Dreams! &nb
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Dreams! &nb
Here is a place to tell your dreams.
It's cool to use dreams in writing, and we want to remember them!
Share your dream- by that I mean THE KIND YOU HAVE WHEN YOU ARE DREAMING, not you wishes for the future.
Even if it's kind of a nightmare, you can still share it. Just keep it appropriate and nto horribly gruesome.
Please don't make up dreams.
And you can always post under anonymous.
Here's one I used to have over and over and over again when I was 5, 6, 7 years old. I still remember it.
I'm in my house, it's a treehouse thousands of feet in the air, in a clearing surrounded by rainforest. Suddenly there's a rumbling sound. A tiger is running across the rope bridge that connects our house to the forest in the distance. It bursts into the house. I try to run into my parents' room, but my mom runs inside and shuts the door before I can reach it. The tiger charges closer, and I fall down and play dead, my heart pounding with fear.
I stopped having this dream when one night the tiger turned into a friendylndragon.
(November 24, 2015 - 3:20 pm)
Owlgirl, I made a thread exactly like this called Dreamtelling. It's long gone now. It was cool though.
(November 24, 2015 - 4:24 pm)