Remade "Real" R

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Remade "Real" R

Remade "Real" RP

Somebody made this, then it died, then she made it again, and now I'm remaking it because it was super-hilarious, amazing, and the plotline is amazing.

So, basically, in the original, you wake up and discover that you have your CB appearance (the way you picture it), personality, gadgets, whatevers, and your AEs and CAPTCHAs are running around your room. If they're the sort to be running. (AEs/CAPs optional.) Then you go on CB and find a bunch of people are experiencing the same things and everyone oes to Los Vegas and crazy stuff happens. But this time, let's not make it Vegas, because I want a kind of different story. How about... NYC?

You have till Thursday morning to join, but there are no limits on how many people can. You can write as soon as you join and just add new people to the mix until the deadline. Charrie sheets aren't nessecary since we probably know each other. One last rule: Let's keep the CAPITAL LETTERS to a minimum. I know AEs are hyperactive, but it's easier to read in lowercase.

Obviously, I join! Mandy (I upgraded Critic A. Mandy is basically the same but she is a more insane, likes tripping people, and just stuffs the blame on someone else. Her pen-dagger is like Riptide from Percy Jackson, except it's well, a dagger) and Ookz are coming to life... I wonder how that will turn out... 

Okay! This will be fun! Please join! :D

submitted by Abigail S., age 11, Nose in a Book
(April 4, 2016 - 10:37 am)

"There's one small problem," Critic A says as I turn towards my bedroom door. "How the parakeet are we going to get to NYC?"

"It's CB world," I say. "Anything we imagine can be!" I hop down the stairs, thinking hard. Even though what I said is true, I do need to invent some means of transportation. Mandy tumbles cheerily after me, and Critic gives her a kick.

"Ow," Mandy whines, hitting Critic with a chocolate bar. The grammar girl narrows her eyes under her glasses and reaches for her pendagger.

"Hey!" I slap Critic's hand away. She grumbles. We exit the house, standing on the sidewalk, and begin to brainstorm.


"Boring. Helicopter!"

"Nah, how could we land any of that in New York?" 

Ookz, who has been following, pipes up. "Iysb flgn mokr!"

"Invisible..." Mandy tries to translate the CAPTCHA-Speak. "Flapping mandrake!"

"Invisible flying machine," Critic A corrects her. "That's actually a good idea, Ookz!"

Suddenly, there's a pop, and a vehicle that looks much like a mini-submarine with wheels and wings appears on the street. "Sweet!" I say, racing towards it. I swing open the door and we all pile in. There's a button on the dashboard that says, "INVISIBILITY". I press it, and there's a weird tingling sensation. But I can still see everything. Critic A pops open the door and looks at it from outside. "Aha, it's only invisible from the outside!" she says. "It must have a confuclian invisibilty cross-dimensional drive,"

"Speak English," Mandy whines.

As they argue, I glance around at the IFM. Though from the outside it appears small (when it's visible, that is) in here, it's rather roomy. There's a comfy tan pilot's chair facing the windshield, for starters. I wonder which of us is going to drive, then I see a lever labeled AUTOPILOT. Switching it to "on", a hologram of a robot appears in the driver's seat. A flat, expressionless, voice proclaims, "Where would you like to go?"

"Uh... New York City, please," I reply.

"Loading GPS feed," the voice says.

While it does that, I continue to look around. There are three— no, four— seats set up. They are all beige, like the pilot's, and look very cuisiony. By the first one, there is a small table with a bookshelf underneath. On closer inspection, the books are all dictionaries. 

"Ooh, this must be my seat!" Critic A flops in and buckles her seatbelt. She hangs up her satchel on a small hook on the chair and extracts her notebook and pens, which she places on the table. 

Mandy has claimed a chair too, but her side table has a bowl of popcorn and a glass of milk. Instead of a bookshelf, she has a mini-TV on which she is, apparently, watching a soap opera on.

