Design a World!
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Design a World!
Design a World!
We all create a world! We create the beings, the customs, and everything else! You can join a group, or do it yourself. Have fun and be kind!
Here's my world:
Name: Sïthenaprä (sie-theen-a-pray)
Place/Location: A taiga.
Race: Anthro tigers and wolves
Customs: I'll post that later.
Religion: They believe in many gods and goddesses.
Myths: I'll post those later.
Clothing: I'll post pics later.
Language: Qalñemazok (kal-nyhee-mah-zohk). Here are some words: Sylkü (siel-koo), Rëmii (ree-mie), Kañutla (ka-nyhoo-tlah), Yrgöl (yur-gole), Aarlesyo (arl-eesyhoe), and Mtgrün (mtuh-groon)
Other: These people are highly advanced craftsmen.
submitted by BumbleBuddy, age Ageless, Nowhere
(June 3, 2016 - 6:44 pm)
(June 3, 2016 - 6:44 pm)
Here is a Sïthenaprian (sie-theen-a-prie-ian) myth:
The sun god, Reñata (ree-nyha-ta), was jealous of his sister, Irlzymbaz (url-ziem-baz) the moon goddess She had long white locks that lit up the night, while Reñata had short golden hair that barely lit up the day. So one night, Reñata snuck into Irlzymbaz's room and cropped her hair. He ran away to his own house and glued the beautiful locks onto his own head. When Irlzymbaz woke up, she was furious. Her face curdled and twisted with rage. She threw on a black hood and rode her horse, Surruno (sur-run-o), to her brother's house and knocked on his door. When Reñata peeped out the window, he saw his sister's heinous face looking back. "Open this door right now!" she demanded. Reñata instead jumped out his window and hopped on his horse, Myzuki (mie-zoo-kee). He cracked the reigns and the horse galloped away with lighting speed. Irlzymbaz leaped on her own horse and chased after him. Little by little, she turned her head slowly, searching for her brother. That is why the moon waxes and wanes and why day is brighter than night.
Spirit-rain says paxo. Do you like elephants and hyraxes?
(June 4, 2016 - 9:44 am)
Cool! I have a world that I'll post later!
(June 4, 2016 - 9:58 am)
Here's the land from my Charrie sheet thread:
Name: Ruwen
Place/Location: :D It's a fantasy country in the land of Nambia. The terrain is like England, I guess.
Race: Elves, Halflings (Hobbits), and Humans
Customs: *shrugs* nothin' really. It's a pretty basic fantasy world. Just full of crazy politics. XD
Religion: They believe in many gods and goddesses.
Myths: I'm working on them, but here's one.
In the beginning Arodon created the heavens, making a place for the gods to stay. Laerdor created the earth, so that they would not have to stay only in the heavens. But the earth was void and darkness covered it.
So he and Arodon called for Oron, Laerdor's father to make light. But they were not satisfied. Then they called Cathildis. She made another light. So there was day and night, the first day.
But Arodon and Laerdor were not satisfied. So they called Aerdis, Laerdor's mother. And she made an expanse of waters over the earth. But they were still not satisfied.
So Laerdor called his sister, Braigil. She made animals of every kind, and filled the waters, land and sky with them. But they were still unsatisfied.
So Laerdor created plants to satisfy the animals hunger. And he was satisfied. But Arodon was still unsatisfied. So he pulled up a little bit of Laerdor's earth.
He tried to make something with it. But it was too hard and he was unable to mold it properly. So he threw it back down to earth. His wife, Ferîkoia caught it and molded it a little more. Then she breathed life into it. Thus, the dwarves were made.
Arodon picked up another handful. This was too soft and it crumbled easily. He threw it down to earth.
But again, his wife Ferîkoia caught it. She molded it some more, breathed life into it, and dropped softly on earth. Thus, the halflings were made. But still Arodon refused to give up.
He scooped up more of Laerdor's earth. This was far to easy to mold, so he played with it, until he was bored.
Then, he threw it to earth. Once more, Ferîkoia caught it. Recognizing how easily it could be molded, she shaped it till she was satisfied with it. Thus, the elves were made.
Arodon scooped up more of the earth. This was the perfect combination for him. He molded it till he was satisfied. Then, he finally decided that it was finished. He breathed life into it and then set it down onto earth, so that the gods would have amusement.
Clothing: I have pics somwhere ...
Language: English, but it's called Ruwenian, and Elvish, known as Gîlarin by the elves. Here's some Gîlarin:
And = Tui
Angel = Orya
Angels = Oryan
Autumn = Kívü
Other: There are four countries in the continent of Nambia. Ruwen, where the elves and humans live, the dwarves and nomadic tribes of humans live in Jolon, Char'an, where the dragons live, and Oliun, where more humans live.
Hey! Sloth said bbfg! Biggest Big Friendly Giant!
(June 4, 2016 - 1:22 pm)
Name: Numareia
Location: There are many. It is a combination of plains, forests, and deserts.
Races: Elves, Humans, Demons, Dwarves, and Soni (Half-dragon half-human/elf)
Customs: fantasy world, you know
Religion: They believe in the 20 Seats (Major Gods/Godesses)
Myths: Separate posts
Clothing: Depends on race
Languages: Elvin, Dwarish, Demonic, and Humer.
Other: The elves can use magic, demons are ruthless and breathe fire (usally), dwarves are great craftsmen, and Soni are great warriors.
(June 4, 2016 - 9:03 pm)
Here's a world I've been developing since 2nd Grade. It's kind of like a utopia, an ideal place for people like me.
Name: Leovie, the land of imagination
Place/Location: A very small, nondescript island whose location changes with my thoughts. It's usually off the coast of Greece or Hawaii. It only appears to small to the unimaginative eye, but is really quite large and abounds with many diverse topographical features.
Race: Any type of animal species imaginable, including extinct ones. Also many fantasy animals as well, including gryphons, symiens, and nightblobs. There are also a few scattered villages of people, but they keep their population well under control and will not dominate Leovie.
Customs: There are so many.....
Religion: The religion of freedom. There are some rules, but only enough to keep the inhabitants under control. Leovie is very peaceful and so not many laws are necessary. Stories are sacred and held above all else, save for family and other important values.
Myths: Not many-- in my mind, Leovie is the birthplace of all inspiration and myth. I may write some later.
Clothing: The animals don't wear clothes, but the people do. They wear Native American-type stuff only instead of animal skins, they use a natural fabric known as roma.
Language: Leovian. I'm developing a dictionary as a project right now.
Other: ...
(June 4, 2016 - 9:50 pm)
Here's a random world that I don't know what to do with.
Name: Harqet (Har-ket)
Place/Location: A desert type of place (think middle east)
Race: Nomadic peoples, some other desert-like animals
Customs: Every fifty years, they have what is sort of like a jubilee year, if you've ever heard of that. The citizens have to move back to the land that originally belonged to their family, and in return give back the land that wasn't originally theirs to whoever's it was. Slaves return to their families, captives and prisoners are set free, and farmers don't plant or harvest their fields. It's pretty much a year of rest for everyone.
Religion: They believe that the sun and moon are gods, sort of like the sun is their father and the moon is their mother.
Myths: Well, they're very superstitious,
Clothing: Gypsy-like clothes, usually colorful and artistic.
Language: Harqete, based off of Arabic.
Other: Women are treated worse than men.
(June 5, 2016 - 8:46 am)