Chatterbox: Inkwell


SCI FI RP this is a scifi rp. It takes place on the moon in a dome. Cherry trees are evrywhere and creativty is rare. You have been admited to a school for the rare creative in a world where sailboats can fly and anyone can betray you. Who will you be? Instead of charactar sheets will enter none knowing the real you I shall begin.

Rose received the letter on Friday. She walks into school weing hand down clothing with nothing but a journal. She does not speak to you but somehow you know her.


submitted by Lilly j, age 12, Kentucky
(March 16, 2016 - 12:53 pm)

Amina received the letter on Saturday, by sneak-thief courier. She does not walk into school so much as she glides, all purpose, poise, mismatched boots, and hooded cloak pulled down low over her face. She speaks to no one, preferring instead to stand in a corner and watch the crowd; it seems by her casual air that she is accustomed to crowds in general, but this particular one leaves her cloaked shoulders tense for some reason.

submitted by Curio
(March 17, 2016 - 12:15 pm)


d(TOP^3 + TOP^2 + TOP + 1) = 3(TOP)^2 + 2(TOP) + 1

This is TOP calculus. I don't really understand it myself, but at least it gives me something to say besides TTTTTTTTOOOOOOOOPPPPPPPPPP. 

submitted by A Toppifying Dragon
(March 17, 2016 - 1:18 pm)


Elise's shoelaces were untied, as they were most days. It drove her "mother" insane, and although that wasn't why she did it, it was definitely a plus. She rarely tripped over them anymore, as she had trained herself not to. She was walking down Wallace Way--when she was younger she used to imagine there was a blue bird on that street who talked with a funny accent -- his name was Wallace -- but in actuallity there was no Wallace Way, just 247W, Sector 1Q.

She was writing down a story as she walked about, getting so into it she tripped on something. Her journal slipped out of her hand and fell a few feet away from Elise- the gravity had picked it up a bit- and she fell face-first into a puddle. A few moments later, she picked her self up and realized something. She hadn't tripped on her shoelaces- she had tripped on a string tied to two trees. A trap? But why? Any normal citzen of this dome would be looking on the sidewalk ahead for safety- of course. They weren't looking for average citizens. They were looking for day dreamers. She walked over to pick up her journal and saw something she definitely hadn't put in- a letter.

to be continued..... 

Is this okay?  If there's a problem with the storyline, let me know.


submitted by Bibliophile
(March 19, 2016 - 10:21 am)

This is great, as far as I'm concerned!


If there was a single way to describe Amina, it would definitely be out of place. All the others wear the brightly colored jumpsuits typical of the dome, accessorized with the occasional scarf or hat; her clothes, or what you can see of them anyway, are rough, nondescript, brown and gray and denim all patched together in a haphazard way. Certainly no one else has boots of two different styles, let alone a hooded cloak. The only spot of vibrant color is the velvet sash around her waist, which is a beautiful indigo.

They all avoid her; or perhaps she avoids them. You can't quite tell. No one you ask seems to know anything about her, save for the fact that they've never seen her before. If you had to guess, she looks like she came from the Under...but that's impossible. The Under is a dangerous place, populated by dangerous people. There are checkpoints, safeguards, ways of keeping the unscrupulous Under away from the respectable folk of the Over. She couldn't have come from there...could she?

submitted by Curio
(March 22, 2016 - 4:09 pm)


submitted by Bibliophile , age Top!, TO THE TOP
(March 26, 2016 - 7:17 pm)

Can I join this? Cool idea btw

submitted by Linh C.
(April 3, 2016 - 4:45 pm)


Jena smirked at the suspicious look on the face of a passing guy. Then again, you rarely found her not-smirking. It was one of her strange traits. She almost always seemed super amused. That, and she never use new colloquialisms, like jolt, or nano. She said 'cool' or 'sec'. And used finger quotes. No one did that anymore. That was, like, from the 2010's. what a weirdo, everyone said behind her back. Jena was immediately visible as different, with her white denim jeans with holes ripped in them, and a thing they used to call a sweatshirt. The one she was wearing today loudly proclaimed: "North Denver High School, 2036" the thing was ancient. She also wore her hair in a messy bun. Weirdo. Oh, and the high-topped converse. And Jena loved the feeling of being different. But now that would change. She was going to a school with weirdos like her—she could hardly wait!

submitted by #sherlocklives, age 13, Wisconsin
(April 9, 2016 - 1:55 pm)

Sorry, I know it isn't a school for weirdos, but that is just what Jena imagines it to be.

Oh, and by the way, Jena's name is pronounced like the name 'Jenna'. It is only written with one n because her original name is Jenifer. So. Yeah. Thought you ought to know. *faints* wait, no, that was Professor Quirrel in Harry Potter. Never mind

submitted by #sherlocklives, age 13, Wisconsin
(April 9, 2016 - 2:27 pm)

Can I join this? Sorry if I'm too late. 


Ky was nervous. He had recieved his letter only a week ago, and today was his first day at the new school. His whole life had been spent hiding his creativity, it was uncommon, and he didn't want any more attention drawn to himself than was necessary. He had always worn what the other kids wore, and did what they did. Now, he was unsure of what to do.

His cat, Vinci, rubbed up against his ankle. Vinci was named after an artist from very long ago, an artist that Ky admired very much. Ky was inventive, always coming up with new ideas, and good with his hands. When he was only six years old, her had created Vinci, who was actually a robot designed and progammed to imitate a cat's behavior. He wondered what he would be doing at his new school. Will there be others like me? He thought. Maybe he find a friend at this place.

submitted by ClassyNat
(April 10, 2016 - 8:44 am)


submitted by top
(April 14, 2016 - 6:59 am)


submitted by Bluebird
(April 14, 2016 - 4:58 pm)