Hidden Lands RP

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Hidden Lands RP

Hidden Lands RP

to enter the hidden world

one must hatch 

and learn to fly on new wings

lest they fall

The world Inside longs for it's Hatchlings, but fewer and fewer come each year. Without it's Hatchlings to populate it, it will crumble and die. This year there are few hatchlings- and each have their own problems, their own quest to complete within the Hidden Lands.

You are one of those few. A modern day teen or tween, you did not expect to come across the magical world hidden within the folds of our own world. But inside you lays a magical version of yourself, and you will Hatch. You must believe to enter the Inside; you must somehow become more than human.

Who knows what you will Hatch into? A Dragon's Kin, a Warrior fighting against the creatures that dishonor the Hidden Land by running rampant, maybe even a Tree-Blooded. To know, you must first survive the Hatching.


1. Five people or less besides Air and myself, please. You may have up to two characters each, but they have to be of the same subplot, because having fourteen subplots is too much.

2. Please try not to be overpowered.

3. Try to have your character's personalities evolve as they discover their magical selves.

4. Please don't meet up with other people's character until they say they want to meet up with a character or a group; I want them to have semi independent plots, because they are their own people and having all the characters together can be a drag sometimes.

5. Try to stay committed to the RP. Hey, I get it. Life happens. Still, please make an effort.

6. Have fun!


Ordinary Personality:
A Rough Idea of the Plot:



submitted by Indigo
(February 15, 2016 - 12:32 pm)

The backstory part really is just so that your character has a purpose! Think about their personality and who they'd be if they were magical.

submitted by Air (clearing)
(February 28, 2016 - 8:13 pm)

Top! Don't let this die!

I would post again, but I think it would just be better if Indigo or Air's charries arrived in the Inside first. It just seems... proper.

submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(March 5, 2016 - 11:21 am)

I will post soon, sorry I haven't posted yet. This poor thread was way down at page three!

submitted by Mirax T., age 11, The Pulsar Skate
(March 9, 2016 - 5:06 pm)

Toppity top top!

submitted by Air? Indigo?
(March 16, 2016 - 3:33 pm)

Indigo or Air, would you post? I’m not sure anyone else will. I said Sophie lives in a mobile home, but really it’s a giant RV.

Sophie~ Home, the word rings in my ears, reminding me that the long trip suffered in silence will soon be worth it. My father never talks to me, barely looks at me, and absolutely never considers my opinions. We only lived there seven months, but I always consider where my friends are where home is, and since Annastasia lives there, my heart lives there too. I’ve never been able to make friends, Annastasia being the only exception.

We pass cornfields and tiny towns, the RV driving smoothly along, oblivious to everything. We come across more and more houses as we get closer to the city, and finally stop at a huge park complete with it’s own campgrounds, in the heart of the city. Father scrupulously parks, and I move to the back our “house”. He never lets me help set up, so I grab a book and head to my bedroom/library to read. I love the Phantom Tollbooth, it’s my comfort book, I read it to make everything seem familiar. Immersed in the adventures of Milo, Tock, and the Humbug, I jump when I am tapped on the shoulder.

“Sophie! I missed you so much! When did you arrive?” Ann is standing in front of me in all her glory, grinning.

“About half an hour ago. When did you get here?”

“Just now, I had to sneak out of school and past your dad. I brought a sleeping bag, and since tomorrow’s a saturday, no one at school should notice I’m gone.” I grin, even if anyone noticed she was missing, Anne probably would wiggle out of troube with a winning smile and an innocent expression.

“ You want to take a walk? My dad might notice you when he comes inside, and it’s better for all concerned if he doesn’t know you're here.”

“Great! You know I was talking to Mindy the other day and she told me that…..”

I listen to her chatter and enjoy the night air, listening to the hoots of owls and the snaps of twigs. As we near a clearing, if had been paying attention, I would have sensed something changing in the air. Stepping into the clearing, we change our lives forever.

submitted by Mirax T., age 11, The Pulsar Skate
(April 4, 2016 - 5:47 pm)


submitted by TOP
(April 4, 2016 - 5:49 pm)


submitted by Top
(April 4, 2016 - 5:58 pm)


submitted by Top
(April 4, 2016 - 5:59 pm)

Is this permanently glued to the third page?

submitted by Top
(April 4, 2016 - 6:00 pm)

Stuck to the third page

submitted by TOP
(April 4, 2016 - 7:53 pm)
submitted by Top
(April 4, 2016 - 7:53 pm)

I do not at this time have intention to continue this RP. I likely will at another time but for certain reasons (i.e. I started working on a story a bit like this and the fact I think RPing may not be the best idea for this idea) I would like to, for the moment, shut it down. If enough people wish to continue this you are very much allowed too; at some point I can always pull it up and ask if you want to continue it. However at this time I don't have the spare creative energy that is compatible with this idea type in this idea form. 

submitted by Indigo
(April 4, 2016 - 8:05 pm)

That's fine, I just felt kind of guilty that I joined a RP and didn't try to keep it alive. It was a cool idea, but maybe your right. I'm in way to many RPs anyway. 

submitted by Mirax T., age 11, The Pulsar Skate
(April 5, 2016 - 3:20 pm)