Chatterbox: Inkwell
I just finished reading through Indigo's old Zombie Apocalypse, and I decided I wanted to write another single-writer story. Therefore, I present to you. . . us! At Camp Half-Blood.
A few rules before you skirt to the bottom of this post to sign up:
1. No AEs or CAPTCHAs, please. It's much more difficult to have them add to a plot, and their already-gifted abilities would be a hinderance rather than a help.
2. You may write journal entries, but please don't make any moves further on in the plot.
3. Once I start writing, I won't accept any more people. I'm going to draw the line at about eight, not including myself.
And some notes:
1. Please don't get cross if I portray you incorrectly. I'll do the best I can, but I can't guarantee you will be exactly your true self.
2. It is possible some of you may die, but not many.
3. I'm going to use a system similar to Brooke's:
MAIN CHARACTERS: Exactly what they sound like.
SECONDARIES: You will show up often, but are more likely to die and aren't going to be focused on as much.
TERTIARY: You will most likely show up later in the story, and perform a small but important deed. You are the most likely to die, but you might also join the quest.
4. No, we're not going to realize "Hey! You're from the CB!"
5. Yes, you can be Roman, as this is post-Percy.
Okay! Here's the sheet and some explinations:
CBER APPEARANCE: Make it realistic and highly detailed
PERSONALITY: Moderately detailed, so I have something to work off of
PREFERRED WEAPON: If you already know how to use one, great! If not, what do you imagine yourself using and/or what's the most awesome?
GODLY PARENT: Can be minor-- If you aren't sure, think about preferred powers.
LOCATION: It can be a fake location, but preferably in the US (and not fantastical)
(June 30, 2016 - 1:04 pm)
Hi St.Owl! I think this is a very cool idea!
CBER NAME: Trill Woodhena
AGE: 13
GENDER: Female
CBER APPEARANCE: Make it realistic and highly detailed Red hair, shoulder length, curly at ends, normally ponied. Purple eyes, doesn't wear makeup. Slightly tan skin, but with a pale undertone if that makes sense.
PERSONALITY: Moderately detailed, so I have something to work off of Brave, smart, kind, caring, friendly. Will risk anything for her friends.
PREFERRED WEAPON: If you already know how to use one, great! If not, what do you imagine yourself using and/or what's the most awesome? Prefers to use words and wits, but if it comes to violence, her preferred weapon is a katana
GODLY PARENT: Can be minor-- If you aren't sure, think about preferred powers. I would say Hephestes (the blacksmiths one. I don't know if that is the right spelling, but you know what I mean, right?)
HOBBIES: Whittling, nail biting, playing a wooden flute or pan pipe
LOCATION: It can be a fake location, but preferably in the US (and not fantastical) Deep Woods, Illinois, USA
...if that's ok. If not, secondary. ;)
OTHER: is a big ecologist, I don't mind if she dies
(June 30, 2016 - 3:17 pm)
CBER NAME: Leafpool
AGE: Not my real age, but for this I will be 16.
GENDER: Female
CBER APPEARANCE: Dark brown hair slightly past shoulders, brown eyes, a couple freckles, rather short and small in general, wears colors such as green, blue, and purple.
PERSONALITY: Likes reading/writing but is not at all the type of reader and writer that is all scholarly, is normally cheerful, protective of family/friends.
ANY FIGHTING EXPERIENCE: Some, but she prefers sneaking around rather than hand-to-hand fighting. Not a warrior type.
PREFERRED WEAPON: I took a short session on archery once at a camp, so I kind of know how to shoot an arrow without badly scraping my arm and/or shooting my arrow 8 feet away from where it's supposed to land. So a bow and arrows, and maybe a dagger?
GODLY PARENT: I don't really know, you can choose if you would like, I don't have an opinion.
HOBBIES: Running, writing, reading, jumping off of/climbing stuff.
LOCATION: Maine, along close to the water.
MC, SECONDARY, OR TERTIARY?: Either MC or Secondary, you choose.
(June 30, 2016 - 3:23 pm)
I'm in! Awesome idea, St. Owl.
CBer Name: Young Writer
Age:13(I'm older, but could you portray me as such?)
Appearance: Dark brown hair, which is black when wet. Hair is curly and reaches 4 inches below shoulder. Very casual, tomboy-ish style. Caucasian. Chocolate brown eyes, big, with long lashes. 4'10" Please let me know if you want more info!
Personality: Smart, good at riddles, touchy, BPD, hides emotions very well
Fighting Experience: Has been at Camp Half Blood for 1 year.
