Fictional Character SI!
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Fictional Character SI!
Fictional Character SI!
Join and become one with any fictional character you choose.
Rules: 1.) your character must be fictional.
I am Loki, God of chaos and mischief. I am the real ruler of Asgard! (Don't listen to my brother Thor, his entire ego is made up of lies.)
submitted by Loki
(March 28, 2016 - 1:31 pm)
(March 28, 2016 - 1:31 pm)
Nope!!! Guess again!!!
(April 6, 2016 - 2:23 pm)
(April 6, 2016 - 2:49 pm)
@Jo, are you... Rosebud? Joan? Shoshanna? Skywalker is driving me crazy!
(April 6, 2016 - 7:40 pm)
Aw dang it! You guessed me, I'm Joan B. of Arc. Good luck guessing the others!
(April 7, 2016 - 8:37 am)
Hello! I am Arthur...Arthur Hastings. I am from Agatha Christie's Poirot. I am interested in car races and stuff like that. Try to guess me!
(April 8, 2016 - 4:13 pm)
*deflects blaster bolt* Are you Phantom? Shadow Dragon? Ruby?
(April 11, 2016 - 3:16 pm)
Hello, everyone! I'm rather new to the inkwell, this should be fun.
Guess who I am... if you dare!
~My CAPCHA says ctue. See two? Two what?~
(April 17, 2016 - 7:04 pm)
Why oh, oh Why is it always tea time ?
(April 22, 2016 - 2:18 pm)