Hello people! I

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Hello people! I

Hello people! I am writing a book and I made a google forms so I can get more names for the characters. 

Lilli, I'm sorry, but we don't post links to any sites over which we have no control, with the exception of Nano and Pottermore.
submitted by Lilli C., age 12, USA, WI
(January 19, 2016 - 4:37 pm)

Forgive me, but I am an editor and  proofreader and therefore must correct your misspellings. 

Lilli: You misspelled "Google" and "can."

Admins: I hate to do this, but you misspelled "Pottermore," "have," and "no."

Lilli- You're always welcome to ask the CB for ideas for names. You don't need a Google project for it. I have plenty of ideas, and I'm sure others will, too. 


Thanks, Scylla. I think I've corrected all now. I was in too much of a hurry. The last few days have been very busy on CB.




submitted by Scylla
(January 19, 2016 - 6:24 pm)

Lilli- Maybe you can copy all your Form's data to this thread so we have an idea of what theme to suggest names by (fantasy, realistic, dystopian, animals, etc.)? Admins, is that okay with you? And thanks for correcting the errors.

You're welcome. Thank you for telling me.
Yes, it's K to post character forms here. People do it all the time.
submitted by Scylla
(January 19, 2016 - 8:00 pm)

Admins- you can count on me to always find errors to correct, but after about 50 it gets tiring. Still. What I meant by "Form" is Google Form. But charrie forms are good, too. After all, I did make the Mega Charrie Sheet CBer Olympics Event!

submitted by Scylla
(January 20, 2016 - 5:32 pm)