eyes.

"What happened to you?" She asked worriedly. Thomas raised a shaking finger towards Paralia, just as I had expected. The nurse shot a death glare at the sleeping Paralia, then at me.

I raised my hands in defense and narrowed my eyes at Thomas. "Hey, don't shoot the messenger," I said for the nurse. I hoped Thomas got my hidden meaning. 

Apparently he did. "Your going down," he mouthed when the nurses back was turned.



I shook my head as I learned the news. Four students in the hospital, plus a severely injured Thomas? What was going on?!

A small part of me doubted Thomas. What if he was causing all the injures? The latest one, Paralia, was in my tech class, and I knew she had a serious grudge on Thomas. Had the others as well? Was he getting revenge?

The rest of me ignored myself. Don't be a silly goose, I told myself. It's the PE. The captains are working them too hard.

Although I knew that wasn't true. Ash was not in PE. Neither was Ella. Nor Paralia. And Cleo was a captain. She wouldn't do that to herself to frame Thomas!

But I remembered what Thomas had told me when I first came to work here.

"You stay loyal to me, Sammy, and I won't tell anyone our little secret. Deal?" I had nodded, frightened.

Quickly, I shook my head to clear it and  closed the curtains in the lab. Then I opened my tool case.


Thomas had ordered another box of poison from me, and I had to oblige. 

submitted by Paralia/Alan/Sammy
(July 21, 2016 - 9:39 pm)

Wow, whoever wrote that was amazing!

submitted by Elmodaisy
(July 22, 2016 - 5:42 am)

I wake up, feeling groggy, and seeing my world upside down and wrecked. Like the devil himself came into my dorm room.

I struggle to find what on earth is going on. This is when I figure out I am tied by my feet onto the ceiling fan. Soren. It had to have been him. But then I remember looking at a map... Bob, Jackson, and Hunter were out in the halls last night. Hunter's name stuck out like a sore thumb, and I never got past the reason why. He was going to regret this. Terribly regret this.

I cuss and struggle to free myself. If Lillian saw me now... I shake away the thought. Two minutes later, I loosen the noose around my ankles and crumple to the ground, head first.

My ankles are bleeding and circulation is cut off. Nothing I can't deal with some meds from Sammy. He... creates things in the lab. Good and bad, all for my own use. I limp to find a bottle, but my whole room has been shredded. Hunter. Now it is clear.

I grab a knife from under my mattress and storm to the door. I will do damage this time. My hand grips the doorknob and yanks, but it is locked. Glancing to the storm-blown room, my eyes flit over the Access Card. Broken into thousands of bits. In anger, I kick the metal door, badly injuring my big toe. Forget it.

I search the room for any other damage and find Hunter stole my threat note and phone. That. Kid. Is. Going. To. Pay. Not only did I have security camera access and a live map on there, I had... things. Things - feelings - about Lillian. Info on my next targets. List of my double agents.

I smash the window out with a wooden chair and use the rope that I... I was hung by to propel my way down three stories, right past Jackson's window. He stares at me with wide eyes and pounds on the window. I stop myself and glare.

"Dude, what happened?" He shouts through the glass.

"Hunter," I growl. "He's next."

Jackson's eyes widen in shock. Hunter has backed off the past few days, but this was the final straw. He would pay. Pay by death.

"I'll be... late today. Sammy," Jackson says, smirking. "He's got the stuff."

"Good." Then I continue my way down to the courtyard.

I make my way past the Gym, promising myself Hunter would pay. After I get Paralia. It's been a while... and she deserves a little visit from my fists. 

submitted by Thomas
(July 21, 2016 - 11:56 pm)

*holding my breath* this is one of my favorite posts! Please, please post the next part soon! I HAVE to find out what's happening next!!!!!!!

submitted by Elmodaisy
(July 22, 2016 - 9:46 am)

New instalation!

Gared walked into the writing dorm, He had already seen writing students disappear, and was now carrying his high-power Nerf gun everywhere. He had placed cameras everywhere, and wa texting his dad non-stop.

But today, he stopped classes to say: “We all hate Thomas. He breaks about five laws a day. I have modded enough Nerf guns for the entire school. Ash, Cleo, Elmodaisy, and probably others have gone missing. Ok, here’s the plan. You need to help me capture the principal and the guards armed with riot shields and whips. See, these guards have a breach in the armor on their head. If we shoot to the sides, we can actually break them. One hit from these” He shoved up a modded Nerf “in the forehead will hurt. Two will hurt a lot, and three will knock out. And let me ask this now: if any of you are traitors, you will be responsible for all crimes in this school. First step, take back Art, were the first guards are stationed. Then, we should take back Tech, and Math will get my father and a few policemen here. Ok, let’s go!” He threw out Nerf guns to everyone, and they snuck into the Art Hallway.

submitted by Gared
(July 22, 2016 - 9:32 am)

I walk up to a nurse, now securly bound by hand and foot. I let Ashlee out, and run to rejoin the members of Writing surrounding the Art room.

submitted by Gared
(July 22, 2016 - 9:37 am)


I go to Middle School. :)  

submitted by Donut & Crysti
(July 22, 2016 - 10:43 am)


I scream. a doctor and Ash come running in. "What? are you okay?" Ash says. I nod my head and bring my hand up to soft cotton eye patch I have to wear for the next three days. My ears still have a faint ringing but I didn't say it I wanted to get out asap.