Mine has a shelf like A's, but stuffed with my favorite fantasy novels. I grin and sink in, pulling the 7th Harry Potter novel out, then discover that my journal and a few chocolate chip cookies are now perched on the top, which makes me smile wider.

The fourth chair is tiny, more like a bed. Ookz snuggles in it with his teddy bear Ipzy and is soon asleep.

The flying machine lifts off the road and into the air. 

I laugh. "NYC, here we come!"  

submitted by Abi and Co.
(April 8, 2016 - 2:19 pm)


I make sure I have everything, then make everyone take a bathroom break before we get in her plane. I go through last, pausing one last time to look in the mirror.

I really like it.

I really like me. I even discovered I have a satchel with the look that is full of infinite art supplies! Katie is really okay as well. She isn't drop dead gorgeous, but definitely cute!

Me, on the other hand. Or should I say Katydid, is drop dead adorable! I could never have dreamed of looking like this. I had never realized how much my chatterbox appearance was like my real life one, but better in every way possible! I feel so much more confident, and the fact that I could probably win anyone's heart with this smile is amazing. The only downside is my shortness. 

I've never been a short kid, and I was 5'8", but I shrunk four inches! Luckily my clothes still fit!

"KATTYYY!!!" KitKat shreiks, and I hurriedly rush out of the bathroom and onto my yard. "LOOK WHAT HE DID!!! I AM GOING TO SLAUGHTER THE LITTLE RASCAL!!!"

I panic, looking around for culrpit as well as the problem. When I find it, I double over laughing. Kit Kat's plane is covered in polka dots, and twice the size it was before. Grasshopper, who was manically laughing before, is now running for his life! 

He hops over to me and jumps into my arms before turning into his Grasshopper form. I hold him safely in my hand, much to Cricket's dissatisfaction.

"We need a bigger plane anyways," I scold, avoiding her swinging wrench and moving to grab my backpack.


"CRICKET! We can turn it back!" I shake my head, stepping over to the plane. "But only after we get there! Now come on!"

She is about to protest when I zip her mouth shut with Chatterbox powers. "I'll turn it back once you start flying us!"

It takes us about five minutes to load up, and then we are on our way.  We each have our own seat, including Sicily, and there is a snack generator like the one from Star Trek! 

"Popcorn anyone?" 

submitted by Katydid
(April 8, 2016 - 3:51 pm)

Cho ~

"Elsa, hope are we going to get to New York?" I ask quietly, hoping Coco doesn't hear. "I dunno. Use your imagination," she says with a shrug.

"Fine then, we're going to get to New York in a Corellian YT-1300 freighter. With that food machine thingy from the Hunger Games and a kitchenette," I retort sarcastically. A twisting feeling surges through me in the back of my mind and I hear a small "click". 

"Look outa wind owno wnow!" Sloth shrieks.


submitted by Cho Chang
(April 8, 2016 - 4:54 pm)

Ten minutes later, I'm sitting on my bed listening to Vixtion sing Wicked in CAPTCHA speak. After the second chorus of "Immm flyn high, dfyn gvty!" I have to yell "Stop!" Vixtion stops and looks at me, cocking her head. I sigh. "Look, I promise we'll stop at Broadway when we get there, but first, well, we need to GET THERE!" MewFour was hovering the corner, looking at Vixtion sing. I could have sworn his eyelids were drooping, but when I looked back his bright violet eyes were wide awake. 

Vixtion looked back at me with a withering glare. (Probably for interrupting her performance) "Just imgn nytg yoou want. Chtb cnnn make nytg real. Itts mgic." 

"Magic, huh?" I said out loud. I spotted a little notebook lying on my desk, like the ones that reporters use. Opening my desk-drawer, I rifled through it and pulled out a glittering purple ink pen. Hunching over the notebook, MewFour and Vixtion peering over my shoulder, I scribbled 'Amber summoned a super-fast blue motorcycle.' A bright light flashed outside. I raced to the window, my pigtails flowing behind me, and looked out it. Sitting in my driveway was an electric blue motorcycle, dragon-fire flickering out of its motors. I turned to MewFour, who was standing ther with an incredulous look on his face, and said "I figure it's like an RP. Anything I write, I'll have." Vixtion was pressing her black nose against the window, and her eyes blazed. Together we raced out of the house and up to the 'cycle.

