Chatterbox: Inkwell



The longest thread EVER has been found! It is that game "Last To Post Wins" with FIVE HUNDRED AND EIGHTEEN POSTS!!!!! 

The longest thread in the first 10 pages of the Inkwell is.....(drumroll please!)


submitted by balletandbow, age 12, Moon
(November 18, 2015 - 4:09 pm)


One day, I was walking through my village to go to the bakery for my morning ration. Ever since the village had been taken over by a hostile cyborg nation, breakfast, lunch, and dinner had been called rations. Suddenly, I rounded the corner and saw a commoner give long at the feet of a cyborg officer. The officer had kicked the civilian's dog, nearly killing it with its metal-tipped boot. The poor dog lay there, whimpering as the commoner begged the officer to leave him in peace.

"Please, Officer, leave mi' poor dog in peace! It may't yet live if you leave it alone... Not to be rude, though, Officer, I mean-" He was cut short by a sabre held to his throat.

"Before you go down that road, let me save you the breath. Flattery doesn't charge these batteries, commoner."


Ta-daaaaah! (That was fun!) :) 

submitted by Rogue Wildling, age Guess, Somewhere precarious
(May 19, 2018 - 10:36 am)

I probably would, but I can't, seeing as how I've banned myself from RPs for the rest of the year. Sorry.

submitted by Leafpool@Rogue , age Finite, This side of reality
(May 20, 2018 - 1:07 pm)

Awww, why? Were you spending too much time RPing?

submitted by Rogue Wildling, age Guess, Somewhere precarious
(May 20, 2018 - 5:28 pm)

You've got it backwards. I don't have enough time to spend RPing. Because I only get 30 minutes on the computer Monday to Thursday, (and about an hour maybe, on Fridays and Sundays) and so even though sometimes there are RPs I really want to join, if I join them, I can't really post and I have to end up ditching everyone else in the roleplay. The only reason I used to have more time to roleplay, a couple years ago, was because I was using the computer without permission and so, when I stopped doing that, I didn't have time anymore. Anyway, I'm most likely not joining any roleplays until 2019, or until I can get more time on the computer.

Link to the thread I made: 


submitted by Leafpool, age Finite, This side of reality
(May 21, 2018 - 2:09 pm)

Cool! Leafpool posted 16 seconds ago!

submitted by Alizarine
(May 21, 2018 - 2:10 pm)

Cool! You posted twenty hours and thirty-six minutes ago!

submitted by Leafpool, age Finite, This side of reality
(May 22, 2018 - 10:48 am)

And YOU posted 19 hours and 30 minuets ago! Time, right? That's a thing!

submitted by Alizarine
(May 23, 2018 - 6:22 am)

Totally, my dear Watson. 

Ah, I posted 19 hours and 30 minuets ago. How nice. I don't even know how to dance. 

submitted by Leafpool, age Finite, This side of reality
(May 23, 2018 - 9:48 am)

Typos typos typos typos typos typos typostypos typos typos  typos typos typos typos typos typostypos typos typos  typos typos typos typos typos typostypos typos typos  typos typos typos typos typos typostypos typos typos  typos typos typos typos typos typostypos typos typos  typos typos typos typos typos typostypos typos typos  typos typos typos typos typos typostypos typos typos  typos typos typos typos typos typostypos typos typos  typos typos typos typos typos typostypos typos typos typoos

submitted by Alizarine
(May 23, 2018 - 3:20 pm)

So today we need 1595 posts to level out with the Art Thread.

*Long silence*  

submitted by Leafpool, age Finite, This side of reality
(May 23, 2018 - 9:52 am)

Don't worry, Mr. Holmes. First we'll take over the LtP, and then we'll take over the WORLD!!! WHAH HAH HAAAHHH

Yeah, we're probably never going to catch up with the Art Thread, but the art thread is unwilling to go to war. The Art Thread is just like "yay, art!" Meanwhile, here's a quote from the LtP:


I'm in, Blue Moon! Also, post faster, everybody! The blasted LtE is catching up!

submitted by hotairballoon 


Them's fightin' words!

Also, if we're going to overcome the LtP, you should probably stop posting there. I mean, I don't really care, but...

If this thread gets longer then technically we both win... 

submitted by Alizarine
(May 23, 2018 - 3:33 pm)

1) YEESSSSS!!!! WORLD DOMINATION! Actually, I'm not that evil but LET'S PRETEND I AM! MWAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA *eerie cymbal clashing* ...okay, to be honest I've never heard eerie cymbal clashing in my life but... who knows! It could sound really creepy!

2) The thing with the art thread is that it actually has a useful purpose, and so many people are artsy that it keeps filling up! aahh!

3) HAB must've posted on this thread at some point in time...hmm...Someone else comb through this thread for a change, will ya? I'm tired. *Flops back dramatically onto a handy couch nearby* 

4) Fightin' words! Yeah! Um, oh. Yeah. Right.

5) Ehh....nah. I don't want to restart the whole boycotting thing. However, if I'm still posting on that thread, we should just post MORE on THIS THREAD!

6) I guess so. 

Hazel says wuug. Huh? Okay, let me reload that.


mdah. That sounds like she's saying middle...with a Mainish accent? Ooh, did I just coin that word? Hm. But seriously. Like...middah. No. Okay. Never mind. 

submitted by Leafpool, age Finite, This side of reality
(May 24, 2018 - 10:04 am)

Hey though it's the longest thread on Inkwell! EVIL's Revenge is the second longest and Gared's Boarding School thread comes in third. Then the Evernaught City RP, the Magic RP, and then the RMS Humbug and RMS Tiny thread. Then....okay, I'll stop now. Two of my threads are up there though. ;)

submitted by Leafpool, age Finite, This side of reality
(May 24, 2018 - 10:11 am)

World domination! *gasp*

We could use the ancient LtE magicks to power a machine that will be the key to dominating the chatterbox--or--uh....

*Flops onto couch* On second thought, I'm too lazy to dominate the world. Someone else do it for me ;~; 

submitted by A CBette
(May 24, 2018 - 1:03 pm)

HAB did post on this thread! On page three. Viri says tiaf. Does anyone speak CAPTCHA?

submitted by Agent Winter, Classified
(May 24, 2018 - 1:33 pm)