Redwall RP!!!
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Redwall RP!!!
Redwall RP!!!
In this roleplay, everyone is an animal, and according to the species, they will be good or evil. Everybody can join this roleplay whether or not they have read any of the books! Anyhoo, here's the charrie sheet!
Good animals: Mice, Squirrels, Otters, Hedgehogs, Badgers, Hares, and Moles. Only one Badger, as they are really OP!
Bad animals: Cats, Rats, Foxes, Wolves, Marlfoxes, Stoats, Weasels, and Sea rats. Cats, Foxes, Wolves, Marlfoxes, and the occasional Weasel or Stoat are smarter.
Name: Mira
Age: 14 seasons (one season is equal to one year)
Gender: Female
Species: Otter
Good or bad: Good
Where does s/he live?(Redwall Abbey, Salamandastron, or in Mossflower country)*: Mossflower country.
Weapons (if any)**: A small dagger and slingshot.
Backstory: Vermin (bad animals) killed her elderly parents recently while she was fishing.
*Only Good animals can live at Redwall Abbey, and only Badgers and Hares live in Salamandastron.
**If you live at Redwall Abbey, you are not allowed to keep weapons.
Note: Coco and Cron will co-gm for me.
submitted by Eówyn/Cho, PLEASE READ!
(February 28, 2016 - 8:23 pm)
(February 28, 2016 - 8:23 pm)
This is extremly funny, because earlier today I was making Redwall in Minecraft!
Okay, now for the characters.
Name: Darkstripe the Conqueror
Age: 19 seasons
Gender: Male
Species: Badger
Good or Bad: Good
Lives?: Mossflower country and the surrounding area. (He is a nomad.)
Weapons: A mace.
Backstory: He was found in Mossflower when he was a baby by a family of hares and was raised by them.
Name: Quorli Scorfington
Age: 15 seasons
Gender: Male
Species: Hare
Good or Bad: Good
Lives?: Mossflower country and the surrounding area. (He is a nomad.)
Weapons: A lance and a rapier
Backstory: He is from the family that adopted Darkstripe. They travel together around Mossflower vanquishing vermin.
I might create a bad character later. Also, this is a problem that I see with most RP's on here, when one is started, it doesn't have a goal or a setting, so the people that joined don't know what to start with, and it dies.
(February 29, 2016 - 12:25 am)
I'm also going to make an evil charrie! Here she is!!
(March 6, 2016 - 8:16 am)
Come on! To the top! One, two, three!!!!
(March 6, 2016 - 8:17 am)
It's not working!!! But I'm not going to be a fox. I'm going to be a …
(March 6, 2016 - 8:23 am)
Eówyn!!! Yay!! You're here!!
(March 6, 2016 - 10:34 am)
Eówyn, I'm not joining this (never read Redwall) but I have a reminder for you. I finished the Hotel Prismarine Ski Lodge, epilogue and all, and would like you to read it. Thanks!
(March 6, 2016 - 10:36 am)
Pleasepleaseplease will you join? I think you would enjoy!
(March 6, 2016 - 1:51 pm)
Oooh! Cool! I wanna join!!!!
Sounds amazing...
Name: Nickel.
(March 6, 2016 - 3:38 pm)
I LOVE REDWALL!!!! I'll join, and I'll make my charrie sheet later.
(March 6, 2016 - 4:19 pm)
Totalyl joining! I love Redwall! [even if I can't remember all of all] here it goes...
name: Mercury W. [they call me cury]
age: 18 moons
gender:f emale
species: wolf
good/bad: Can I be the only good wolf?
She lives in the Mossflower country.
weapons: a cross bow and a sword
her backstory is...she was an orphan for as long as she can remember.
This is what she looks like:
thanks so much!
(March 6, 2016 - 8:53 pm)
I am being gm for now.
I am positive that there are no wolves in Redwall, but if you REALLY want to, Lone Wolf, I will let just this one pass. And since there have been no wolves in Redwall, it has not been specified wether they are good or bad, so I think that it is fine that your character is good, the only problem is that some of the woodland creatures might not trust your character as much as they would if your character was a (listed in the original post.) good animal.
I would also like to add Wolverines to the list of bad species.
That's all for now folks. Keep joining!
(March 8, 2016 - 3:55 pm)
I know that dogs aren't in Redwall but neither are wolves. I' m using my kyngdom charrie.
(March 9, 2016 - 4:45 pm)
Hiya, everybuggy! Can I join? (Eowyn and I have discussed this and I have been meaning to join for a while now)
First, my Goodbeast:
Name: Hazelnut (Hazel for short)
Age: 13 seasons
Gender: Female
Species: (You guessed it!) Squirrel
Good or bad: Good
Lives: Eh. I want a weapon, so Mossflower country
Weapons (if any): A slingshot, thank you very much
Backstory: Was abandoned by her parents when she was around 5 seasons. Now Hazelnut says that she's an orphan.
Licorace the cat: A squirrel? I finally have the chance to eat you!
Oh, do be quiet, Licorace.
(March 9, 2016 - 5:21 pm)
I love the Redwall books! Here's my Charrie:
Name: Snowdrop
Age: 10
Gender: female
Species: mouse
Good or Bad: Good
Where live: she was travaling nomad, know living at Redwall Abbey (see backstory for why)
Weapons: she has a dagger, it's sheth is made of silver, with pictures of mountains, marshes, fields, valleys, forests, and the sea on it, with room for one more location. It's hilt has a leather grip, with a diamond on it, the blade is made of silver and is sharpened to the sharpest perfection.
Backstory: she had just finished making her present location on her dagger sheth (the mountian) when wolves attacked. Her leader and familly and her tribe were all killed. She is the only surviver. She travled the land like always, in a daz until she heard of Redwall Abbey.
Looks Like: she is a white mouse the color of newly fallen sno, she as black eyes.
Other: her dagger was made on the day she was born, she also has a fidle made of redwood.
That's all.
(March 10, 2016 - 9:20 am)
(March 10, 2016 - 10:21 am)