It was a brilliant blue color, with darker navy waves running down the side as if they were being blown back by the slipstream. When I stroked it, it purred, as if actually alive. As Vixtion and I were admiring it, MewFour came out, acting nonchalant. But I knew even my vain Pokémon was a little impressed by the machine. "Why a motorcycle?" he asked, give it a once-over. I shrugged. 

"I dunno. I've alawys wanted to ride one, and now I can." A thought suddenly came to my mind, and I whipped out the little notebook and pen. "The... motorcycle was... a beauty... and best of all... Amber would never fall out... as long... as she rode in it." A shine ran over the cycle, and I sat down, contented. Vixtion hopped into the sideseat, but MewFour hesitated. I looked back at him, pitingly. MewFour would never fit on the car, and his psychic powers weren't strong enough to bring him up to the speed of this ultra-fast machine. 

Then a thought popped into my head. I wrote down the words, 'Amber pulled a Masterball out of her pocket.' My pocket glowed, and I pulled out a purple Masterball. I've always wanted to do this, I thought with a smile. "MewFour, return!" I shouted, casting my hand out. My AE obliged and let himself be transported into the ball. Tucking it safely in my pocket, I rared the motorcycle to life. Vixtion snuggled down, flattening her ears. I made myself a helmet, put it on, and shot down the street. Blazing past the houses, I yelled "New York! Here we come!"

submitted by Amber, age 12, Harry Potter Novel 1
(April 8, 2016 - 6:21 pm)

Sorry this post is a little late!


It was a typical morning, the sun was shining, the birds were singing, nothing could have gone wrong. Until, in one moment, it all did. 

My alarm clock rang at 5:15 that morning, the usual time that I wake up, so I didn't really suspect anything weird or abnormal. Instead, I just turned over and tossed a pillow over my head.

"Wow!" a female voice said. "She can actually sleep through all of that noise?"

"Idon otkn ow," a male voice said from what sounded like came from a corner. "When doyo uthi nksh ewil lwak eup?" 

"Soon," the female voice told him. "She's bound to notice something." 

I heard this whole conversation from underneath my pillow, but I didn't want the people who were talking to know that I was awake. So, I just turned over again and tried to fall back asleep. Until, I felt something hard on my back that wasn't there before.

"See? I told you she would wake up sooner or later!" the female voice cried out triumphantly. 

I sat up in bed finally allowing my eyes to open and see clearly. A raven looking at me stood on the windowsill, and there was a boy wearing armor in the corner. I shrieked. 

"Why is there a boy in my room?!?! I'm not dressed properly!!!"

"Calm down," the boy said as fingered his sword. "We're not going to hurt you."

"And seriously, would you hurry up Joan? Time's a wasting, all of the other CBers are probably in New York already!" the raven added. 

I shrieked again. "First of all, my name is not Joan. Second of all, ravens don't talk!"

"Well, it's not my fault that you made me a girl that can turn into a raven." An awkward silence followed. "You still don't know me do you?" the raven asked.

I shook my head. "I've never seen you before in my life."

The boy in the corner grunted. "Come on Puck. Show her yourself."

The raven sighed. "Fine. There, now do you recognize me?" As she said this, the raven dissapeared and in it's place stood a young girl. She wore a dark purple shirt and black breeches. In her hair was a black headband, which had a purple carnation on it. Across her body was slung a lavender satchel. The last thing I noticed about her was the big black raven wings attached to her shoulders. 

I gasped. "Puck?"

She smiled. "In the flesh and blood."

"But that can't be right, you're just a figment of my imagination!"