Preferred Weapon: Sword/Wits
Godly parent: Athena
Hobbies: Reading, solving logic puzzles, programmkng(when home)
Location: Lebanon, NH
(June 30, 2016 - 3:34 pm)
(June 30, 2016 - 3:34 pm)
(June 30, 2016 - 5:24 pm)
CBER NAME: September
AGE: 12
GENDER: Female
CBER APPEARANCE: 5' 3", long wavy dark brown-black hair, dark brown eyes, wears contact lenses, silver seashell earrings, wears mostly t-shirts, shorts, and flip-flops
PERSONALITY: Loud, talkative, smart, friendly, short attention span
ANY FIGHTING EXPERIENCE: I can fence (sort of) and I took an archery lesson at a camp. Other than that, I can run pretty fast
PREFERRED WEAPON: Daggers, swords, or spears
GODLY PARENT: Athena or Bellona
HOBBIES: Reading, writing, drawing, volleyball,
LOCATION: California
OTHER: I'd prefer to be a Roman, but you could put me in Camp Half-Blood too
(June 30, 2016 - 6:19 pm)
CBER NAME: Booksy Owly
AGE: 14
CBER APPEARANCE: Make it realistic and highly detailed
I am short, with chin-length light brown hair with highlights and large hazel eyes. I have freckel scattered over my round face, and a small nose and mouth. I wear large, round glasses. Typically, I wear skirts and sweaters, and have a book with me.
PERSONALITY: Moderately detailed, so I have something to work off of
I am shy, quiet, bookish, and kind of innocent. I get scared super easily. I am old-fashioned, and love classic books. I suppose I'm rather sensible, and I love to learn.
PREFERRED WEAPON: If you already know how to use one, great! If not, what do you imagine yourself using and/or what's the most awesome?
A hard-back book! Does that work? Please tell me it does!
GODLY PARENT: Can be minor-- If you aren't sure, think about preferred powers.
Uh, I don't know. What do you think? Maybe Athena or Demeter? You decide.
HOBBIES: Reading, writing, organising, theatre, baking.
LOCATION: It can be a fake location, but preferably in the US (and not fantastical) California, in reality. But if I can chose, how about Boston, MA?
MC, SECONDARY, OR TERTIARY?: Maybe secondary? I would love to be an MC, though.
OTHER: Not that I can think of!
(June 30, 2016 - 6:19 pm)
Whoo-hoo! I'm in!
CBer name: Joan B. of Arc
Age: 14
Gender: F
CBer appearance: Dark blue eyes, long brown hair, (usually in a ponytail) armor, (no helmet) (if I can't have armor, then I'm wearing a long sleeved black shirt, jeans, and a maroon handkerchief around my neck.) A satchel slung around my body, sword on my back, and 2 daggers in my boots.
Personality: Loyal, short temper, quick thinker
Any fighting experience: I guess out of a hundred, 80? Been at Camp Half blood for 2 1/2 years.
Preferred weapon: Sword and 2 daggers.
Godly parent: Athena, Ares, or Aphrodite. Couldn't decide.
Hobbies: Sword fighting, reading, writing, and imagining. At least I consider it a hobby.
Location: Richland WA
MC, secondary, or tertiary: MC. If not, then secondary.
Other: If there's anything else, I'll tell you.
(June 30, 2016 - 6:22 pm)
CBER NAME: Meixue Li
AGE: For our purposes....How about twelve?
GENDER: Female
CBER APPEARANCE: See below, but without the wings.
PERSONALITY: Not sure if I even NEED to do this...But outspoken, rather loud, outgoing, funny.
ANY FIGHTING EXPERIENCE: I took karate when I was three...
PREFERRED WEAPON: Bow and arrow. Or dagger. Or sword--Anyways, the point is that I'm flexible. I'd prefer dagger, though, but if a sword is more convenient for you as the author, so be it!
GODLY PARENT: Apollo or Athena.
HOBBIES: Reading, writing, playing computer games
LOCATION: Uh, California? Dunno.
MC, SECONDARY, OR TERTIARY?: If all the MC seats aren't taken, then Main Character.
OTHER: If I'm a main character, I would REALLY like to be killed off. If I'm a secondary...Well...You're the author, I suppose...
(June 30, 2016 - 6:41 pm)
Join me pleeeeeez
CB Name: TARDISrider/Rider
Age: fifteen
Gender: Girl
Appearence: [Note: this is my more realistic CB self, not my actual CB self] Long, soft dark brown hair. She has blue streaks along the left side of her hair. Her hair's a bit longer than shoulder-length. She's tall, very skinny (and this annoys her some), with pretty tan skin from being at camp so long (She has been for a year or so now). Usually wears blck jeans that are a tad too big for her, the orange t-shirt, and army boots. She also has three different charm bracelets on her right arm. Silver eyes, with a little scar over her left eye. (Sorry if it's too long, you told me to be detailed)
Personality: Pretty tense. She's not, like, Clarisse or something, but if you say the wrong thing or do something wrong, there's a chance she can get a little annoyed. If you want to pick a fight with her, it's not too hard. She snaps a bit, but she can also relax if she's with her friends, and she knows when to simmer down.
Any fighting experience: She's been at camp for a year, and once she nearly killed Travis and Connor during a duel. She'd challenged them beacause she accententally set off a trap meant for Drew and got doused with chocolate milk. She was having a terrible day before that, so that really set her off. But she's never been on any quests.
Preffered weapon: Sword.
Godly parent: Athena, but she's having trouble embracing the 'wisdom' part. She's not stupid, but not super-smart either. Just normal.
Hobbies: Writing, hanging out with friends, climbing the climbing wall. Literally whatever, she's down for most anything.
Location: Camp. Before that, she was in Boston.
