Chatterbox: Inkwell



I did this before, but I don't know if it posted...

So basically what you do here is you make charries and then other people can claim them. You can also claim other people's charries. If two people want the same charrie, you can change minor details about them. For example:

Cber #1:Can I have Megan?
Cber #2: Oooh, I want Megan!
Creator: CBer 1, you can have Megan. CBer two, you can have Erin. She's basically Megan except she's afraid of spiders, she has brown eyes, loves blueberry ice cream, and isn't shy anymore, though she's not a total extrovert.

You can make your charrie anyone you want! They can be a normal human or a talking cat! Anything! They can have powers or they can not have powers! The only limit is your imagination!

People can use charries for books they are writing or videos they are filming. When you give another person ownership of a charrie, they are free to change any aspects of the charrie they want to change.

So, yeah! Here's the sheet:







Problem: (Crush is going out with someone else, supervillian is taking over the world, ETC.)

Powers: (If any)


Favorites: (Favorite ice cream, animal, ETC.)

Relationships: (Crushes, friends, family, ETC.)

So, that's it! You don't have to fill out the whole form if you don't want to. Have fun exchanging!

submitted by Joss, age 13, ME
(May 30, 2016 - 7:02 am)

On the My Own Warriors wiki, there's a page for adoptable stories. That's kind of like what this thread is, so could we call it adoptable charries?

submitted by Scylla
(May 30, 2016 - 10:18 am)
submitted by Top!
(May 30, 2016 - 10:18 am)

I posted one in this Charrie Exchange:

So, if you want Baer Leift (pronounced: Bear Left), go to that post, and tell me on either or both of the Charrie Exchange posts.

submitted by Natalie, age ?, USA
(May 30, 2016 - 12:23 pm)


Do you want me to post my charrie on this exchange or the other one? 

submitted by September
(May 30, 2016 - 1:05 pm)

Well, I guess this one because it's closest to the top of Inkwell.

submitted by Joss
(May 30, 2016 - 4:17 pm)
Name: Carolyn Gold 
Age: 18
Personality: it really varies on the time. Whatever she needs to be she is.
Appearance: golden hair, golden eyes, fair skin a few freckles, and usually wears light green and light yellow
Backstory: she was cursed, to be light in the day but a dark spirit at night.
Problems: she tries to get rid of the curse
Power: light, and darkness
Hobbies: she likes to bend light and create pictures in wood
Favorite: (ice cream) vanilla ice cream,  (animal) swans, and  (favorite color) cream 
Relationships: none 
submitted by Vikki, age 10, The South
(May 31, 2016 - 7:41 am)

May I use Vikki for a video series?

submitted by Joss
(May 31, 2016 - 4:43 pm)

Ya! You can use Carolyn.

submitted by Vikki, age 10, The South
(May 31, 2016 - 6:32 pm)

I think you mean Carolyn? XD

submitted by Mei-xue (May-shreh), Fairyland
(May 31, 2016 - 7:21 pm)

I had this idea for an anthropomorphic kitsune a while ago, so, yeah.

Name: Kira

Age: 11 (she's starting middle school)

Gender: Female 

Personality: Outgoing, playful, and social. Knows what's fashonable and what's not. Clever and smart. Has an average amount of friends.

Appearance: She can change into any animal, but she prefers a fox. But when she's not a fox, she's a kitsune, and she looks like any other fox except with five tails.

Backstory: She was born, she went to school, blah blah blah. 

Problem: uh...

Powers: She can turn into any animal (she gains a power with each tail, but you can come up with them).

Hobbies: Doing makeovers and having fun!

Favorites: Food: Cheese. Animal: Cow. Color: Orange.

Relationships: You can come up with her friends and family and enimies!

submitted by BumbleBuddy, age Ageless, Nowhere
(June 1, 2016 - 7:14 am)

Okay I made up this character in an awesome game I once played. It started with cowboyVSindians and then it escalated to a game with spirits and animals and dragons and.... you get the idea. 


Name: I'm not sure.... wait, servant in Latin: Servus. Not cool enough for a giant spirit wolf. Friend in Latin: Amicus. Yes, Amicus shall be his name!

Age: Well he appeared at the beginning of time so..... ??

Gender: Male wolf.

Personality: Courageous, brave, and above all, loyal to his master; The Huntsman.

Appearance: A giant, glowing blue wolf with trustworthy eyes that seem to stare deep into your soul. He also has sharp teeth.

Backstory: He came into being with The Huntsman, the Worm, (Will post him soon), the Eagle, (her too), and the Dragon. (yes yes him as well).

Problem: His job is to guard and supervise the troublesome Worm, also the Eagle when they get together. (NOT AS IN LOVE.)

Powers: Well... he can speak with all the wolf packs of the world.... he can travel between worlds..... plus he has a connection with his making it so that they must both die at the exact same time otherwise they can't die. AKA One living, the other lives. They must both die in the exact same second, otherwise they survive. Oh yes, and he can embody humans.


Favorites: Colour: Green. Animal: Wolf. Person: The Hunter, his lifelng master and friend. =)

Relationships: The Hunter, also the Dragon, an amazing friend to each other.

Okay....I present.... THE DRAGON.

Name: Not sure, so everyone just refers to him as The Dragon.

Age: He also was created at the beginning of time so.....????

Gender: Male.

Personality: He is brave, fierce in the face of danger, and... well, whatever else you want to add to him.

Appearance: Picture a giant red Chinese Dragon with wild eyes and giant claws.

Backstory: Well.... I don't really know.

Problem: He has to help keep balance in all the realms. Also he's friends with Amicues/TheWolf so yeah, he also has an enemy known as The Worm.

Powers: He can embody people, he can breathe fire.....what esle? Anything ya wanna add to him.


Favorites: Colour: ????? Friend: The Wolf/Amicus

Relationships: The Wolf/Amicus.

Yep, both of these are up for grabs.

Coming soon, The Worm, The Eagle. =) 

submitted by Chinchilla, age ??????????, AwesomeLand
(June 2, 2016 - 2:58 pm)

Name: Lilah

Age: 17 

Gender: female 

Personality: funny risky shy smart witty her puns are super corny 

Appearance: short choppy copper red hair golden eyes glimmer and seem to change in the sunlight

Backstory: both parent are dead or gone she doesn't know

Problem: (Crush is going out with someone else, supervillian is taking over the world, ETC.) she has a watch that is able to stop time but her enemy Wiska The talking cat gets it. 

Powers: (If any) mind reading and she can change into anything 

Hobbies: reading writing singing

Favorites: (Favorite ice cream, animal, ETC.) hammerhead shark and rainbow sherbert 

Relationships: (Crushes, friends, family, ETC.) BFF Rachel Famly unknown Cruch leo herc from her High school honers math.

submitted by Katness E., age 11, long island sound
(July 2, 2016 - 11:24 pm)