Dark Elves RP

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Dark Elves RP

Dark Elves RP


Ok so I have been wanting to make this for a while now.

Dark elves are a kind of elf that is born with powers. About two thousand years ago they were deemed dangeres because there were some acedents and the Guild of Woodland Magic sent them to live in the Dark Forest. They are guarded by The Wolves. They are huge wolves that can sese magic. Our charicters are going to be the dark elves.

Plot: We are going to band togeather and go and defeat the Guild Of Woodland Magic Because they are evil.


Age:(100(10) to 200(20) 

Power (All powers must be related to darkness like summoning black fire, turning into shadows ect)


Apperance( all dark elves have black hair)


I will post my charicter later.  


submitted by Elvina
(January 23, 2016 - 7:07 pm)

I think I'll just keep her age the same. 

"Hello!" "Hey!" "You there!" Cities, I HATE cities. Too much bustle and rustle. No one takes time to answer questions! That's why I live in my Burrow. "Don't worry Hilda. It's ok." Hilda snorts. "Ya, you got me, it's not ok." I finger my necklace with the tree on it, thinking. I should go to an inn and look around... I just wish I knew how to read! When I'm Seeing I can read... but when I'm not I can't! How annoying is that! "Come on Hilda, let's go home."   

submitted by Moonfrost, age Who Cares?, Mars
(February 3, 2016 - 3:31 pm)

Um, Elvina, I've already asked you twice, but is your charrie going to live with mine? I just need to know before I write.

submitted by Lindsey R
(February 3, 2016 - 5:47 pm)

Please answer

submitted by Lindsey R
(February 7, 2016 - 4:07 am)

top, top, toppity top

submitted by top, age top, toppity top
(February 11, 2016 - 9:23 pm)