"Well, not anymore!" Puck said gleefully. "Seriously though, you can't have thought you could have kept Sir Galahad and I there much longer! Your imagination is so cluttered with your brilliant ideas, there's barely any room for us to live! Oh, and would you hurry up? Like I said before, time's a wasting!"

"What do you mean?"

"Look for yourself." Puck said as she pointed downstairs where my family's computer was. "I already looked, there is so many threads talking about things like: "Help, I'm Owlgirl!" or "My AE's and CAPTCHA are alive!"  

I rushed downstairs and logged onto my account. Sure enough, Puck was right. There WAS a bunch of threads. Most of them about how their AE turned up in their room that morning, or how they looked like their CB selves. I just kept scrolling through all of them until I found something that could be useful. An anonymous CBer had typed up, "Go to New York." Apparently, I was the last one to see the post, because a bunch of CBers had already typed in "Headed to NY city, see you there!" Or, something like that. 

Puck stood on top of the stairs. "Well, are we going or not?"

"Just a sec. Let me get ready." I ran downstairs one more flight of stairs, and looked in the mirror. Once more, for the third time that day, I shrieked. My brown hair was still there, and was pulled neatly into a high ponytail, but my green eyes were gone. In their place were eyes that were bluish-greenish. Eyes that when you looked at them, they looked like they belonged to a girl who was always thinking about something, and was filled with curiousity. Eyes that... didn't belong to me. Or at least, I didn't think so. I looked at the rest of myself. My chin was more pointed, and I had a scar that ran from the top of my right eyebrow to the bottom of my left eye. I wore a maroon scarf, and a black turtle neck. I looked down at my pants, which were jeans, as usual. The only thing that had changed was that I wore boots, instead of my usual converse sneakers. I reached down into my boots, and pulled out two daggers. "Sweet!"  I whispered. Strapped around my body was a belt, and on my back, I wore a sword. "Even cooler." I whispered again.

Running back upstairs, I looked around for Puck and Sir Galahad.

"Puck?" I called as I walked into my room. "Are you here?" A blast of cold water answered my question. 

"Haha!!!" Puck shouted gleefully from behind the door. "You should have seen your face!!!"

I smiled, despite the fact that I was shivering and Puck had tricked me. "Come on you two. We're taking a little trip to New York City."


P.s. I actually do wake up at 5:15 every morning. (I have zero hour jazz band, and it takes me about an hour to get ready believe it or not.)


submitted by Joan B. of Arc, age 13, Camelot
(April 8, 2016 - 8:02 pm)

Wow this is going fast! :D


Nova began pacing around the room, packing stuff in a hiking backpack. Along with being sleep-deprived, I was very uneasy seeing a highly-advanved robot in my midst. 

Only a minute after she got out the waterproof bag, she has strategically placed everything we need inside. 

"Now," she said, staring at my dropping eyes. "How will we get there."

"I don't know," I replied, dazed.

Suddenly, Wubdub began hopping arpund the room, trying to fly. "Meee! Ride meee!"

"Ha ha," Nova scoffed sarcastically. "You're too small."

Instantly, an idea popped into my head. "What a minute!" I walk over to him. "I remember now, one of my books!"

My AE stares at my curiously.

I groan. "Oh come on! You haven't read it?"

"You haven't even written it yet."

I shrug. "Working on that. But anyway, in my book, the griffin magically grows to full size!"

"How?" she asks.

"Uh, pills. But Fauna wasn't the one who gave em to him." I waved my hands dramatically, and Wubdub begins to grow.

He lets out a surprised chirp, and it suddenly becomes a loud roar.

"Whoa!" says Nova.


continue later.  

submitted by The Novelist, On the way
(April 8, 2016 - 10:43 pm)

Thankie :D


l know l'm half awake, l've been drifting in and out of sleep for the last half hour. Which is a bit odd, beacause l'm a deep sleeper.

l open both eyes and roll onto my side to see the clock. It's nearly six o'clock. Wait, how did l read the clock without my glasses? l look to the ceiling of my room, but it isn't a sea blue, but a sharp, contrasting pale blue.

