Chatterbox: Inkwell
So in this RP, we'll be playing gods and goddesses that belong to an ancient civilization I just made up, which is called Faemiri. Its inhabitants are the Faemirians, and the gods we create, of course. Only eleven members, please. (In addition to myself.) If you join, you hereby pledge to post regularly and not forget about the RP, okay? I want this to thrive! Here's the charrie sheet and my charrie.
Name: Isychio
God or Goddess?: God
Age: If he were human, he'd be about 47.
God(ess) of what?: God of silence, fortune, and colors.
Appearance: Very tall and strong. Rich dark skin. Eyes are wise and kind, with a hint of sadness. They look like color wheels with no pupil. They're cool, I can draw a picture if it doesn't make sense. I'll just draw a picture of him for you so he makes more sense overall.
Personality: He is, in essence, quiet. When he speaks, his voice is deep, harmonious, and rumbling. Many mortals will Queste far just to hear it. He's distant and gives off a strong aura of power. He likes to be alone, but you can tell it's worn on him through the years. He's a constant presence, someone to lean on. He's always there for those he supports. He's well loved.
Powers: He can silence millions with a wave of his hand, and make colors erupt from anywhere. He brings good luck or bad to those he believe deserve it.
Homerealm (a private world created by your god that only your god and any they invite can enter): Vibrano, the land of color. It's an archipelago of floating brown rock islands with rope bridges between them. A depressing silence fills it, and not even the streams of color can be heard.
Weapon of choice: Isychio uses a broadsword that turns into a scythe at night. Whatever form it takes, it's always strapped to his back in a silver sheath unless he's using it. It has a blade of Vibrano Iron, which is a special metal that contains a jet of the pure essence of color in the center. The hilt of the sword is golden, as is the scythe handle.
Sorry this was so long, hope you join!
submitted by Scylla
(March 4, 2016 - 10:16 pm)
(March 4, 2016 - 10:16 pm)
Queens aren't supposed to cry. I turned away from Fylena and Isychio, ashamed at the tears rolling steadily down my cheeks. I shook with exhaustion and grief for my son, but somewhere deep inside, I could feel a little flicker of hope. As I concentrated on that tiny flame, slowly the warmth spread throughout my body, causing me to lift my chin and dry my tears. But as I turned back to Fylena, I caught a glimpse of Aionos striding away from the scene angrily, with Mortem at his heels, pleading with him. I started towards them, but Fylena put her hand on my shoulder. She didn't have to speak to let me know that Aionos didn't need any more troubles right now. I sighed quietly, and turned back to the situation at hand. Even though the mortals were celebrating the victory, their land was a mess. Houses had been destroyed, trees uprooted from the ground, tables and chairs flipped over, and there was a fire burning somewhere. I desperately wanted to help the mortals clean everything up, but I knew that if we stayed in Fae'miri much longer, we would not be able to return to our precious Valley. I tried shouting over the din, but my voice was drowned out by the roar of the crowd. How could I get everyone's attention all at once? I closed my eyes for better concentration, but nothing seemed to change. Suddenly, it came to me: Harmonia, goddess of music and mathematics. Slowly I wormed my way through the crowd, making my way over to Harmonia. I stood on my tip-toes, trying to find her among the sea of mortals. Finally I spotted her on the fringes of the crowd, trying to stay out of the way of all the mayhem. "Harmonia!" I called. "I need you to do something for me," I said, a little out of breath from squeezing through small gaps in the crowd. "What is it? Did something go wrong?" She said, her brow furrowing. "No, no, nothing like that. I just need a small favor." I explained. Harmonia relaxed, letting out a small sigh of relief. "I'm glad. There's been enough things go wrong today, I don't need another. What is it you need?" She asked me. I got straight to the point, hoping my voice sounded a bit urgent: "Can you whistle?"
(April 14, 2016 - 4:43 pm)
Top! I will not let this RP die!
(April 16, 2016 - 12:20 pm)
Top this thread.
(April 16, 2016 - 12:35 pm)
Top please! Also, if you are in this RP, please come back and post!! : -)
(April 16, 2016 - 3:27 pm)
Yahhh! Go, Linnea! I'll post Isychio and Aionos as soon as I get permission from ShoshannahLily. You'll see why soon enough.
(April 16, 2016 - 5:22 pm)
Evidone turns away from me, but not quick enough for me to see one silver tear roll down her face. I want to do something to comfort her, comfort everyone, but...maybe just now, it was better for them to be sad. To mourn the great sacrifice Isychio had made for us. Evidone turns back and I follow her eyes to Aionos and Mortem, who I think were fighting, maybe. She starts to go after them, but I put my hand on her shoulder to stop her. It seems right, somehow, like maybe Aionos needs to be alone right now. So many maybes...
Evidone tries to say something, but I can't quite make it out over all the people. I turn my head to one side, about to ask her to repeat it, but she's already started leaving. I turn back around and think about why everything seems to be "maybe" right now. Maybe it's because everything's so confused, happy to sad to angry. Things usually just stay happy, with me at least. But now I feel only half happy...