MC, Secondary, or Tertiary: Preferably Main Character, but if you can't fit me in, I'm good with secondary.
Other: She had a rough life before camp. Her dad was pretty unstable, which is why she's so tense and snappish. She's trying to work on it, but it's still hard.
(June 30, 2016 - 7:36 pm)
CBER NAME: Ashlee G. (Ash or Ashlee)
AGE: 15
CBER APPEARANCE: Long, straight, brown hair that reaches over halfway down back and always kept down; blue-gray eyes with hint of green; somewhat of an ash-tanned skin during summer; ghostly white during winter (weather change reasons); a few darker freckles on arms; always wears black, gray, or dark blue; wears a large black, digital watch to also track things such as altitude; boot cut black jeans; wolf t-shirts or darker t-shirts; thin wool socks or synthetic socks (depending on season); and beige/tan colored men's hiking boots (huge feet).
PERSONALITY: An extreme tomboy; likes the colors black and dark blue (especially combined); enjoys sparring and archery; extremely intelligent; known to talk for hours if she knows you; rambles off random facts; not interested in your typical girl topics and things; somewhat shy, although a natural leader; and nice enough once you get to know her.
ANY FIGHTING EXPERIENCE: Been fighting with weapons since arriving to the camp (2 years now). Although used to fight w/o weapons with siblings for numerous years. Very good at sparring and archery, tends to even scare most of the boys off.
PREFERRED WEAPON: Bow for long range, and your typical sword for close up battles. Occasionally uses a dagger.
GODLY PARENT: Athena (explains her intelligence and fighting skills)
HOBBIES: Video games (biggest one), reading, writing, art, being outside, occasional pranks (April 1st), and sparring/archery.
LOCATION: Long Island, NY (basing it off the PJ books)
MC, SECONDARY, OR TERTIARY?: Probably good with Secondary
OTHER: She is very, very, big on fighting monsters and taking risks and adventures. Although, she is also very cautious and plans things out before hand.
(June 30, 2016 - 7:56 pm)
If I make it in, I forgot to add, I am good with either Secondary or MC if that is possible. I am looking forward to this RP.
(July 1, 2016 - 11:03 am)
CBER NAME: Cockleburr (do i need a last name?)
AGE: 14 (15 on July 17!!!!)
GENDER: Female
CBER APPEARANCE: Wavy brown hair with sunstreaks, a huge cowlick and side bangs. Purple glasses and brown eyes. Pretty short.
PERSONALITY: Shy around people I don't know well, but really loud when I get to know them. Tries hard to be nice to everyone.
PREFERRED WEAPON: A sword, but can use bow and arrows.
GODLY PARENT: Posiden? Please? Not because Percy's Posiden's son, but because I love the ocean so much!
HOBBIES: Drawing, reading, writing, gymnastics
LOCATION: Richmond, VA
(June 30, 2016 - 8:03 pm)
Oh yeah! Count me in!
CBER NAME: Bluebird (You can nickname her Blue if you want)
AGE: 12
GENDER: Female
CBER APPEARANCE: (Not my real appearance) Is she allowed to have dyed-blue hair? If not then short, (chin-length), wavy-curly, black hair, eyes that are three different colors (blue with flecks of green and amber) tanned skin, pretty tall (5' 6'' or so), lean and muscled, dimples that show most of the time because she smiles a lot, wears brightly colored clothes. I'll give you an example of an outfit- tie-dyed hoodie or t-shirt, white jeans/jean shorts, brightly colored converse, sometimes a headband and/or bracelets, earrings, nail polish, etc. (obviously brightly colored), and her CHB necklace, of course. Also, she carries a purple messenger bag everywhere.
I'm really sorry if that was confusing.
PERSONALITY: Bright, happy, fun, cheerful, etc. Very caring, genuinely loves everyone she meets. Not super smart but clever enough to find solutions to her problems. Definitely extraverted(unlike me). Likes to act on impulse rather than spend a lot of time on a plan.
ANY FIGHTING EXPERIENCE: Some. Has been going the CHB in the summers for about 4 years, so she is pretty good.
PREFERRED WEAPON: A silver double-sided battle axe. It's handle is made of leather, very worn from all of it's use. There is a tiny rainbow carved into the bottom of it's handle. (I don't fight in real life, so I'm using an axe because that is one of the only weapons I have actually used.) Also, running. She is very fast. (If that's OP than you can take that part away. I just thought that since Iris is the messenger of the gods, her daughter would be sort of fast...)
GODLY PARENT: Iris! I think I made it pretty clear with my choice of clothes. :)
HOBBIES: Socializing, talking, hanging out with the nymphs and naiads, long walks along the lakeside, being with her dad, having a good laugh, pretty much anything as long as she can share it with someone else.
LOCATION: CHB in the summers, Chicago, IL the rest of the year.
MC, SECONDARY, OR TERTIARY?: Whatever you need. Prefferably MC or secondary, but I don't care what you do.
OTHER: Nothing I can think of. If you need a backstory I can make one up.
(June 30, 2016 - 9:30 pm)
My godly parent will actually be either Aphrodite or Athena.
(July 1, 2016 - 8:17 am)