Secret agents! NOT
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Secret agents! NOT
Secret agents! NOT A RP! This is one of those things where you join and I make up the story. Basically you create a code name, give me 'that' much info about yourself,(real or made-up) and i take it from there. For me...
name: Agent Elizabeth
age: 11
personality: a complete bookworm, slightly sarcastic, loves solving riddles, hates jigsaw puzzles.
Appearance (vague): Short brown hair, always wears jeans (unless I'm asleep), carries a leather pocket-book.
Let's only have 6 secret agents, but we can have 2 or 3 villians. So we can have 9 people total, including villians. Please don't be offended if I make you a bad guy. You may place a request if you would like to be a villian, otherwise I will decide who is who. Please, please only 9 people!
(November 17, 2015 - 5:09 pm)
Glad you're back. I am going to erase Agent D and Agent X is spying on the bad guys for the good guys but she is bad. ( If that's ok).
(November 30, 2015 - 5:44 pm)
Yay! Glad you're back, holidays can be pretty hectic. Looking good so far! I can't wait to read the next part!
(December 1, 2015 - 1:10 am)
Oh, sorry Agent Elizabeth. I was confused when you said you would be posting on a different thread. Sorry! =)
(December 1, 2015 - 1:28 pm)
@Elvina Is "Agent D", Agent Destiny? 'Cause I've kind of got plans for her. And sure Agent X can be a spy!
@Leafmist Perfectly fine!
I have not yet introduced everyone but I will later. Next post in a nutshell: Spartcus actually will not be joined with either group yet. Unfortunatly, he will stumble upon the bad guys in the Moonlit Woods (which are quite dangerous) and be swayed to their side. Meanwhile everyone at the Agents' HQ will be waking up. Agent S. and Agent H. have been sent away on a mission of their own, so when the agents wake up, not only is their HQ ransacked, Agent X is missing! Duh, Duh, DUH!!!
(December 1, 2015 - 4:07 pm)
Oooh! I can't wait! XD
(December 1, 2015 - 7:57 pm)
You can use Agent D but be sure you call her that.
(December 2, 2015 - 10:17 am)
@Elvina OK, I will :)
(December 2, 2015 - 3:47 pm)
Toppity top!!
(December 6, 2015 - 1:41 am)
I had Chinese on Friday, my computer wouldn't work on Saturday, and I was busy on Sunday. So I'm here!
Part 2
The Moonlit Woods intriged Sparticus. The wood was clearly magical, or inchanted. For one, there was the Gradif vine that had tried to eat his pack. He had been hard pressed to get away from that one. There were also various roots protruding from the rugged paths he had taken, and plenty of pesky creeks, always seeming to try to trip him. Sparticus was now camped on the banks of a simple stream. He was just about to light a fire when two girls snuck out of the woods in front of him. Quickly gathering his supplies, he retreated into the shadow of a tall pine.
Shadows. They have a deeper meaning than just the figure something makes when a light shines on it. Some Shadows are alive. They are ruled by the Shadow Chief, The Head Shadow, and can be extremly dangerous if the right weapons are not used. The particular Shadow that was snooping behind this pine Worked on Sparticus. This is done by simply getting into the minds of people, and can be extremly harmful.
Agent Anna and Selena crept out of the woods, carefully noting each footprint and mark Sparticus had left behind, carelessly. Selena gripped Agent Anna's arm as they made their way out of the thick of the forest."Shadows," she whispered, so softly that Anna could hardly hear her. Agent Anna froze. Despite working for the Shadow Chief, she was still very wary of the Shadows. They were oddly creepy. A teenaged boy suddenly stumbled out of the pines. He wore a slightly glazed look, that changed quickly when he saw the girls."How did I...," he mumbled. Selena grinned wickedly. "I am Selena Marumi," she said coldly,"And that is all you will ever know about me. You are a servant of the Shadow Chief, and under him I am your commander." Sparticus blinked,"I am? You are?" Selena smiled smugly,"You are now."
All the agents were waking up at the agent HQ. Agent D. was out completly, two tranquilizer bullets having done their job. Everyone was wondering why they felt so sleepy, and why Agent Sydney woke up with her face in the air duct, when Agent Elizabeth appeared in the doorway. She wore a slightly concerned expression on her face. "You guys better come into Agent ZAQ's office," she said worridly,"Her computers have picked up a odd signal." Then, noticing the condition of the agents, she grinned."Another attack?" she asked, almost laughing,"We seriously need to be more prepared for these things." Booksy piped up,"Nameless Mystery used these cool bomb thingies!" Nameless Mystery shook his head sadly,"Not any more," he sighed.
Will post more later, this is getting to be really long.
(December 7, 2015 - 6:42 pm)
This is AWESOME! Thank you so much for making me a villan!
(December 8, 2015 - 11:28 am)
This is awesome! I LOVE BEING BAD! *grinning wickedly* What will I do next?
(December 8, 2015 - 3:25 pm)
Just resuming where I left off.
Part 3
Agent Elizabeth sat down on a stool in Agent ZAQ's empty office, near the elaborate computer system. Agent ZAQ herself had gone on a private mission, and no one knew when she would be back. Until then moniters had been set up to protect and notify the agents of anything odd. This was one of those signals. Agent Elizabeth tapped a few keys and a tracking screen popped up."See," Agent Elizabeth pointed to a neon purple blob,"This is the HQ." A flashing red light appeared. "And that is danger."
Sorry it was so short!
(December 8, 2015 - 3:46 pm)
I changed my mind--Millet is actually a mouse--I said rat! Oopsy! Hehehehe...
Chip says 'pgtv'. Hah, I'm old enough for P-G T.V.! How dare you think otherwise! "Pgtv." Oh, no you didn't! I am too! "Pgtv!!!" Quiet or I'll have to lock you up!
(December 11, 2015 - 6:44 pm)
(December 15, 2015 - 10:54 am)