Giver RP!&nb
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Giver RP!&nb
Giver RP!
This RP is based off of the book The Giver, and is told through different formats. For example, one could use diary entries, weather logs, transcripts, and the like to compose your posts.
We are all Receivers, unnamed ones. The ones from back and back and back.
This begins on July 1st, and please try to at least reserve a spot before July 5th. No new people after the 10th, not even those who have reserved. Sorry! :(
Current Age:
Appearance(remember, there are no colors):
Number Receiver:
Are you currently training the next Receiver?
How long have you been the Receiver?
Name: Louise
Current Age: 18
Appearance: Louise has wavy hair going just beyond her shoulders(blonde to those that can see beyond). Her eyes are large and perceptive, seeming to look into your soul. She is exactly the average height, 5'6".
Personality: Strict and tough, but kind once you crack her shell. She is not noticeably smart, but she learns easily.
Number Receiver: 197
Are you currently training the next Receiver? No.
How long have you been the Receiver?6 years.
Other: Louise is social with the rest of the community.
Hope you enjoy!
(June 28, 2016 - 7:39 pm)
Top of page?
(July 1, 2016 - 9:04 pm)
Will post later today! My phone is about to die.
(July 2, 2016 - 10:22 am)
Wow, why did my name show up as CB16????
(July 2, 2016 - 10:24 am)
(July 2, 2016 - 2:25 pm)
(July 2, 2016 - 11:44 pm)
Please top, we can't lose this thread before it even starts.
(July 3, 2016 - 11:52 am)
This is starting the tenth, right? Also, top please. We can't lose track of this thread yet.
(July 3, 2016 - 10:41 pm)
Okay, new plan. Since I am a terrible person and totally forgot to write, this starts tomorrow. Thank you guys so much for your flexibility!
(July 5, 2016 - 4:14 pm)
It's okay, Young Writer, you are not a terrible person! We all make mistakes. I am looking forward to this RP, it sounds like a great idea!
(July 5, 2016 - 10:51 pm)
Top please
(July 6, 2016 - 12:42 pm)
I think I know who the next Receiver will be. There was a young girl with blue eyes at who received her bicycle today. She seemed so alive, not like the other Nines who were only reasonably excited. She was nearly uncontrollable, and nearly upset the Chief Elder. Imagine, a Nine causing such trouble through excitement. The Community is a failure.
Nothing else exciting happened at the Ceremonies, not that much ever does. Not a single one of the Newchildren cried today. They were probably sedated. Disgusting.
Young Writer: Maybe we could all be passing down information on how the leave the Community in these entries so that they ARE connected. Let me know what you think!
(July 6, 2016 - 1:35 pm)
Young Writer, I love it so far! I also do think we should be passing down information as you said. It could help connect our people together.
(July 6, 2016 - 3:34 pm)
Great! Thank you so much for your support. It has made my transition back into the CB much less awkward.
(July 6, 2016 - 5:16 pm)
You are welcome! You guys helped me when I returned to the CB, with all my questions, comments, and concerns. You all welcomed me back like old friends, even the CBers who I never met before. The least I can do is return the favor.
(July 6, 2016 - 8:11 pm)
(July 8, 2016 - 8:00 am)