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Chatterbox: Inkwell
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Importent messages!
This is the place where we talk about rps! It's sort of like an rp yellow pages. If you are beginning an rp, and want to get the word out, you could post something like this:
Basic plot line:
Max number of charries:
Other info:
Status: (ex, in progress, need more charries.)
It would save a lot of time and trouble. Or, if you have an rp that's dying, and you would like people to post, you can say so here, instead of having to make a whole new thread about it. I'm sure this sort of thing has been done before, but I just wanted to try it. Thanks!
submitted by Shadowmoon , age 13, Castle Glenwood
(May 21, 2016 - 10:27 am)
(May 21, 2016 - 10:27 am)
Name: Warriors RP
Basic plot line: Cats go missing, one from WindClan, one from ShadowClan, one from ThunderClan, and one from RiverClan**(We're getting rid of SkyClan in this RP). But then, a strange, new cat turns up. Her silver pelt shimmers like no other, and her deep eyes seem to see into your mind. As usual, ThunderClan welcomes her into their Clan, treating her like one of their own.
The weird, silver-pelted cat's name is Evil.
Max number of charries: No maximum.
Other info: For a contest
Status: Waiting for Abigail and Queen Elizabeth, but others can join if they're not already in the contest. Or they could switch over, but that's probably not allowed.
(May 21, 2016 - 12:20 pm)
I so want to join! I absolutely-tootly love the Warriors series!
(May 22, 2016 - 9:01 am)
Name: Warriors RP
Basic plot line: Cats go missing, one from WindClan, one from ShadowClan, one from ThunderClan, and one from RiverClan**(We're getting rid of SkyClan in this RP). But then, a strange, new cat turns up. Her silver pelt shimmers like no other, and her deep eyes seem to see into your mind. As usual, ThunderClan welcomes her into their Clan, treating her like one of their own.
The weird, silver-pelted cat's name is Evil.
Max number of charries: No maximum.
Other info: For a contest
Status: Waiting for Abigail and Queen Elizabeth, but others can join if they're not already in the contest. Or they could switch over, but that's probably not allowed.
(May 21, 2016 - 12:20 pm)
(May 21, 2016 - 1:07 pm)
Does this work for a book?
Name: The Elementi Chronicles Book 1: The Stone of Serenity
Basic Plot Line: A Feral is stealing the Stones of Harmony and they must be saved lest the world fall into chaos. Read for more information!
Max number of charries: I'm not really putting a limit. I guess it's as many as I feel like adding.
Other info: Find it in BaB! "I'm writing a..."
Status: In progress; unfinished.
(May 21, 2016 - 3:01 pm)
@Scylla, Sure, feel free!
(May 21, 2016 - 5:00 pm)
(May 25, 2016 - 3:49 pm)
Name: Marel RP
Basic Plot Line: Everyone has a different type of magic (each kind can't be used more than once). Demons are trying to destroy our planet, Marel, so we have to stop them.
Max Number of Charries: I don't have a limit, but I don't want like 30, or something super high like that.
Other info: We don't need demons, but you can be one if you want to be.
Status: I want at least one other charrie, so join quickly, before I start!
(May 29, 2016 - 6:27 pm)
Name: Lunar Chronicles Fanfiction
Basic Plot Line: After the last book in the series ends, the main characters have new adventures/a new life (which we will make up). They might meet new people that we make up. There is no Queen Levana! We will choose how long after the last book
this story takes place. The story will take place after Luna becomes a
Max Number of Charrie: There is no max, but I don't want a super large amount. THERE IS A SPECIFIC REQUIREMENT WE NEED BEFORE WE START! See below...
Other info: I already claimed Cinder, but we need Scarlet, Cress, Winter, Emporer Kai, and Thorne. If no one takes a few of the main characters, you can take a second one. But, wait until I say that that it is okay. We will write the story in third person, but you will write focusing on your character. The charrie sheet is in the post. There will be no Cyborg Lunars!
Status: No charries have joined yet.
(May 30, 2016 - 7:47 am)
Name: Marked RP
Basic plot line: (this is the description from the RP) Basically, in a land far far away.... some people have a mark on their wrist that gives them the power over 1 of the elements. (fire, water, light, wind, ice, earth, and darkness.) Multiple people can have the same Mark. Those who are Marked are considered outlaws, and are hunted by a group known creatively as .... The Hunt!
Max number of charries: 11 of the spots are left, 9 have been filled
Other info: N/A
Status: (ex, in progress, need more charries.) needs a few more charries
(June 2, 2016 - 6:48 pm)