Panic ripples through me. Something's wrong with my eyes! 

l akwardly slide off of my bed, suddenly feeling very heavy, trying to land on my feet. But instead, l akwardly fall onto the ground with a dull thud. l feel so heavy. Something is very, very wrong. My vision is changed, the colors sharpy different, the whole world seeming a bit fuzzier.

Okay. Carefully stand up. Don't panic. Except, well, l'm not bipedal anymore. Or so it seems. My arms are arms no longer, but shorter and thicker. And clawed. Four legs. Good. A long tail, which as soon as l realize it's there,  l keep knocking thigs over in my room with. Head and neck. Also good. l carefully open my jaw, realizing that it's longer and feels more powerful. And teeth. No, rather fangs. Large and sharp.

l think l do know who l am and the thought scares me. l carefully creep my way down the hallway, to the mirror at the end. 

Part of me doesn't want to, but the other part is far too curious. Curiosity  finally wins, and l quietly pad across the floor to the large mirror.

Uncertainty and fear run thorugh me at first, but resaon outweighs it. My brain is confused by the sight before it, before l am able to puzzle it out. l can feel all hope sinking within me.

For l am a dragon. A shadow dragon. 

l'm about six feet from tail to nose, and three feet at the shoulder. My body is built like a canine predator, four short, thick legs, ending in long, curved claws, a long tail, and large shoulders and a long jaw, full of teeth for tearing things up. Not akin to a canine, howver, is that l have wings, large one, with edges that seem to disapear in shadow. l can't open them fully--the room is too small. My scales are pure black, that gleam sliver when they catch the light. There are many of them, fitting together like a flexible coat of chain mail.

l've become a monster.

l don't look human, the only thing that simlar to my human self is my eyes-they're larger but the same dull green, and the two curving hrons beside my cat-like ears, which are a dark gold, akin to the color of what my hair once was.

l don't like it.

l was fine with what l was as a human, but this, this isn't me. This is a creature, a predator, made for killing.  l know who l am--l'm not Shadow, not a dragon, not this--l'm Jessica, human, normal, if silghtly odd. 

l still have my memories as a human-most of them, anyways. But they seem to be fading, as if part of my brain is human and the other dragon.

l try to remember one of the most human things.

Love. Feel the love. You know love, don't you?


Love. All l have is a word. But there is nothing else. Love is like infinity, you know what it is, but for heaven's sake you have no idea what it is like.

My mind is now spinning. What is love?

l turn to the mirror, but all l can see now is what l don't want to see. Without even thinking, l lunge forward and slam my shoulder into the glass. 

If l was human, l would bleed. But l'm not. Monsters don't bleed.


Even in this dark house, in the early morning, l can tell that everything seems much more....alive. More sounds, more scents. 

My ears catch the sound of scratching sounds, like a small animal. My attention instinctively snaps to the sound.

l find the sound coming from my room. A small creature, half between a bird and a dragon, is making small noises.

It's faintly familar to me, although l'm pretty sure that l've never seen it in my life.  The creature gives a suprised meep, and l try to say its name. But l can't. The word doesn't sound a bit like English, tripping over sharp teeth and forked tongue. Suprise, suprise, l can't speak human words. 

Recognition flares through Cyclone ad he flares his wings, making pleased sounds. l don't want to think of the connection--l've already made it.

Something seemingly innocent has changed my life. 

l open the screen of my laptop, my claws leave deep scratches in the plastic, but l really don't care anymore. The fans and blue side lights come whirring to life. It doesn't take me long to find out that everyone else, too, is experiencing similar problems to mine. l feel a bit jealous, honestly. None of them are mythical predators who can't speak English. l've just about seen enough of it, l can't really do anything more, when l see a slightly different post, by an unknown person.

Go to NYC.

