Dream RP&nbs

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Dream RP&nbs

Dream RP


Greetings! I'm making an rp in which our characters get stuck in their dreams. There are also people that live in this dreams and are part of these dreams, as well as someone who makes dreams. Someone who makes dreams are called Dreamers. Creative, right? And somehow, someway, they all find each other and try to get out.

Name: Ray

Age: 14

Type (Dreamer, part of dream, or stuck in dream): Stuck in dream.

Appearance: Black hair with tips dyed dark blue. Tall, has flashing green eyes. Usually wears a jacket over a tanktop, with slightly oversized jeans.

Personality: Easy-going, chill, is pretty brave but acts a bit irritated around people she doesn't know. Shrugs a lot.

Stuck in a nightmare or Dream: nightmare.

Other: Knows a lot about weapons and how to use them.

submitted by ...
(January 27, 2016 - 9:26 pm)


Name: Eris 


Type: well, she doesn't live in one specific dream, nor does she create them. Although she does help out making nightmares.

Appearance: white long hair, a blue eye and a red eye, wears a patch work jacket, boots, a button up, a grey skirt, mismatched tights, a red tie, and a red top hat.

Personality: Spunky, fun, chaotic, but she does have a soft side, if you can find it.

Other: can bend dreams and reality (if she goes there) to her will. 

submitted by Lindsey R
(January 27, 2016 - 11:58 pm)
submitted by TOP TOP TOP TOP
(January 28, 2016 - 7:47 pm)
Name: Kimi Akiyama
Age: 12
Type (Dreamer, part of dream, or stuck in dream): Stuck in dream.
Appearance: Short. Long black straight hair that goes to her waist
Personality: She has a lot of friends, and is a rather happy person. Although she has a lot of friends, she doesn't really trust them. She can't really be trusted, either. She has a hard time keeping promises.
Stuck in a nightmare or Dream: Dream
Other: She is Japanese, and was a descendant of one of the generals in World War 2. She's rather secretive because of that, and she does NOT judge people easily, because she's been judged too.
submitted by Leaf of Love
(January 29, 2016 - 7:25 am)

Name: Morgana

Age: 16

Type: part of dream

Appearance: Wears all black, usually misty though so you can't see, black eyes with blue pupils

Personality: Rude, mean, sassy

Dream or Nightmare: Nightmare

other: enjoys death, likes fighting and arguments

submitted by Luna, age 11, Everywhere
(January 29, 2016 - 4:53 pm)

I reserve a spot! If that is okay. May we guess who you are? 

submitted by Jarvis, age ???
(January 29, 2016 - 9:12 pm)

I don't suppose I can stop you, can I? Well, you can, as long as you don't clog up the thread with it.

submitted by ...
(January 29, 2016 - 10:55 pm)

Ooh, fun!

Name: Evelyn, Lynnie...or was it Evie?

Age: You think she's maybe around 10. Or 8, or 12.

Type: Part of dream

Appearance: Long blonde hair in a braid (but you could've sworn it was a ponytail just a few minutes ago,) a light purple dress, and Mary Janes.

Personality: She's that person in your dreams who you're best friends with, but don't know outside of the dream at all. She's constantly changing, ever so slightly, in a dreamlike way. Sweet and caring, and laughs a lot. She never really gives specific answers, which can be irritating.

Nightmare or Dream: Dream, usually. But sometimes she shows up in your nightmares too, as a friend who turns out to be a traitor.

Other: There's a rumor circulating that she might have been a real person, a long, long time ago. 

submitted by Carolion K, age Classified, North Pole
(January 31, 2016 - 5:08 pm)

Name: Audrey 

Age: She doesn't know

Type: part of a dream

Apperance: Ghostlike skin and colorless hair. Dark eyes and a black, flowing dress. 

Personality: She really wishes she were a real person. She is the nightmarish part of the dream and she wishes she could be the good part of the dream.

Stuck in a nightmare or a dream: a good nightmare and a bad dream.

Other: She is being dreamt of by a boy. She is the creepy, dream version of a girl in his class.

submitted by Lemon banana , age 10, MT
(February 28, 2016 - 6:37 pm)