Chatterbox: Inkwell
Has anyone read A Series of Unfortunate Events?
It's probably best if you've read most/all of the books for this thing, but so long as you like spy stuff you can join!! Remember VFD? I was thinking we could have a spy agency here! It's not exactly an RP, or a Ski Lodge-type thing, but more of a club, but not exactly a club, if you get what I'm saying. We can shape the idea more as people join, but here is the skeleton of my idea:
So, we can join, and invent codes, and stuff like that, and in our other comments we can hide secret messages only we understand! And we'd report back here and discuss the message and stuff.
And we can invent another thread for the bad guys, (except we won't look on their thread-it's their home base, and they don't look on ours), and guess what their secret plan is! So basically, we'll have two agencies, good guys and bad guys, and the baddies come up with a plan of some kind. Let's make the bad guys' thread after planning more and making more ideas.
(December 12, 2015 - 11:25 am)
Well, Olaf won that round. Somebody else can have a turn being captured and leaving clues to where they are. I was in the 'Well, I was' thread in DtE.
Who wants to have a turn being captured?
(December 21, 2015 - 10:55 am)
I'd like to join, but have no idea what is going on.
(December 21, 2015 - 3:56 pm)
Well, it's a spy agency of sorts, and right now we're taking turns being captured and leaving codes as to where we are. (Like I just was 'captured' and hid myself in a thread in DtE called, 'Well, I was...' and I left clues in that thread that suggested I'd been captured and clues here that were clues to where I was) It's fun if you like codes and spies!
(December 22, 2015 - 8:28 am)
Hi, fellow Cb'ers! As
Everyone (or some people at least) knows,
Leopards and
Penguins are not part of
Mayan culture.
I just saw someone clibing through my window!
Maybe theyre... uh-oh.
Can someone help me? Please?
Unwanted people just launched a
Toward me! What is going to happen now?
(December 25, 2015 - 9:53 pm)
Now, you post clues as to where you could be in a certain thread.
Hey, my CAPTCHA is saying ogen again! I tink he said dat wunce. Oh, no, he inchanted me tu tawk weerd!!!!
(December 31, 2015 - 3:54 pm)
On book 11 love to join.
(March 19, 2016 - 12:09 pm)