That's all it said. So simple and yet very powerful. As if the words themselves where going to drag me to New York.

l laugh-except it comes out as more of a snarl. NYC? How am l supposed to get there? l've barely even been out of my own state and now someone wants me to go across the country?

....But do l have another choice? Everyone in this house is gone, and l've turned into a dragon. l will find no answers here.

l growl softly at Cyclone. l have no idea if he understands me, but he seems to get it and jumps on my back.

Outside l flare my wings out. 

To New York for the answers.

Answers is all l want.  


submitted by Shadow Dragon, age Infinity, Babylon
(April 9, 2016 - 12:59 am)

Cho made a mistake with my CB hair, it's not platinum blonde in CB version! 


"AARGH!" I hear my sister scream, and a bunch of racket sounds. Go back to sleep! I think, and then realize that I'm boiling. "What's all this noise, and why am I roasting?" I ask sleepily.

"Um, you know it's summer!" She says brightly.

"Right." I roll over, meaning to go back to sleep. Wait a second, it's not summer... I press the indiglo button on my watch, and the date is: Tuesday, 4-5-16. It's April. Not summer. I'm about to announce that to Hannah, but decide that it's not worth the trouble. As I try to find a cool spot on my bed, something changes, giving me a small headache for a minute. I drift of back to sleep, panting happily... Only to be woken up a few minutes later. "I'M ASIAN!" Hannah shrieks comically. It's a Tuesday! We're homeschooled, WE LIKE TO WAKE UP LATER THAN 5:00. I will her to go back to sleep. Of course she's not Asian! "Coco?" She asks, coming over to my bed. "I'm not Coco!" I say in response, but she doesn't seem to understand me. I hear a voice saying, "Can't a cat get any sleep around here?" What? We don't have a cat! And even if we did, it wouldn't be able to talk...

Something very wrong is going on here.

Gtg will finish later. 

submitted by Coconut the dog, age I forgot, In the bed
(April 9, 2016 - 7:33 am)

"Go to New York?" I say sadly. "I'm already in New York! Why couldn't we go somewhere cool, like Ireland or Egypt?"

Well, my personality hasn't changed, that's for sure... or at least so far. I suppose it would be nice to become the witty, jokey Joan D. Plume that I've always imagined my dream self being, but again... it's not me. It's a fantasy.

Well, isn't everything a fantasy, now?
"I don't know," says Feather, sarcastically, "Maybe because New York is as famous as Washington, DC and it's a dream place to visit?"

"Yes! Washington would be fun to go to too!" I say, ignoring the rest of her sentence. "The sign said they were going to finish that interesting-looking museum in 2016! We should go there!"

"Well, take advantage of being alone in the house," says Feather, wisely. "Soon, there'll be five billion people here. Don't you want to impress them?"

Oh, that's cold.

I love impressing people and she knows it. 

Now she's just playing to my weaknesses.

"Like flying, for instance. Don't you want to try flying?"

Now she's just being an instigator.

"And as soon as I get up into the air, Dev's gonna shoot holes in my wings, am I right?"

"Dev is holding an ice pack on his head and is not very interested in shooting anything at the moment."

I don't like this. I really don't like this. If I'm taking orders from an Alter Ego, I'm pretty much taking orders from my little brother. But Feather is clever, more clever than I think I've ever put past her. Impressing people? Yes. Flying? Double yes! My one wish, my one fantasy dream has been to fly. And now I can.

So what am I waiting for?

I consider leaving the house and locking Feather and Dev up in there, but they'd probably tear down the whole thing. Instead, I bring them both outside with me (leaving Dev's blaster and Feather's books inside) and into the backyard.

"So now ur gonna to do one of thos fancee movee things were u spread ur wings and the lite shins on ur face and dramatick music plays, rite?" says Dev, whacking Feather with his ice pack. I confisticate it.

"Why not? If that's what'll make me fly, I'll do it. Although I'd rather just jump and catch the breeze."

Feather stares at me, raising on eyebrow. "Are you serious? 'Catch the breeze'? If you think like that, you're going to need a flying instructor."