"Fylena!" I spin around at a voice behind me, which belongs to Callidora, running towards me with Maeve behind her. I smile at the two of them, and Maeve comes over to hug my leg. "Fylena, will you come play with us?" Callidora asks.
"Of course!" I tell her. She pulls me through the crowd, and I follow, laughing. She takes me to a spot on the cobblestones, and we spin around and around, until we fall over. I laugh and stand up, looking around me. Then my laughter slowly stops as I look around, where the houses and stores are in ruins. There's so much repair work needed for the mortals...
(April 16, 2016 - 5:28 pm)
I think Shoshannah's left already so I'll just post.
Aionos~ I leave Mortem for a moment to survey the battlefield. So much in ruins, so many lost... I think all the gods survived, but I look over our ranks just to be sure. But someone's missing. Lumion. "Where's Lumion?" I ask Mortem uneasily, our quarrel forgotten. He looks worried as well. "I'm not sure," he answers. I look ahead, searching for Lumion, but immediately wish I hadn't. No. Lumion's body is on the ground in front of me.
He's lying faceup and his robes are shredded, soaked in golden ichor, and his eyes are blank and staring. His weapon lies a few feet away from him and his hand is stretched towards it, like he was reaching for it, but something stopped him. I avert my eyes from his mangled body and struggle to keep the waver out of my voice as I announce, "We have a casualty..."
Isychio~ My father's voice rings over the clearing. It trembles slightly. "We have a casuaty..." Oh no, I think. Is it that bad? In a daze I stand up. Mother puts her arm around me, supporting me, as I stumble over to my father. Mortem is kneeling at the body's side, Father as well. "Brother, Father," I murmur. "Who is it?" Mortem can't speak. He just gestures at the body and suddenly I realize. It's Lumion, mangled beyond recongnition. The light of youth is gone from his eyes, lacerations running all over him. I drop down. No. Please no. It can't be. I've lost too much. We've lost too much. A tear rolls down my cheek, a drop of pure color falling onto Lumion's ravaged face. I grab his shoulders, shaking him, trying to make him wipe the ichor from his face with his usualy charismatic smile, and laugh at us, like this was all a joke. It never happened.
My brother is dead.
(April 17, 2016 - 11:49 am)
Could Harmonia be Lumion's daughter? Since Shoshanna left, it's up to you to decide.
(April 18, 2016 - 11:07 am)
So, I haven't been posting much and I am sooooo sorry for that. I am going to drop out, I am sorry guys.
(April 18, 2016 - 12:25 pm)
That's no reason to drop out! Can I make Ihitrris or Selwyn or whoever your charrie is die too?
(April 18, 2016 - 6:18 pm)
Heeeeeey! Selwyn is mine! Don't kill her! I'm really sorry I haven't been writing, I just honestly cannot think of ANYTHING good to write! My charrie doesn't really have much to do with the plot, so that could be the problem... I just need to write more. But I actually need to do my homework now, sooo... ON TO ROMEO AND JULIET!
(April 18, 2016 - 9:21 pm)
(April 21, 2016 - 5:52 pm)
Top please!!
(April 22, 2016 - 9:59 am)
Ok! I'm back!
When I come back from the past, this time something's different. This time, the creatures are gone. The other Gods and Goddesses are crowded around someone. When I get closer, I see that it's Isychio. Instantly, I could tell something was wrong. "What? What happened?," I asked, a sudden fear coursing through me. "It's Isychio. He sacrificed his homerealm to save Fae'miri." Shock flooded through me. Isychio had loved his homerealm so much... it had almost been a part of him. I couldn't imagine losing my homerealm - it would tear me apart. I didn't think I would ever have the courage to make such a sacfrifice. Then, I hear a scream, and a second bout of dread flows through me. I race over to where the scream came from, fearing for the worst. But what I saw was beyond what I imagined. Lumione lay there, dead, his once smiling face bloody and mangled. I let out a shriek of horror, as I tried and failed to comprehend what had happened, that Lumione, cheerful, smiling Lumione, was dead. This couldn't be happening... the gods were supposed to be immortal... they couldn't die! And yet, somehow, one had. Suddenly, I had an idea. Closing my eyes, I looked back in time and pulled forth memories of Lumione and cast them into the sky. They hung there, glowing gold against the starry black sky, replaying the moments of Lumione at his best, for all to remember him. Hot tears rolled down my face and at the same time a cold fury swept over me. I had never become angry in such a long time... it was almost a new emotion to me. All I knew was that I wanted to hunt down and kill as many of the monsters as I could. They had invaded my world, attacked my friends, and even killed one of them. They deserved to die.
Wow. I made that really dark.
(April 23, 2016 - 5:12 pm)
Yay! You're still here! I can't wait for this to be a video! Woohoo! Okay, enough celebrating. Lumion can't be brought back, because Shoshannah left and she won't be able to play him anymore. But the memory thing was really sweet! I loved it.
(April 24, 2016 - 5:09 pm)