Hello! I am

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Hello! I am

Hello! I am Katydid's friend!

I decided to check this out!

(P.S. Totally not Katydid writing this instead of me! Ha, lol)

I am a PoptartKitten...... 

submitted by Poptart
(January 17, 2016 - 12:25 am)

Welcome to the Chatterbox! I'm TARDISrider, and I have an Alter Ego named Ditty and a CAPTCHA named Taxicab.

Quick guide to the CB:)

AE: Alter Ego, crazy people who follow you everywhere. Not everybody has one, but I find it pretty fun.

RP: Role Plays. You make a Charrie (character) and do. . . role playing stuff. It's pretty easy to get the hang of.

Ski lodge: A murder mystery. One CBer (Chatterboxer) puts up an invitation for a ski lodge, ocean resort, whatever, but under a fake name. People sign up, bring their AEs and CAPTCHAs if they want to. The mysterious CBer kills off different Cbers as they try to guess who the mystery CBer is. (I think I've died in at least five different ski lodges. They're still pretty fun:))

CAPTCHAs: the little 'What code is in the image?' letters. When somebody gets a CAPTCHA close to a real wod (or just sounds cool) they post it. For example: Taxicab says bzgb.

That's all I can think of right now. Sorry if I talked your ear off. Enjoy the CB! 

submitted by TARDISrider, age 982, Gallifray
(January 17, 2016 - 10:49 am)

Toppy :)

submitted by Top
(January 17, 2016 - 10:52 am)

Its funny. We were skyping friends at her house, and I just opened it up and began writing her an intro! Ha! Poptaarrt, I will skype you until you respond and finish reading the Beginner's guide! 

Yes, I do know Poptart in other words. 

submitted by Katydid
(January 17, 2016 - 6:21 pm)

Hey, welcome!

*shakes hand*

Here's a guide to what's what's what here at the CB.


I hope you enjoy your time here! 


submitted by Aquina W., age 13, Atlantis
(January 17, 2016 - 6:35 pm)

Hey! Nice to meet you! I'm Will. My AE is named Rufus, and I remain captchaless to this day. I'm an avid golfer, science lover, haiku writer, piano player, and I dabble in drone flight. That's pretty much it, so it's great to meet you!

submitted by Will T.
(January 17, 2016 - 8:05 pm)

Hey, Poptart!

I'm S.E., one of the fewer remaining Ringers and Tolkienites of the CB! It's great to see you! 

submitted by S.E.
(January 17, 2016 - 8:18 pm)

Hey! I'm a Tolkien fan! 

Anyhoo, I'm Cho Chang! That's not my real name (obviously) but I am a huge Star Wars, LOTR *glares at S.E.* HP, and PJ fan. Although I adore a billion other fantasy things, I can't name them all. *wahhh*

submitted by Cho C.
(January 18, 2016 - 4:54 pm)

Katydid- Keep that Skype up. I hope Poptart stays.

Poptart- Welcome and DON'T YOU DARE ABANDON US!! Sorry. I'm a bit out of sorts. Anyway, good luck! Join some RPs! Make a ski lodge (after you read some others). Do an SI (If there are any. . . ). Create a personified CAPTCHA. Maybe don't make an AE. Do some stuff! Good luck. . . 

submitted by Scylla
(January 18, 2016 - 1:23 pm)

I should probably add more about me. And the CB.

Admins- the administrators. Everyone (I hope) cherishes and worships them as if they're gods. They look each comment over to see if it's appropriate, and sometimes leave a note at the bottom to answer questions, praise a particularly good post, etc. I always try to include them in things like my Quote Thread because I respect them.

SI- Secret Identity Games. You put a themed object instead of your CB name in the name field and everyone else tries to guess who each other is.

That's all I can do for now, maybe tell you more later. 

submitted by Scylla
(January 18, 2016 - 6:56 pm)

Hi !I'm bibliophile , and I hope you like CB!

submitted by Bibliophile , age 12, Chicago,IL
(January 19, 2016 - 9:36 am)

Hi Poptart! I'm Leafmist, also a newer CBer. I have two AEs name CLoudfire and Sweet Tea, and my CAPTCHA is named Misty. I hope you'll feel welcome here! It's great to have you! =) 

Misty says wirv. Wire? Why do you want wires? 

submitted by Leafmist, age 11 moons, Fowl Manor
(January 19, 2016 - 11:22 am)

Hi!! again. this is Poptart, the PoptartKitten that is Katydids friends. THANK YOU SOO MUCH FOR ALL THE COMMENTS ABOUT HELP AND STUFF.... hehe. anyway.. I'm excited to be on this website, even though I am new. sneksneksneksneksneksneksneksneksneksneksnek..... byebye!!!!!

submitted by Poptart
(January 19, 2016 - 11:11 pm)

Welcome to the chatterbox; may your time here be a long a joyfull one!!!!

submitted by JonhFQ, age 13, Egland
(January 22, 2016 - 5:03 pm)