"I am not taking lessons from you. I can do this myself, thanks."

Pride. Another trait. Is she doing this on purpose?

I decide I don't want anyone watching and put Feather and Dev back in the house, appointing Clode in charge. Hopefully an adorable fluffy puffball that speaks in four-letter words only will be able to stop them. But who knows? Maybe he's got something up his sleeve.

I step into the middle of the yard, and try to figure out what to do.

The first step? Probably actually moving my wing muscles. I know now that these very heavy bulky things were what felt wrong this morning, and I know from looking in the mirror that they are huge. Hopefully my shoulderblades are really, really strong.

Surprisingly, it's not as hard as I thought. I suppose it's like having a tail: you can't imagine having it until you have one, and then it's not odd at all. In fact, the muscles controlling my wings seem as obvious as the ones in my legs, now; they're just simply there, at my command, just ready.

Raise? Instinct. Flap? Instinct. Fall? Instinct. I was born to do this. It's so simple, so easy, that I have to wonder what I was ever worried about. Are they not just a part of me, as my arms are a part of me or my head is a part of me? I am twelve years old. I can move myself. I know more than basic motor skills. I know how to walk and grip and kick and roll my neck. Now I know how to fly.

There really is no difference.

Flying itself is just as easy. The books were wrong, the books were so wrong. You do not need to practice, there is no such thing as trial and error. You simply know, know exactly what to do and where to go and how to do it. 

It is impossible to describe flying to one who has never done it.

You cannot describe the feelings of wind, wind battering your ears and face but yet being so absurdely gentle on your wings. Wind, wind always being your friend as it knows exactly what to do and how to support those feathered muscles. Wind pushing up on your body and keeping you aloft and being there, promising it will catch you if you fall.

There is simply nothing like it.

I'm up there for an eternity, maybe even two. Time does not matter in the sky, nothing matters in the sky. But finally I find wind giving way and my muscles getting sore and I'm forced to land, but I know what to do because I've seen birds land and I've seen airplanes land and I've read about it and all it is is doing it and my muscles already know how to do it so why make a mistake? Why make a mistake now when my record is clean?
I land seamlessly.


By the way, as a side note: You may be wondering why I keep referencing Joan D. Plume. That is not my real name, don't worry. Joan D. Plume is the pen name I made up for myself and it's the name that I imagine I'll get famous with (vainly, maybe, but I'm being honest here). I have a lot of dreams for Joan D. Plume.

submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(April 9, 2016 - 10:17 am)

Can I just...take...your beautiful writing..and have some of it? ;-;

You. Are. Freaking. Talented.

I need to up my game! How do you write like thaaatt!!

I don't think Sicily likes your writing however! He says pooo! I do believe he is a tad bit jealous!

submitted by Katydid
(April 10, 2016 - 1:34 am)


"So," I ask, "How are we going to get to New York?" I look at the thread. "I don't know," Valerie says. "We could.... go by hot air balloon!" I suggest. "The CBer?"  Valerie asks. "No," I answer, "but I am begining to think that isn't such a good idea either way." We both look at Fred. Fred is a baby hippo in case you forgot. "Nkku," he says in protest. We turn away and look back at the thread from Anyonymous. "Nncd," we hear fom Fred's direction. "Great idea!" I say happily. "We can take a magic flying Bicycle!" "Where do we get one of those?" Valerie asks. "I remembered that my Lemon banana self bought a flying bicycle, and now since I am my Lemon banana self I should have that bicycle!" Valerie grabs a backpack and begins to pack her black belt and her Shakespeare set of books. Fred packs a clean tuxedo and a hippo-safe iron. I grab fruit, (we are all fruit enthusiasts.), crackers and money and my iPad. We go and get my bike from the garage. Lukily I have a two-person bike and Fred can ride in the bike basket. (Yes, I did buy the super strong bike basket.) We  fly into the sunrise. 

submitted by Lemon banana, age 10, MT
(April 9, 2016 - 11:31 am)

Back! Btw, I noticed my writing on here is a little sketchy right now, I've been busy writing other things, and I don't really have time to craft my stuff into long posts like I usually do, so sorry if I write something that sounds really bad. My tenses are already getting mixed up.


