Harry Potter Rp!!

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Harry Potter Rp!!

Harry Potter Rp!!

I know there is already one of these going on right now but I wanted  to make another one that I can be in. This RP is before after the books and Albus Potter's children are going to Hogworts. We are going to be fighting the death eaters who survived the Battle of Hogworts and kept going in secret. If this RP survives then at the end we will vanquish the Death Eaters once and for all. Sound good? 

Here is the Cherrie sheet.

Name: Elsie Falcon

Age/Year: 10 or 13 ( depending on this*)

Apperance: Longish black hair that reaches to her sholders and brown eyes, Hogworts robes, with bag, ect...

Personality: You will see. 

House: Hufflepuff

Wand: Dragon heartstring and pine 

Do they play Quidditch?: No

Other: Elsie is almost compleatly blind and she has a large black guide dog named Ned. Most wizards and whitches are scared of her because they think her dog is a Grim. She was sent a letter to hogworts because they noticed she was a true seer. 

*Should we all be first years? Or any year we want? 

Please don't let this die.  

submitted by Elvina
(February 18, 2016 - 1:37 pm)

=name Rose  

age unknown

year first

appearance gray eyes long white hair short a gray sweater and sweat pants

personality mystery geek and kudera

wand unknown

quidditch yes

house Ravenclaw

other the smartest girl in school who has a terrible secret

submitted by Lilly j, age 12, America
(March 9, 2016 - 2:03 pm)

A secret? Yue-meng and Rose will have something in common!

However, isn't having your charrie be the smartest girl in the school a bit OP?

OP stands for Over-Powered. 

submitted by Yue-meng
(March 9, 2016 - 10:30 pm)

It is a bit OP.

submitted by Elena P.
(March 11, 2016 - 6:51 pm)

What quidditch position are you?

submitted by Elena P.
(March 11, 2016 - 6:53 pm)


I stand outside kings cross focusing on where I'm supposed to run. Pushing my cart forward I close my eyes and open them a few seconds later. A gigantic train is in front of me. I look behind myself. No signs of platforms 9 and 10. Weird  

submitted by Parker S., age 9, U.S.A
(March 11, 2016 - 8:09 pm)
~Yue-meng~ (Pronounced Reh-mung)
I remain inside my lonely compartment, staring out of the window.
Even though I try not to, my mind wanders to that day.
The day Yi-ping said goodbye.
I remember that day as clearly as the window, that I'm currently staring out of.
I remember the railway station. I remember hugging her before following Aunt up into the train.
I also remember her crying out, "Goodbye!"
In Chinese, the word goodbye literally means again see, as in, "I'll see you again!"
She never saw me again.
I suppose that was the only lie she ever told.
I never saw her, ever, ever, again.
I can still recall the tears running down her face as I looked out the train window, before the train swept me away permanently.
I can remember the bustle of the train station, and the sad, sad, whistling of the train.
Yi-ping was my last and only friend, the one who stood by me, my playmate, until that day.
I was nine.
submitted by Yue-meng (Reh-mung), Staring out the window
(March 11, 2016 - 8:19 pm)

Can you guys post?

submitted by Top, age Top, Top
(March 13, 2016 - 5:17 pm)
submitted by Top, age Top, Top
(March 13, 2016 - 9:24 pm)

Alana- I stood on platform 9 waiting for a group of giggling girls to go through the barrier to 9 3/4. Why wasn't it 9 5/8? I wondered.  I would say that would be more accurate.  I guessed people must have thought 9 3/4 sounded cooler.  Finally, those silly girls were through.  I remembered last year when I didn't know how to get to 9 3/4, and now I was glad I had done this before.  I strode purposefully through the barrier.  When I got to the other side, I glanced up at the clock.  As usual, I was early, which meant most of the other students were standing around talking to their friends.  I didn't have any friends, but I didn't care. I'd always gotten along just fine on my own.  A bunch of people were freaking out about a big, black dog because they thought it was a grim.  I Knew it wasn't, though, so I wasn't worried.  Grims have yellow eyes, but this dog had brown.  I slipped onto the train and tried to find an empty compartment. It wasn't hard; most of them were still open.  I sat down close to the back, hoping people would be less likely to sit there, and opened The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 2.  Charms was my favorite class, so I'd saved the charms book for last.

submitted by A. V. Silver
(March 16, 2016 - 3:16 pm)

Tops of the rooftops!

submitted by Yue-meng (Reh-mung)
(March 16, 2016 - 5:58 pm)

Sounds great!! I can't wait to hear more of it!!

submitted by Miriam R, age 9, Calary
(March 16, 2016 - 7:13 pm)
submitted by Top
(March 20, 2016 - 9:45 am)
submitted by Top
(March 20, 2016 - 10:03 am)
submitted by Top
(March 20, 2016 - 10:04 am)
submitted by Top
(March 20, 2016 - 1:33 pm)