Chatterbox: Inkwell



Ok, I found this idea in the Idea Deposit and really want to use it.  

Basically we are normal people who happen to be named after book charries.  We all love our names and the books we are named after (someone can hate it if they want, but not everyone), but one day start acting really weird.  It's like our namesakes have taken over our minds!  It starts out ok, but when people start dating random people who happen to be their namesake's lover things get messy.  The only one with his/her own mind is a foster kid who doesn't know their name.  Some of the kids really want their own minds back, so they ask this kid for help.  

Here's the sheet!


Age:(11-16 only please!)

Personality before Take Over: 

Personality after take Over:


You can keep whatever powers you namesake has if you want, and random falling in love with namesake's bfriend/gfriend encouraged!

You can have 2 charries if you want, but no more than 8 total.  I will post mine soon, but I call Annabeth and Percy!

submitted by balletandbow , age 12, Moon
(December 21, 2015 - 4:40 pm)

OK! Alene can be 13.


I heard about the fainting and the visits to the nurse. I found it odd that a whole handful of people collapsed at the same time. After class I was walking down the hall to go home when I heard Annabeth and Percy talking. I followed them all the way to the door of the girl's bathroom. I listetned at the door for a while then left because some other girl had to go in and she looked at me funny. 

During the walk home I pondered the things I had heard and seen. I didn't have many friends and I was not comfortable talking to some random person about the strange events that day. I decided to call my best friend and see what she had to say.


Could someone else's charrie be Alene's friend? Maybe like before the change they are really good friends but after it happens they could be mean or distant to her? 

submitted by regina
(January 7, 2016 - 3:30 pm)


The visit to the nurse's office goes fine. SHe was very quick. There doesn't seem to be anything else wrong, excpet the fact that my hair and eyes are changing colors. I had dirty blonde hair and blue eyes before, but now I have curly brown hair and brown eyes. As I'm walking the halls, trying to find Annabeth so we can go to our next class, I notice her and Percy coming out of the girls bathroom.

"Uh, Percy? What were you doing in the girl's bathroom?" I ask. 

"That's not important," He says quickly. "What's more important is the fact that Annabeth's hair has starting turning blonde. WHy is our hair changing colors?"

"I don't know." I reply. "But we can't think about that right now. We have to get to our class-" Before I can say anything else, Calypso shoves into me.

"Oh, uh, sorry," She says. That's really strange. She's never apologized for anything, ever. Heck, I don't think she's ever even talked to me before. 

"That's fine," I say. Her makeup is smeared, almost like she tried to wipe it off. That's also strange. She's always in the bathroom at least three times a day fixing her makeup. I've never seen it smeared before. Calypso walks away, and Percy, Annabeth and I head to our last class together.

Just another boring math class. By the time it's over, Percy and I are almost asleep, but Annabeth seems very alert, paying attention to every word the teacher says. That's also also really weird. She is usually quite bored with math classes, same as me and Percy. This entire day has been a bit too odd for me. Maybe this is all a weird dream. I want it to be a dream, since I liked my hair the way it was before, but somehow I can't shake the feeling that this is all actually happening. The three of us walk out of the class together, and grab our back packs from our lockers. 

"Okay, then. This has been a weird day," I say. "Bye guys. See ya tomorrow." I quickly grab my backpack, coat and hat. It's kind of cold outside. I shove the hat on my head, trying to cover up my brown hair. WHo knows what my mom would say. I think I have a pair of sunglasses in my bag, so I dig those out and put them on my eyes, to cover up the fact that they are currently brown instead of blue. 

I get home quickly, and run upstairs to my room before my mom can ask any questions. I can't keep going like this- I have to dye my hair. There's a little money hidden in my sock drawer, so I dig it out and head out the door. This will temporarily solve the issue of my hair, but what of my eyes? You can't dye eyes! Maybe I can get some color contact lenses from Wal-mart.......... 

submitted by Leafmist, age 11 moons, Fowl Manor
(January 19, 2016 - 12:20 pm)