Nova jumps back, surprised. 

Wubdub has become a fully grown griffin, with a head made from feathers the color of snow. His wings are big and wide, spreading out like the sky. His beak his shiny and the color of gold, with a giant lion-tail flicking back and forth. His fron legs are talons, curved and sharp. His startue could destroy anything, but alas, griffins only eat grass.

He looks at me and lets out a deep sound. His eyes are still big and black, as if they were pieces of coal.

"Well," I say, "let's get going." I climb onto the cyptid's back.

"Whoa whoa whoa," says Nova disapprovingly. "Can't you see how tired you are?! I should be the one controlling it."

I sigh. "Okay, for one, it's a he, and it's not about controlling, but mutual respect*. Also, you know I can never go to sleep once I've been awoken. And I'm not going to put my life in the hands of a machine."

She stares at me. "You're not you anymore. You're the Novelist, which means you might fall asleep in mid-air and kill us all. And I'm not putting my life in the hands of a living creature."

I consider if she's right or not. All I want to do is sleep. I could nap while she flies, but what if she glitches or runs out of battery power?

She stares at me.

I groan and give in. "Fine!"

She grins and jumps on, and we switch places--her in the front, me in the back.

I sigh as she tugs on the griffin, and it lesaps outside and into the air. We are transported up into the sky.


Contiued later, I'm crazy :P 

submitted by The Novelist, The Secret Forest
(April 9, 2016 - 1:16 pm)

Cho ~

I look out the window, letting out a pleased shriek. "Elsa, there's a Corellian freighter in my front yard!" I squeal happily, jumping up and down while pulling on her arm. Coco whirls around, her face plainly showing excitment.

"I'm driving!" She squeals happily. "Fine then, but I call shotgun." I retort quickly. "I'm going to pack, and then we're outta here."

I rush to my closet, finding mostly sweaters in there. "What the freakin' heck?" I  demand. "This magic has altered my clothes!" I yell angrily. "I'd better have all my star wars shirts. Because I am going to ride in a YT-1300, and I need those shirts for that." 

In the very back I find all of the shirts. I grab a backpack, throwing another at Coco, Elsa, and Licorice. "Go and pack whatever." I command breathlessly. I throw in some shirts and other clothes before heading into the kitchen. Then I remember, I asked for that machine thing from the Hunger Games.

We'll be safe then. I grab all my WoF books, the Hunger Games trilogy, LoTR, and The Hobbit. "Coco, are you ready?" I call out softly.

She shakes her head no, glaring at me.

"Sor-ee." I say, making a face at her back. 

submitted by Cho C.
(April 9, 2016 - 3:14 pm)

Latr has come again. For some reason, CB has been loading slowly on my tablet lately. :(


We soar high, and are instantly submerged in the beautiful blue of the sky. The cool breeze grazes my cheeks, and everything feels so roomy and airy. The birds flap their wings as they pass us, and I can see clouds just a few feet away. They look so soft and fluffly, like cotton. I reach out my arm to touch one, and all I feel is water dampness.

I sigh happily. Nova gently balances Wubdub so that he's rocking from side to side ashe he flies. I feel like I'm in a soft crib, with the sound of the breeze as a lullaby.

I can feel my eyelids growing heavy, and even though I want to stare at the ground below and watch as people shrink into nothing more than ants, I'm finally asleep.

Nova smiles.


*Btw, I may or may not have taken that control/mutual respect quote from Jurassic World. :P 

submitted by The Novelist, On the way
(April 10, 2016 - 12:17 am)

Yeah, it's been acting up on mine too. And I thought I was the only one. O.o 

It started working normal this morning though.

submitted by Cho C.
(April 10, 2016 - 1:09 pm)