Chatterbox: Inkwell
I'm sure that got your attention! I took a cold shower this morning, so I'm a little happier then usual. Which is nice, and I hope it lasts!
Anyway, onto buisnes~
My birthday is this May!
And, like last year, I'd like to create an elabrate roleplay as my present to y'all!
If you guys remember my Newborn City roleplay, I am going to be creating another roleplay! But this time I'd like to ask your guy's opinions. I have already been starting to form an idea however!
I noticed magic and fantasy roleplays are very popular! Or any roleplay not in modern times because, lets face it, modern can be boring! At least in my opinion. And, no matter how many magic roleplays, I also had to notice EVIL's reveng has been going on for ALMOST A YEAR!!! THis two part roleplay with my friends will have it's anniversiary on May 20th!
So, how do you make a roleplay attractive and popular, but make it last that long as well? I think you need a good plot line, and lots of twists! Being about spies and all, there are plenty! It was also different when Buggy posted it: there were no modern roleplays at all!
And she advertised lovely!
So, well, I'd also like to ask what type of roleplays you guys want to see more of! Any genres or time periods you miss?
What do you think keeps a roleplay up and running until the end? Simplicity or the opposite?
Do you prefer action? I think that is another thing that makes EVIL's Revenge so lively. Action and the drama.
And, of course, the dedication of it's users, who have fallen head over heels in love with it!
It is my goal to replicate something most people will enjoy, or a roleplay people miss seeing. Dystpian roleplays were popular for a time.
Another question I am wondering about is if you people prefer lotsof people, or only a few!
I don't want too many people joining the roleplay, however, so I might make two threads.
Tell me your ideas!
(March 29, 2016 - 12:50 pm)
Please let me expand on my idea of "Lost in a Jungle."
Basic plot: So we're explorers, or scientists or something, and we received word that there have been strange happenings murders, etc.) in the Amazons. So we go there to figure it out, only we find that the village is destroyed and everyone's gone except an old woman. She tells us that the villagers were captured by the Tiki-Hashari or something and the way to find them is da da da da da. But it turns out that when we go to find them.... I'll just leave it at that. Do you like it?
(March 29, 2016 - 7:36 pm)
Thanks Katydidn't! Yes, disappearing villagers and kidnappings definitely sound exciting and twisty! When will we start? Maybe we can be the protectors of the forest and village and we have to find them and battle whatever took them! Maybe we are (I just wrote 'ate'. Darn typos. "Typos are like flies. They don't need to exist." -Buggy) the relatives of the taken who have banded together to bring our family back! Who knows! It could be anything! I am super-de-duper excited! (Just in case you couldn't tell...)
(March 29, 2016 - 7:38 pm)
Happy birthday, Katydid!
I'd love to join the RP, and I like the realistic lost in the jungle idea of Scylla's.
(March 29, 2016 - 7:23 pm)
As for roleplays.....l think perhaps a more action/adventure one would be good, as we really don't see much of that on CB. Also maybe realistic, again not much of that around. Maybe, treasure hunt, or superheros? Just ideas.
And people. l'd say not to limit how many people can join, if the roleplay goes on and on, people wil drop out and you need a lot of people to keep it going when other people can't post, etc.
(March 29, 2016 - 8:01 pm)
I had an idea that we live in a small, secluded village. One day, however, people start disappearing! It is a busy, working town, as they work for their food and everybody pretty much shares, so nobody has time to investigate. But the children set out, only to find their trap turns against them, and disappear themselves!
We could combine that with the tribe, Scylla, and stuff!
So the tribe would be taking us to their village, and along the way we can run into witch doctors, quicksand, and tigers, oh my!
Oh! I have a great plot twist that would entitle betrayal, and give the roleplay a boost! Also, at first, the kids wouldn't know each other well because of the work they do, and relationships would be formed!
(March 29, 2016 - 8:52 pm)
Sure Katydidn't! Sounds great! When were you thinking of starting this thing?
(March 29, 2016 - 9:34 pm)
That sounds perfect!
Happy birthday to you!
Hey! Wait a second? Is it somebody's birthday?
Um, yeah. Guys, this is another AE of mine who just popped up last night and demanded to be created. Her name is Pinkie PIEper.
Yeah, that's me! PinkiepinkiepinkiePIEper!
The thing is, she loves pies. And pie wars. You get the idea.
And parties! Partypartypartypartyparty!!!!!!
Yeah. Can ya save me a spot Katy?
For what?
None of your buisness.
Is it a party?
Um, anyway, happy birthday Katydid! Hope you have a great birthday!
Happy birthday to yoouuu!
Happy birthday tooo yooouuu!
Happy birthday, whateveryournameis!
Happy birthday to yooooooooouuuuuuuu!
*sigh* Sloth says hpdc. No Sloth, Harry Potter is not a DC superhero.
(March 30, 2016 - 9:19 am)
May fourteenth! The d- Oh. my. Gandalf! I turn fourteen on may fourteenth! SQUEEE!!!!
Annyywwayy, plenty of room for improvement on this thing! Let's get more advice and ideas, and y'all can start dreaming up characters!
(March 29, 2016 - 10:10 pm)
Whatever this RP will be, I am joining. I hope I can keep up, cuz I'm gonna have a lot of stuff to do next month. O.o
Here's an idea for an RP:
We all normal people/kids, until we suddenly somehow get superpowers!!!! And then we must learn to control them, and then we must work together to fight villian(s)!
That idea was not taken from Avengers. Really. It wasn't. I came up with that on my own.
(March 29, 2016 - 10:50 pm)
Oh Cho, c: My birthday is still over a month away! You don't need to be singing to me yet, you know! Thank uyou though, and I will reserve a spot for you!
Begin brainstorming n your characters, and offering more advice for this roleplay!
(March 30, 2016 - 11:18 am)
Didn't you notice? That was Pinkie PIEper.
And thank you for reserving a spot.
(March 30, 2016 - 3:44 pm)
Ooh! Ooh! Can you please save a spot for me in your Role Play? I haven't been in a role play in SUCH a long time. If you say yes, I'll help brainstorm too! Oh, and happy early birthday!
(March 30, 2016 - 5:33 pm)
Happy almost-your-birthday!!!
I guess you could combine all of the ideas posted so far and whatever ideas you already had. It seems people really want to get lost in a jungle. So yeah... kidnapped people, special powers, jungles...
Anyways, that probably wasn't helpful.
I'm SO excited!!!! Reserve a spot for me, if you can!!!
(March 30, 2016 - 5:47 pm)
Can you please save me a spot? I came up with a few things on what makes a great role play.
1. Doing things. If you just sit there and talk in your role play lots of people abandon it. So action!
2. Twists. If you make twists people want to come back to see what happens next and post.
3. Er... I am running out of ideas, maybe I will post some later.
My CAPATCHA says nuro. You don't want to row Freddy? We are not in a boat!!! (Aside) Freddy says the weirdest things.
(March 30, 2016 - 6:29 pm)
Ooh, can I join?
Sooo I'm really new and probably don't know as better as the rest of you do... but I prefer a small amount of people in a RP. Too many and it gets confusing-- fast. I want to be able to remember who is in the story with me.
Other than that, I don't really have any preferences.
I like the lost-in-a-jungle idea/s. So is it supposed to be modern day? Or be about an ancient South American culture? That could be cool.
(March 31, 2016 - 6:24 pm)