Help! You k

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Help! You k


You know that cry.


The cry of a desperate writer, unable to find a title for her works of art.


Yup. That's it.


I'm writing a dystopian/fantasy series, and the first one is done. I call it WILDERNESS GAME. Basically, a group of three starangers (kids) are sent to the past to study it. Then, all of a sudden, boom! two of them are kidnapped. They escape, and then they discover tsht they all share a secret.

Unfortuanatly, this government agency is not what they think. They begin to go the way planned for them, but due to the stress in relationship to each othere, tensison arrises and the group seperates. After they are all seperate, one girl finds soemthing, something hat scares her.

She desperatelyt attempts to find the others, but can only find one in time. The WILDERNESS GAME has begun.



Okay, so I'm planning on a trilogy. What title should the second book have? 

submitted by S.E.
(January 8, 2016 - 6:53 am)

I guess it kind of depends on what the plot of the 2nd book will be. So, is what above the plot of the whole series, or is it just the plot of the 1st book? 

submitted by Joan B. of Arc , age 13, Camelot
(January 8, 2016 - 4:29 pm)

The one above is just the first. But, I've figured it out.

submitted by S.E.
(January 9, 2016 - 9:22 am)

[Editor nerd mode initiated] First off, you spelled "strangers," "something," "arises," "separates," "that," "desperately," "other," and "tension" wrong. Sorry, S. E., but I cannot stand it when people make spelling errors. Your book idea, however, seems brilliant. As Joan said, it would be easier to help you with a book title if we knew the plot of the second book. It would also help if you told us how you want the conclusion of the third book and the climax of the trilogy will be. 

submitted by Scylla
(January 9, 2016 - 10:37 am)