Hello Everyone!

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Hello Everyone!

Hello Everyone!

So, I was looking at the ultimate guide to the CB the other day, and I came across something called a Character Cafe (here's the definition)

Character Cafe (noun, activity): An activity in which CBers take characters from stories, etc. that they want to develope, and send them to a cafe with other CBer's characters. Earliest known esablishment: unknown.  

And I've never seen any of them on the Inkwell, so I think we should do one. I might be doing a lot of things wrong because I'm new here, so please correct me if I make any mistakes. I think it's a cool idea!

P.S. I don't know if we are supposed to have character sheets. If we are, tell me and I'll make one.Laughing 

submitted by Bluebird
(April 16, 2016 - 2:04 pm)

That sounds like a really cool idea, Bluebird! I'll haven't seen a Character Cafe on the Chatterbox at all yet, so it would be fun to try one out. But I'm pretty new also, so just because I haven't seen one doesn't mean there isn't one out there somewhere. :)


Here's the previous one: http://www.cricketmagkids.com/chatterbox/inkwell/node/138289


submitted by Linnea G., age 11, Oregon
(April 16, 2016 - 3:21 pm)