Breathing.  Deep breathi

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Breathing.  Deep breathi

Breathing.  Deep breathing.  Why am I breathing?  Why do I need to breathe?  Breath, breath, breath. 

I open my eyes.  Peering through my murky surroundings, I am still confused.  I am not breatHing.  My chEst does not move under its white bikini-Like toP, revealing the black swirling tattoos that wind down My torso.  A small fish swims lazily around my body, drawing my attEntion down to my legs.  I gasP siLEntly, eyes widening AS my lEgs begin to glow.  Without a sound, they glow brighter and brighter, fuzing together at my hips, my knees, my ankles.  I scream.  This is not painless.  I feel as if someone had released a swarm of venomous jawblade fish and let them eat my legs.  Fighting against the pain, I stay conscious just long enough to catch a glimpse of bright green scales covering the lower half of my body.  Then, everything goes dark.

"This is not good." a female voice says. "She should not have been able to transform this early.  Her body can hardly cope with the new DNA itself right now, much less having a tail."

"Well, she did." A man states matter-of-factly. "Her vitals are all stable, but we need to get her back into the water soon, her body needs the extra moisture.  Here, help me."

A grunt, and I am suddenly immersed in cold, clear water.  My eyes snap open, and I find that I'm being watched.  Ignoring the two people, I peer around.  I am in a tank about 20 feet long with clear walls and what looks like a small house a the bottom.  Trying to get a better look, I attempt to swim down farther, but find I can't move my legs.  I twist around to find I don't have any legs.  Only a shiny green fish tail is left it their place.

I scream, only then realizing that I am not breathing.  What did those people do to me?  Who was behind me when I woke up?  How do I move?  

"I don't know who you are, what those two did to us, or where we are, but I was the one behind you when you woke up." a voice behind me says.  I whirl around to see a boy about my age with shaggy blonde hair and a blue tail floating easily in the water.  He's not wearing a shirt.  I blush.  Even though I'm 13, I've never seen any boys other than my older brother shirtless.  Then I remember the white bikini that I'm wearing, and blush even harder.

"I'm Alex." He continues. "And you are...?"

"Um... I don't know my name." I say, realizing that I don't know anything at all.

"Oh." Alex says, looking confused. "Well, you had better come dawn here with me, or the people might take you up again."

So, I clumsily swim down to the bottom of the tank with him, trying to remember anything from before the last ten minutes.

submitted by The Dark One
(December 15, 2015 - 1:08 pm)

Is this like a round robin?

submitted by Leafmist, age 11 moons, Fowl Manor
(December 15, 2015 - 2:30 pm)

Help me please? Do you mean help you, or the character? Top

submitted by Dragonrider
(December 15, 2015 - 5:24 pm)

The Dark One is not responsible for any hidden messages in the writing.  If you find something, it is from some outside force.

{AKA the charrie.  I want to be cryptic today.} 

submitted by The Dark One
(December 15, 2015 - 6:11 pm)

Nah.  I just felt like trying to write another story and posting it as I go.

submitted by The Dark One
(December 15, 2015 - 5:52 pm)

"Nothing? You remember nothing at all?" asks a girl with black hair and a pink tail, sitting on a box that serves as a chair.

"Just bits and pieces," I say, "My older brother mostly, but it can't even remember his name. Or mine for that matter."

"Well," Alex says, floating in through the door to the kitchen. "Now you're kinda stuck down here. Calli here and I have been here Since Those two people did whatever they did to us and Gave us Tails. We can't get OUT of this tank, and can't get our legs to come back either. Calli got here first, but she hasn't seen anything more than I have."

"I heard them saying something about new DNA," I offer. "Could they have fused our DNA with some fish or something?"

"Maybe," Calli says.

"The people said that I shouldn't have transformed so fast. Maybe Alex's and your bodies took longer to mesh with the DNA or something."

"Well, when Alex was changed, they had him in some other tank for a while before his legs lit up." 

"That was awful," Alex says, shuddering. "My tail took a few hours to form, and I tell you it was not  fun.  Ever been bitten by some jawblades?  Imagine that but 1000 times worse."

"What I don't get is how you're not breathing. I never would have gotten so close to you when you changed if I knew you were alive."

"You thought I was dead?" I ask, puzzled.

"Well yeah," he admits sheepishly. "Your chest doesn't move at all. I still can't tell how you're alive."

"What I'm interested in is those tattoos," Calli says. "What are they?"

"No clue. Like I said, I can't really remember anything."

"Well, no matter what you'll need a name," Alex points out. "What do you think about Kylee?"

I blush again. They're doing so much for me, but I still can't get used to a boy without a shirt. I open my mouth to accept the name, but Calli cuts in.

"Are you crazy? Does she look like a Kylee? I was thinking Keiko or Junjie. What do you think?"

"I actually like Keiko," I admit  "I like how it sounds."

"Well Keiko," Alex says, stressing my new name. "It's lunchtime. Let's go catch us some fish."

submitted by The Dark One
(December 15, 2015 - 6:08 pm)

I really like your story, Dark One! 

(Is your name an Avatar comic reference?) 

submitted by OtR
(December 16, 2015 - 5:23 pm)

No.  After I posted this stuff, I realized that 'The Dark One' is used a LOT as a reference to a villain.

submitted by The Dark One
(December 19, 2015 - 12:18 pm)

True. I assumed it wasn't. 

submitted by OtR
(December 19, 2015 - 2:49 pm)

This is SO COOL! The Dark One, keep writing!!

submitted by Aquina W., age 13, Atlantis
(December 20, 2015 - 12:34 pm)

Ugh.  Boys can be soooo stupid.  Kylee?  Alex really needs to learn some real names.  Keiko swims in front of me, following Alex's lead out into the open tank.  She's adjusting well to her new tail, but it'll be a while before she's completely comfortable in the water.  It took me almost until Alex was Changed to figure out how this thing works.

"So Calli," Alex asks. "What's on the menu today?"

"If they keep to the pattern," I reply. "It should be some halibut and greens.  Probably seaweed."

Alex shudders. "Really? Always with the seaweed.  Have they tried that stuff?  It's gross."  He makes a face like he's about to barf and Keiko giggles.

"It is pretty bad." I admit.

"How do we get it?" Keiko asks

"Alex, you explain." 

"Fine.  Those humans drop live fish into the tank, along with some sort of sharp object, usually a knife, and we have to catch them, gut them, and cook them."

"You cook fish underwater?"

"Well, yeah.  Raw fish is really nasty you know.  Almost as bad as seaweed.  Anyway, Calli figured out how to modify the stove so it works underwater."

"I didn't do anything!" I protest. "I just adjusted the settings so it could function under all that pressure!"

"See?  Brilliant."

"Anyway," I continue. "The fish should be released about.....  Now."

Sure enough, four good-sized fish plop into the water and start to swim around, along with three small knives and a spear-like harpoon.

"That's odd." Keiko points out. "There are only three of us down here right?"

"Yeah." Alex says.  He gasps and points upward.  "Is that?"

"Oh no.  That's not good." I say.

"What?"  Keiko looks up to see a teenage boy sinking slowly through the water.  He's out cold, but it's obvious why we're worried.  His legs are starting to glow. 


submitted by The Dark One
(December 21, 2015 - 8:04 am)

So cool! you are a very talented writer.

submitted by Emmy A., age 12, Pensylvania
(January 9, 2016 - 1:00 pm)