"Oh, sorry dear, what did I say? you can't go in there," a nurse said in a stern voice to Ash.

"No I'm sorry, I am perfectly fine, just I didn't think this would happen, um, can I go?" I say. the doctor looks at a clipboard and nods. I get of the bed and my legs feel a bit like jelly nothing is worse than what Thomas did, so I'm fine. Ash and I practically race out the building, I guess a little too fast, I run into a girl who seemed to be new. "Oh, wow I am so sorry," I say the girl turns around and looks at me, I knew this girl.

"Ella? what happened to y-" I put my hand on her mouth, and my finger to my lips.

"Nothing you need to worry about, I thought you were at grama's what are you doing here?" I say almost screaming. I look over at ash who has a look of pure confusion on her face. "Right, sorry, Ash this is my Younger sister, lexie, who is not supposed to be here," I say.

"Dad said I should come here," she says pulling my hand away. "I'm skipping eighth grade I in class with you," she said annoyingly.

"Oh good so your in writing," I couldn't help but relax I couldn't imagine what would happen if she were in PE.
"Well duh, isn't everyone? I took PE for my elictive though," she said.  my eye grew wide with terror.
"Ohh no your not, you are transfering," I say. I look over at Ash she's nodding her head, I can't imagine what Thomas would do.
"I can't I already got my dorm. it was kinda wierd though, there was a window shattered, and before I came in the 'teacher' was talking to this guy Jackson," she started. I silantly screamed please tell me you didn't introduce yourself in my head, I have no luck. "so I introdused my self Thomas asked if I were your sister and I said yes and then he said he was exited to have me," she finished. I put my head on my head, this was so not good.
"Lex, did you happen to hear what Thomas was saying to Jackson?"
"Uh, yeah, not like I was easdropping though, um, Thomas was looking for, some guy named, uh, Hunter," she says. this was super bad Ash had told me what Hunter did to Thomas, he is never one to forgive. I instintly push the botten that turn my glasses into the sercuraty camras.
"He is in...uh, In the tech room? no writing, yeah in writing talking with Gared, ohh stay out of the Tach room, I'll explain later," I say. Ash races off leaving me with Lex, who goes running off to her new dorm. I was alon once again, but I wouldn't be for long. I gingerly walk over to the gym second guessing every step. I pound on the door and someone shouts window. Lex was right the window was shattered. I step through being carfull of broken glass.
"You, what in the world could you possibly want?" Thomas spat. I don't know why but my hands are shaking.
"You know exatly what I want, You leave Lexie out of any grudge you have againt me Ash or Hunter," I start gaining confidince, "If you lay one finger on Lexie, you will be sorry," I say in a low tone.
"Oh no what are you going to do? make me the villian in one of your little stories?"
"you joke now, but know that you can do what you want with me, but Lexie will not be ridded of her innocece by...that," I say pointing towed a trapize like net hung up twelth feet. "Oh, hows snuggles?" I say, Thomas growls and charges but this time I was ready, I use hes own striengh against him, despite my no striengh, the thought of Lex gettign hurt gave me a sort of runner's high. I grab his arm and flip him over. he gets up like it was nothing, but It was, I can see I dislocated his shoulder.
"Do you have any idea what you just did?" he said in a vioce so low It was graveily. "You will pay for this Ella, I have something speical planned for you," he snarled.  
submitted by l, age 14, n/a
(July 22, 2016 - 11:29 am)

I was sitting in my grandmother's house when the note came. I was finally getting to go to Ella's school, I filled out the paper that was included choosing PE as my elictive. this was great, I hadn't seen Ella since she first started going to the school two years ago. Dad drove me to the airport and I flew to london. the first place I went was the gym, everyone says I'm so smart, I did skip a grade, but I really don't like math, I've always like sports. I knock on the gym door things seem to be going on the The window was shattered and I saw to guys whispering, "Jackson, You need to find Hunter," one said then some tall guy came and opened the door. "Who are you?" he said a bit annoyed.

"My name is Lexie Turnleaf, I'm going PE," I say he looks at me then says...

"You're Ella's sister?" I nod and he smiles, "I'm very happy to have you," he said with a grin.

after the strange conversation, I went off to explore the campus, and I magicly bumped into Ella! "What happend to y-" she cut my off and told me not to worry about. she wore a strage blue eye patch over her right eye and since when did she wear glasses? she told her friend who I was,  but I have no idea who the girl is. but that's how I always feel around Ella's friends, besides Leo, who surprisinly wasn't with Ella,anyway, I feel that they think I'm an annoying little girl who fallowes Ella everywhere, or they think I'm a mini Ella, I'm neither. I love Ella, but herfriend seemed kinda... scary. 

submitted by lexie, age 13, n/a
(July 22, 2016 - 11:41 am)