Rangers Apprent
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Rangers Apprent
Rangers Apprentice Roleplay (OOC?)
Hello all! Call me Mere, or Umbs. You probably don't know me because, well, I've only posted in here once before. But I will tell you that I am related to Coconut, Cho, and Matt in some form or another. I am most likely quite a bit older than all of you ;) but I enjoy role-playing, and there seems to be a nice community here. So, without further ado, I shall get down to the actual reason for my post!
»Rangers Apprentice Roleplay«
This roleplay will be based loosely on John Flanagan's book series, Rangers Apprentice (hence the name of the roleplay). It will be set about 30 years after the last book, The Royal Ranger, so we can pretend that everyone in the main series is no longer living.
»Where is this roleplay set?«
This roleplay is set in a medieval world, particularly in the country Araluen and its fiefdoms, although if we get enough people, we may expand to some of the surrounding countries. (As soon as I figure out how I will put up a map of Araluen)
»Rules and other such jazz!«
The characters that you can play range from the King (or Queen) of Araluen to the lowest farmer. There will be ten fiefdoms available for Rangers to be assigned to, which ones I will be expressing later in this post. Please keep yourself to a manageable amount of characters, the absolute maximum being three. You will only be allowed one Ranger character, be it a full-fledged one or an apprentice. Also, only one noble character, King, Queen, Duke, Dutchess, or other, will be allowed per roleplayer. You will only be allowed two 'major' characters, that is, a full-fledged Ranger or any type of nobility. More may be allowed depending on the amount of people we get.
Absolutely no godmodding or power-playing is allowed. If you are in doubt, don't do it.
You must fill out the whole character sheet. You can add more sections, but don't remove or leave out any of the ones I have on it.
If you want to 'hold' a spot you must include the word 'humperdink' in your post. Spots will only be held for two days, if you do not have your character sheet up in two days you will lose your spot.
Keep Out of Character (OOC) posting to a minimum please! And when posting OOC, please format it differently than your In Character post. Hopefully there will be two threads for this roleplay, an OOC thread (this one!), to discuss the plot and other things. And an In Character thread (IC), to write the actual roleplay in.
Posting format should tell the characters name and where they are at the very beginning of your post. If you want, you can also say who's character you are interacting with. This will make the roleplay much easier to follow. Also, if you can please write your posts in the third person. (Example: Joanna walked up to the counter and smiled at David.) If you find this too difficult, then you may write in the first person, just keep to the same tense! Again, all this is just too make the roleplay easier for you to follow.
»To sum up«
~ You can only have three characters
~ You can only have one Ranger and/or Noble and/or other high ranking character unless I state otherwise
~ No godmodding. Period.
~ Fill out the whole character sheet
~ Keep OOC posting to a minimum once the roleplay starts
» Fiefdoms «
Anselm Fief
Araluen Fief
Aspienne Fief
Caraway Fief
Coledale Fief
Cordom Fief
Culway Fief
Drayden Fief
Gorlan Fief
Highcliff Fief
Hogarth Fief
Macindaw Fief
Martinsyde Fief
Meric Fief
Norgate Fief
Redmont Fief
Seacliff Fief
Trelleth Fief
Whitby Fief
»Fiefdoms that can have Rangers«
» Occupations/Positions «
Just a few of the known groups and individuals
(For more ideas for character positions go here: http://tinyurl.com/nw5djja)
King of Araluen
Queen of Araluen
Prince/Princess of Araluen
Ranger Commandment
» Character Sheet «
Fief: (If applicable)
Personality: (Please put some thought into this, all characters have some sort of faults.)
Weapon(s): (If applicable)
Other: (Anything else you want to add. Does your character maybe have a pet? If you are a Ranger use this space to put your ponies description and personality in.)
¡More world information will be posted later!
Also, @Admins, would it be possible to have both an In Character and Out of Character thread?
If you wish to start a new thread, you can do that. But we can't guarantee it will be close to the top as new posts come in. ~Admins
submitted by Merenwe, age Infinite, World of Dreams
(November 16, 2015 - 8:05 am)
(November 16, 2015 - 8:05 am)
I Prince humperdink (just kidding) I reserve a ranger, and a . . . royalty. Of some sort.
(November 16, 2015 - 2:09 pm)
(November 23, 2015 - 12:31 pm)
I totally lost this tread! It dissapeared on me, and I didn't find it for some time. :P
Anyway, is anyone interested in this? Cho, you can have those two spots if we get enough people to actually start this RP!
Thanks for your answer Admins!
If you would like more info about the world or about what the Rangers are exactly, just let me know and I can give you an idea.
Here's a Map of Araluen!
CAPTCHA (I should name it) says ynof. Yes, why not join this roleplay!
(November 24, 2015 - 5:22 am)
Yay! You found it! Cool map of the country. My captcha is named Sloth. Sloth says wfoh. What does that mean!?!!!! How bout naming your captcha Halt?
(November 24, 2015 - 1:52 pm)
Heh.. Great idea, Cho! Alright, you can forget the part about writing in the third person. I hadn't realized before I posted this that roleplaying here is done in the first person. So unless you want to roleplay in the third person you don't have to.
(November 27, 2015 - 10:10 pm)
Basically just topping this so people can see this! Also to say that I will probably get more info on feifs up tomorrow!
(December 1, 2015 - 3:09 am)