Hey guys! I'm
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Hey guys! I'm
Hey guys! I'm back!
Hey guys! It's me, Moonshadow! The older one! Other Moonshadow, don't worry, I'm not stealing your name. I was here for a while under that name, though. But since there are so many moons, I'm changing my name to Shadowmoon! I left for a while, then decided it would be akward to post under Moonshadow again becuase I was gone for so long. But I'm back now, and Shadowmoon is going to be my new name. I have a new capthca, Luna. She's a sassy, grey wolf. I don't have an ae yet.
Luna says hdva. What does that mean?
*head vualt*
Do I want to know what that means?
submitted by Shadowmoon/Moonshado, age 13, Moon
(April 22, 2016 - 4:20 pm)
(April 22, 2016 - 4:20 pm)