Crowd Sorcery: Who

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Crowd Sorcery: Who

Crowd Sorcery: Who thinks we should do something like it again (or something like it)?


Dear fellow CBers (and the Admins too),


Who loved Crowd Sorcery? It seems like it would have been really fun....yes, I missed it. WAAAAAH!!!!!! :( I saw the ads in Cricket, but I was never able to find the blog. idk why.


Was it fun? Because it really seemed awesome.

If you've done it before and liked it and think it would be cool to do again (or something like it), OR if you're like me and you've never done it yet still want to do it, then reply to this post with the word YUP. Then you can post whatever else you want to say on the matter. That way it will be easier to count who agrees.

If you dont really want it, then don't post.

To see what crowd sorcery is, click on the box on the left, above "places to chat" that says crowd sorcery.


Admins, if a lot f people agree with this, canyo u please pass this up to whoever manages the magazine? 

Sorry for the typos, everybuggy. In a rush.



Owlgirl AKA Elena O

age 12



The editors already know there's a request for more Crowd Sorcerly. They're up to something. . . . Look for some details in the February 2016 Cricket.


submitted by Owlgirl AKA Elena O, age 12, Texas
(January 5, 2016 - 8:36 pm)


submitted by Hermione A
(January 6, 2016 - 4:48 pm)

Admins, l sadly do not get Cricket anymore, so is there some why that you could inform about the Crowd Sorcery (as it develops) us over this website?


I've passed your concern on to the editors. I don't have details about the new project.


submitted by Shadow Dragon
(January 9, 2016 - 6:57 pm)

I've never been in a Crowd- Sorcery either, Owlgirl, but I agree, it DOES sound like fun. 

Admins, is it fun? 




submitted by Coconut the dog, age I forgot, In the bed
(January 11, 2016 - 4:52 pm)






Swift says "tpee". Where is your tepee, Swift?

submitted by Coconut the dog, age I forgot, In the bed
(January 13, 2016 - 10:35 am)