Continue the S

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Continue the S

Continue the Story!


1. Carry on with the same or different characters.

2. Add on events. 

Leia lay on the grass next to Shawn underneath a milk-filled sky. "Sometimes I like to pretend I can reach up and touch the stars." She stretched her whimsical hand up towards the night sky as a breeze blew through and rustled the surrounding brush. Shawn's thin-rimmed glasses rose when he crinkled his nose, "Do you suppose there are other people staying up like us on different stars?"

submitted by Spitfire , age 14, On Top of the World
(January 6, 2016 - 7:08 am)

"How could that be? A star is a ball of hot gas that nobody could live on," Leia said.

"Oh, come on, Leia, don't get into your down-to-earth phase. Go back to your whimsical, day-dreaming, star-touching self. Everything doesn't have to make sense," Shawn replied softly. He felt a cramp in his hand, so he flicked out his wrist to stretch it. As he did, his hand caught the edge of Leia's soft brown hair. The tiny strands of hair fell through his fingers. As he felt that small movement, the slipping away of something so tiny, he felt a sudden surge of melancholy. All of a sudden, he thought how life could so easily slip away. Just like that.  

Tears filled his eyes, though he had not idea why. He looked away so Leia wouldn't see them. 

Every other day, he thought. You hear something about a random shooting, or a kidnapping, or something bad. Sometimes you'll hear a sad story about someone who died from some sort of illness. But you think, this will never happen to me. Don't worry. But in the back of yor mind, you think, well, what about that kid on the news who was perfectly healthy and happy, then a month later, died of cancer, huh? That person probably thought it would never happen to him. But it did...

"I think, Shawn, the reason I sometimes suddenly want to refuse to be all day-dreamy, is cuz I'm too scared to venture far from reality. They say people are afraid of what they don't know. Or what can't be explained. It's too comforting to just come up with an explanation. They need to come up with an explanation. Why do you think the Greeks created all that mythology? Why do you think everyone became obsessed with science. They say because of human curiosity. But I think it's fear, too, fear of not knowing."

"But making up a world for yourself can be wonderful! Beautiful things can happen if you just beleive! They don't have to be real. Not knowing is perfectly fine."

"Yeah, tell that to my little sister," Leia replied, her voice cracking. She turned over on her side so Shawn wouldn't see her tears.

submitted by Owlgirl AKA Elena O., age 12, Texas
(January 6, 2016 - 6:42 pm)

Shawn felt confused. Why was Leia so upset about imagination? Why couldn't she tell him about what was bothering her? Didn't she trust him? Turning his troubled eyes to the star-filled sky overhead, something caught his attention. He nudged Leia, pointing at the sky. "Hey. look. A shooting star." She turned back to him, then looking up. "Make a wish," he whispered, slipping his arm around her. She closed her eyes, lips moving silently. A hush of breath came out and she opened her eyes, their tricolored irises shining with calm and peace. "I think I know what happened to my sister," she began dreamily. Shawn smiled. This was the Leia he'd come to love. This dreaming, smiling girl. He murmured, "Go on." She nodded and continued, "I think she went to one of those other stars, like you were saying. She didn't die, just-" her words caught in her throat. "She just left us." Shawn smiled sadly. "Maybe, someday, she'll come back." Leia sighed. Another shooting star passed overhead. "Maybe she will," she murmured. "Maybe that shooting star was her, and she's returning to this world." Leia stretched her magical, impossible hand again, the small threads of light-colored energy running through it gleaming in the light of the moon and stars. "Maybe she will."

submitted by Scylla
(January 22, 2016 - 9:27 pm)


Fun activity: Find the three zeros in the O's of the above TTOOPP! 

(January 22, 2016 - 9:30 pm)


submitted by TOPtop, age TOPtop, TOPtop
(January 22, 2016 - 9:30 pm)

Before I write anything, I just want to say that this story, in three short posts, almost brought be to tears. This is amazing and I'm afraid that I'll ruin it by posting.....

