Minecraft RP!
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Minecraft RP!
Minecraft RP!
This RP is about Minecraft. Everyone that joins is automatically in Survival, it's probably better that way, but if you want to be in Creative, give me a really good reason why and I might let you. If you're in Creative you can switch to Survival but not back. The reason can be as simple as thinking up a really good scene for Creative. You don't need to put your real username, just your CB name would be fine. Also your charrie(s) can have their own names. Charrie Sheet:
Name: Amber
Age: 11
Appearance: Long, ember brown, slightly wavy hair; fiery orange-red-gold eyes; tan skin; wears a golden t-shirt and jeans
Personality: Fiery. Just fiery.
Any mods?: Wings, horns, and hooves
Any horses?: Alea the dawn-bringer
I liked the idea where kids that were playing Minecraft got spawned in their MC world. So let's do that.
Hallia says meom. Meow! She's a cat right now...
(November 24, 2015 - 5:04 pm)
Name: Aspen (Pen)
Age: 12
Appearance: Elbow-length honey-colored hair, cyan eyes, pale skin, navy-blue shirt, lavender sweater, jeans
Personality: Outgoing, stategetic, friendly, logical
Any mods? Can't think of one at the moment. If I do, I'll let you know. For now, no mods.
Any horses?: Blue Moon, and a black and white cat called Harmony if that's okay.
(November 24, 2015 - 6:47 pm)
Name: Piper
Age: 13
Personality: Spunky, loud, funny, sarcastic
Mods?: no
Horses?: Spot, a caramel colored horse with a black mane
Misty says newh. I think he means he's new to Minecraft.
(November 25, 2015 - 7:51 am)
I forgot to post my appearance!!!! Sorry!!!
Appearance: (Minecraft appearance) Using a skin: blue shorts, red hoodie (hood up) diamond swords strapped to her back, long brown hair
(real life) Long reddish brownish hair, hazel eyes, always has that mischievous smile on her face
Do we need to post our username as part of a he charrie sheet?
I know I've been doing a bunch of CAPTCHAS recently, but....
Misty says Fred!!!! Awwwww I miss Fred Weasly too. *SPOILER ALERT* I hate that he died!
No, you don't need to post a username. We're not allowing them.
(November 25, 2015 - 5:30 pm)
I will just start.
I log onto my computer. My files load and I click on the Minecraft launcher. New update..... Not yet, so I click on the "Play Online" option. I wait for it to load and get onto my MC world. I start to feel lightheaded and almost immediately black out.
I wake up on a grass block. A grass block? There are no grass blocks! Unless.... Unless..... I have to face the impossible. I have spawned in my MC world. I might as well check my inventory. Nothing. I must be in Survival. Strange... I thought my world was in creative. I guess not? The world I spawned into seems like a Survivalcraft paradise. Plenty of trees, not many hills, lots of cattle, sheep, and horses, and plenty of caves, too! I run over to a tree- Oak, I think- and hack at it. Soon, I have cut the whole tree down. I make a crafting table out of the wood and make an axe. If I'm going to make a good home, I'll need wood.
(November 26, 2015 - 10:15 am)
Ok! thanks Admin. I was just wondering because I looked at on eof the other Minecraft RPs and they had usernames on them.
(November 27, 2015 - 12:45 pm)
This RP is officially DEAD!!!! Sorry Leafmist, KittyGirl, it's dead. I don't have time for it, I don't have room for it, I will not do it, it seems POINTLESS!!! You two, if you get more people, can keep it going, but I am LEAVING. : Massive Ender Dragon comes and destroys RP: Sorry again. But it's dead.
(November 27, 2015 - 2:01 pm)
I go to my computer, eager to try out the new Minecraft update. According to the description, they had made bunnies! I opened my laptop, and clicked on the Minecraft button. It asked for my password. Wierd. It's never done that before. Probably just a part of the new update. I typed in my code, then clicked on my favorite world. It was a survival world, where I had built lots of houses, cabins, and fortresses. Then the screen went black. I frantically clicked on the buttons. My dad, a tech MASTER, had always told me that would never help, but I panicked. Then the screen read: "GlItCh'././;,';,/,';,;,;'. WeLcOmE tO mInEcRaFt"...................... Then I passed out.
I woke up a few minutes later, dizzy, and confused. "What happened to my Minecraft game?" I wondered aloud, even though there was no one to answer me. "My dad." I thought. "I'll ask my dad." I got up, ready to go find him, when everything pixelated, and I froze. I couldn't move, no matter how hard I tried. My mouth couldn't make any noise to yell for help. I felt like I was being sucked into a portal. Then I was able to move again. my vision cleared, and I could speak again. The world around me looked strange, but somewhat familiar. Then I realized... It was my Minecraft world! I had been sucked into Minecraft! I panicked. I didn't know what to do. Then I thought, "If I'm in Minecraft, then maybe all the Minecraft rules apply to me. I looked in my hotbar. Empty. survival mode. Great. The overworld here was plentiful, with trees, lakes, cows, sheep, pigs, and even the cute little baby bunnies! I walked up to one and tried to pet it. Instead of petting it though, it flashed red and fell to the ground, dead. A raw rabbit carcass popped up in it's place. "I gues I have to take that so I can eat it." I said. I picked up the meat and put it in my inventory, saving it for later. "I need to builed a house." I found a tree at the edge of a forest and started hitting it. Soon, little blocks of wood covered my feet. I picked up the blocks of wood and made a crafting table, knowing I'd need it for later. I used the crafting table to turn the wood logs into planks. The sun was close to setting, so I decided to go ahead and build a shelter for the night. it didn't take long, I just made it a 6x6x4 wooden box. I climbed inside, waiting out the night. I could hear monsters banging on my walls, trying to find out what was within those flimsy wooden walls. The night lasted forever- or at least, until the sun came up. Then I dared to punch a hole in the side of my cabin to look out. The sky was tinged with red, and the monsters all burst into flames, except for the creeper, and the... Enderman. My least favorite monster. He seemed all nice and cool and tall and purple and sparkly, until you hit him. Then his mouth opened wide, and he started shaking, and disappeared. You walked in fear in your own world, until you found him. Then show no mercy. But I didn't see any endermen outside, so I decided it was safe to venture out. "I wonder what Minecraft has in store for me today," I wondered as I destroyed my cabin......
(November 27, 2015 - 2:00 pm)
Hey Scylla, how about you leave and we, the people on this RP can keep playing? Oh and I am going to join.
Name: Alex ( I am going to use that character that I always play with when I play Minecraft except I am going to change her appearance.)
Age: 12
Appearance: Black hair in a pony tail, Brown eyes green shirt brown pants
Personality: ummmmm bright and smart, an optimist, always looking on the bright side of things .
Any mods?: Um what is a mod?
Any horses?: None yet.
Alex- I sit on my bed to play my Friday ipad. I click on Minecrat amd watch the screen light up. When it opens I click on my favorite world with the castle. It loads and loads but then the screen says " Error please try again." Then I black out.
~~~~~ later
I sit up and look around My brain is fogy but then I see a sheep and a chicken and a mineshaft and three trees and the ocean. I just got transported to Minecraft!!! I check my inventory and see thet I have nothing , so that means I am on survival. I run to the nearest tree and mine it. When I have finished I see that I have twelve blocks of wood. And an apple. I craft a crafting table and make a pick ax and 14 planks. Then I walk towards the nearest sheep. It is grazing and doesn't notice me until I hit it with my pick ax. It runs and I chase after it. Finally it dies and I get a block of wool. One down two to go. Then I make my way to the nearest mineshaft. It is not very big but in the middle I am reworded with five blocks of coal. I make ten torches and settle down for the night.
(November 27, 2015 - 3:18 pm)
Those random numbers I posted were NOT supposed to be a phone number! They were seriously just random numbers I punched in. Even if you're not on Cricket, I'm so sorry about that, whoever owns that phone number!!!!!!!
(November 28, 2015 - 10:47 am)
Well it might be a good thing that it's dead because I don't really have time for another RP either. I'm in sooooooo many!!!!
(November 28, 2015 - 10:51 am)
Name: Glitch Pixel
Age: 14
Appearence: Short black hair, dark green shirt w/gold streaks around it and the pants are the same.
No mods
Horse: Black on back fade to dark grey on legs. My captcha is Orucio. Orucio says gmct. Give me a cat? Orucio is a mettalic dark green tiny dragon. He is five inches long.
(November 28, 2015 - 5:06 pm)
Name: Ethan
Age: 10
Appearance: Black T-Shirt, Grey sweat pants, Flip* style hair
*A flip style hair is kind of a fohawk in the front only.
(January 3, 2016 - 5:09 pm)