Lying there on the hill, Shawn felt more at peace than he ever had. Ever since Selene had disappeared two years ago, Leia had been inconsolable. She and her sister had been on bad terms when Selene had gone for a walk and never came back, and Leia had always blamed herself for that  Shawn knew this better than anyone, because he could hear her thoughts. It wasn't exactly mind reading, and it was only with Leia, but he always knew exactly what she was thinking.  

Rolling over on his side to face her, Shawn asked, "What did you wish for?"

"I wished.... I wished that Selene would come back."


"How did you...?"

Oh no. Shawn had never told Leia about his ability, he was too embarrassed. It was like opening your eyes to see someone's diary over your face, and you had to read it all. Maybe he should tell her though, he knew all about her power.....


"Is that?  Is that another shooting star?"

Puzzled at the change of subject, Shawn looked up and saw a glowing ball descending over them.  

submitted by balletandbow , age 12, Moon
(January 24, 2016 - 10:28 pm)

Aw, thanks, Balletandbow! I take it you like the story so far? Thanks for the new opportunity with the shooting star. I was hinting at that and hoped you'd take the bait.

Leia's eyes widened as the star hurtled nearer. Shawn leaped to his feet, grabbing Leia's hand and pulling her up with him. The star came closer, heat radiating from it. Shawn pushed Leia down the hilltop they were on, jumping after her in a hopeless attempt to escape a fiery death. The star rammed the ground not three feet away from them, sending shock waves through the hill and knocking stones loose. It exploded in a flash of bright light, temporarily blinding Shawn and Leia. As they stood, blinking the brights from their eyes, a figure became

I need to get off 

submitted by Scylla
(January 24, 2016 - 11:51 pm)

As they stood, blinking the brights from their eyes, a figure became clear before Leia's eyes. Short, but lean, feet seeming too small to support her weight, long hair blowing up behind her, that certain gait...

"Selene!" she tried to say, but the words were forced back into her lips by the wind. She choked, sudden tears streaming down her face. She tried to run towards the bright light in a wild desperation,but the crumbling hill was too hard to stand on. So she crawled, her nails digging into the dirt.

"West, the leaf, don't worry," she heard a childish voice say sweetly, but with a tinge of fear. The same voice she had heard so many times...

Suddenly she became aware of Shawn yelling, "Leia! Leia! It's not real!"


The shock of his words fell upon her like a great wave, the echo of the child's voice disappeared, and sillouhette gone...

She let herself go limp, let Shawn drag her down the hill, away from the flames.

Her tears stopped flowing, but inside, she was still dying, this time of disappointment.

It had been so real.

But she knew it wasn't. It was purely in her mind, and really it was always there, although she only became aware of it at a moment of strong emotion, and then the memories and pain of her trauma, her loss, blended with her impossible dreams of being reunited.

She closed her eyes. 

She had had another one of her visions.

submitted by Owlgirl AKA Elena O, age 12, texas
(January 25, 2016 - 4:52 pm)
I am sorry I didn't really busy, and wasn't able to check Inkwell.
Thank you for getting my attention by posting "@Owlgirl" BTW....who was that? Scylla?
I'll post:
Shawn laid her down gently but hastily on the grass. 
"Leia! Leia!" Shawn yelled. "Say something!"
Her eyes flew open and she sat up abruptly.
"I'm fine, Shawn, it's okay..." she said softly. She stood shakily to her feet. "I just..."
"Oh, Leia," Shawn said, running his fingers through his hair, like he always did when wasn't sure what to say or do. "I...I...." He sighed and put a hand on her shoulder. "Look, it's okay, alright? It was only a vision."
"I know," Leia said sadly, but she felt a twinge of doubt. This time, it had felt different from before. This time, there was something more real, more tangible about the vision...
"Shawn," she whispered. "There was something more to that vision. It felt...I don't know, more real. I know it can't be, but..."
"Come on," Shawn interrupted. "It's not real, okay?"
"No!" Leia said loudly, then softer. "No. There was something about it, Shawn, I know it. I swear it. Maybe..." She hesitated. She had never told Shawn about Selene's gift, and she didn't want to start now. She decided she would mix a truth with a lie.
"What if, wherever Selene went, she gained some sort of power? A power that enabled her to send herself to another place by thinking about it? And what if she tried to do it just now, but was too far away for it to work, so she could only summon enough consciousness to send her sillouette for a moment?"
"That's possible," Shawn said, but he was thinking something completely different.
Oh God, he thought. This isn't good. Where does she get these ideas?
She wasalways so smart and beautiful adn strong, but at times like these, she seemed so fragile, the effects of Selene's disappearance beating at her, like  at any moment, she would shtter into a million pieces. He hated seeing her like this, so heartbroken, so inconsolable, so weak. 
"You don't believe me," Leia said, turning her head away.
He opened his mouth to say something reassuring, but just then, something hit him. It had been building up inside of him like a volcano. He couldn't hide his worry anymore.
"WAKE UP, Leia!" he shouted. "I know you want to be hopeful, but don't you see this is going to destroy you?"
As she stared at him in shock, her beautiful blue eyes wide and filled with hurt, he immediately regretted his words.
She trembled, her mouth pressed in a thin line, her entire body tense. Then she let out a sound, halfway between a moan and a sigh. Maybe she too had to let something out.
"There's something I need to tell you."
submitted by Owlgirl AKA Elena O., age 12, Texas
(February 3, 2016 - 7:02 pm)

Aww, Owlgirl, I wanted to finish mine. I knew someone would intervene, but I really wanted to carry through with mine in another post. I couldn't even finish my sentence before my parents took my computer away, and I hoped that you'd wait for me to finish before you continued.

submitted by Scylla
(January 25, 2016 - 7:54 pm)

Oh my gosh, Scylla, I am so sorry. I was rushing so much to add a post I didn't consider...

I know how you feel, sometimes I'm about to get to the climax of the story...then I hear, "Aren't you supposed to be doing homework?" or "GET HERE RIGHT NOW!". parents...dey jus dont understawand.....:(

Were you going to make the figure be Selene? Because if u want, we could do something about Leia feeling like she felt like although Selene hadn't been there, she felt her.....presence, kind of? Like maybe Selene is barely able to summon her consciousness? 

submitted by Owlgirl AKA Elena O, age 12, Texas
(January 28, 2016 - 5:37 pm)

Fairygirl's post doesn't make sense so I'm going to ungraciously but necessarily ignore it. Owlgirl, does this mean I can finish my own post? I'm sorry, but I really wanted to!

submitted by Scylla
(January 28, 2016 - 6:30 pm)

"Ah, but that ruins the imagination, dear Shawn," Leia murmured in her mysterious voice. "If you have all the answers, there will be no questions; no mystery. Everything would be resolved, no one would learn any lessons... Such a world may seem like a paradise, but it could be a woeful life in disguise."

"But, Leia," Shawn rolled over on his side to face her. "If we lived in that world full of answers, there wouldn't be the trials, or the accusations, or the hangings in town square. It would be perfect." Shawn could barely bring himself to say this last part: "If we lived in that world, Miracle wouldn't be dead."

Leia sat up. "That is where I have an answer to your earlier question. Sometimes, when I think of Miracle, or Jemi, or anyone else who was put to death in the square, I believe they are the stars. They tell me what is right, put me on the right path, and sometimes allow me to have some suffering, to make me better."

"Like angels?" questioned Shawn as he eased Leia back to her previous position lying on the ground.

"Yes, but they don't hide me from the bad things so much that nothing good ever comes in. They allow suffering," Leia murmured, her eyelids beginning to droop.

 "I like that," Shawn sighed contentedly. Then, hand in hand, the two children fell asleep.

submitted by Fairygirl, age 11, Resort Baudelaire
(January 25, 2016 - 9:26 pm)

Um......Fairygirl? I'm not sure where your post fits into the latest post.....were you posting on an earlier one?

submitted by Owlgirl AKA Elena O, age 12, Texas
(January 28, 2016 - 5:32 pm)


submitted by Yup
(February 1, 2016 - 11:14 pm)


submitted by @OWLGIRL!!
(February 2, 2016 - 10:33 am)