Magical Creatures RP!

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Magical Creatures RP!

Magical Creatures RP! Yay! In this Rp, everybody is either a whisp, a wizard/witch, or an animal. Please read all of this, though it's long, it's very important. Here's how it works: 

Whisps are dead animals. They are the ghosts of animals that never finished what they were doing in life or just didn't want to die. They have certain magical qualities, and can enchant a certain area to be full of refreshing magic that wizards/witches/animals can recharge or rest in safely. Bad whisps can set magic traps that drain the magic of passerbys, making the bad whisp more and more powerful. Each whisp can also have a certain interaction power, either appear or dreamvisiting. This is how they communicate to the other people. Whisps are assumed invisible unless they have stated themselves otherwise, depending on their form of interaction. Whisps can't touch anything. 

Animals are magical, too. They can have one of the following powers: Ice, fly, confuse (which does a warpy wiggly thing to an enemy to disorient them), dig, invisibility, whisp-spotting, or voice throw. (Voice throw means throw your voice to come from somewhere else). If you die somehow as an animal you automatically become a whisp. Unless you wanted to die, of course. :-O

There are people like wizards and witches too. They can have certain powers as well. One of the following can be your power: Ice, flame, whisp-spotting, fly, speedy, dreamvisit, and travel on the wind.

Now, here is the layout of the land: Imagine a square map. On the top right corner is the snowy land, and on the top left corner is the forest. Coming down between the two in the top middle is the rainforest, and it fills the center of the map. It also borders the snowy iceland and the regular forest. Down in the middle bottom is the desert, and on either side of the desert on the bottom are marshes. There is a floating island, too, above the forest, and there's a bridge that leads up to it.

There has to be bad guys too! So feel free to be a bad guy. You can have two charries. 

Here is the main object: You baddies are trying to get into three caves, that are magical beyond imagination. Inside the caves there are relics that, if the holder has all three, allows him/her to enter into another dimension and gain their heart's desire. Good guys The good guys are trying to stop the bad guys. The ancestors who made the caves left you clues; I'll get to those in a moment. When you think you know the location, say it to me and I'll say if it's right or not. Here's the charrie sheet layout. I'll be keeping a log of everyone who joins. 

Name: Arian 

Gender: Girl 

Description: Tan skin, white hair, brown cloak and staff, slim and agile

Creature: Witch (more like a mage, I'm not sure)

Region: Floating Island

Heart's desire/goal: To never let evil get the relics

Good or bad: Good

Personality: Kind, wise, sits in her cabin in the woods of the floating island, only one who knows where the caves are

Power: Dreamvisit

Other: Knows her way around the place, always turns up when you least expect it. She has an enchanted flying chicken that keeps her company. Also has a large tabby cat that she rides.

Name: Pine

Gender: Girl

Description: Arctic fox; beautiful chalk white fur, sneaky (of course!)

Creature: Animal (Arctic fox)

Region: Ice lands

Goal/heart's desire: To find the man that killed her husband and destroy his organization  (which feeds all the poor people in the country) 

Good or bad: Bad

Personality: Snippy, sly, tricky, fierce, only trusts herself

Power: Ice

Other: She has a band of foxes which includes five foxes, all arctic, they are background charries

Also, we aren't starting yet, only when we have enough people. We'll see how that goes. (Maybe when around five people join, so there's ten charries.) And I can't be searching for the caves, since I'll already know where they are, so I'll be the giver of the clues, a wise old person who will give out the clues as soon as we start the RP.

When we do start, your first post has to be an intro to who you are, and you also have to start in your region. You guys can travel in groups or alone, your choice. So, I hope that wasn't too much! I hope this is a fun RP and this took me two days to write! Please join! Feel free to ask questions! 


submitted by Micearenice, age 12, The Unknown
(October 31, 2015 - 8:49 am)

Oh! I thought my RP had died! I'm so sorry, everybody! I kinda abandoned it... Sorrysorrysorry. I'll post soon, I promise. (Last time I said that, I never returned.) I need some time to read what's happened so far, and read everyone's charries again.

submitted by Micearenice
(January 20, 2016 - 8:34 pm)



Hm... were could Lily be? Is still by the Golden River? Or am I right in looking for her in the forest? I look around and... thier! It's a little cave, perfect for Lily to hide in! I almost reach the cave when... zzit zzzit and somthing hits my neck. And then every thing goes dark.............


Oh look! It's that boy again! Bill... or was it Rex? Oh well I'll call him Boy. I continue on... WAIT!!!!!! He's about to go into that cave! The cave with all the really agresive Pioson Spiders! He can't do that. "Hey Hey you!!!! You can't go in thier! NO NO DANGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DANGER DANGER DANGER DANGER!!!!!! WWWOOOP WWWWOOOOOP WWWWOOOOP!!!!!! NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU CAN'T GO IN THIER!!!!" what's the use he can't hear me. Fiddlesticks! If only I had the power to appear! Not dream viset he's not asleep! Oh good here are the Wooz Wooz Tribe, they'll put him to sleep and take him to thier camp. 

submitted by Moonfrost, age Who Cares?, Mars
(January 21, 2016 - 8:11 am)

Soooo.... I'm currently stalking your wolves, Micearenice. Maybe you notice me?

submitted by Moonshadow , age 13, Tundra
(January 21, 2016 - 12:32 pm)

Ooooookkkkaaaaaaaaaaay! Yay! I have something to do! (Except they're foxes)

submitted by Micearenice
(January 21, 2016 - 6:49 pm)

Shasta~" CHAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!" I scream at the top of my lungs. Ya, okay, so maybe this wasn't the best plan, but it was all that I could think of. I distract those nasty foxes while Azalea picks some more off with her bow. She can be so frustrating. First she's all bla bla bla, you're just a tiger and now she's asking me to risk my life? The only reason that I agreed to this is because my life is boring. The foxes immediately spot me and start charging at me. Okay.....this is scary. I'm not sure that I'm up to this. Oh well, to late now! And I charge into the fray. 

submitted by Moonshadow , age 13, Tundra
(January 23, 2016 - 1:44 pm)

A siberian tiger is attacking my skulk. Hah, does she think she can win aganst us?!

I blast a wall of ice behind her, yipping my battle cry. She's got nowhere to go but through us. Two gray foxes flash past my left, and another arctic fox darts past my right. It's five against one...She goes invisible.  Instantly I look down. I can still see her pawprints, and they're rushing right towards me! Then her line of prints disappear. Some sixth sense tells me to duck and roll, but I know not to trust my sixth sense. Instead, I jump straight up, barreling into the downy underbelly of an invisible tiger. Biting hard, I claw out clots of fur as she lands with a thud on the ground. The shock knocks out her invisibility, and I call my henchmen over to help me. Roaring fiercely, the beautiful tiger rears back, standing to her full height, two heads taller than a fox. Thinking fast, I freeze her paws to the snow, creating huge snowballs at her feet to slow her down. 

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

submitted by Micearenice
(January 24, 2016 - 8:17 am)

I'm not going to use Arian anymore; it's just way too tough to keep up three charries. As for the last clue, I'm not great at poetry, so I'm going to make the last clue hidden in one of the artifact caves, (that way I can have plenty of thinking time). Arian hid it there. Airan is now a side charrie that people can run across if they're by the island! 

submitted by Micearenice
(January 24, 2016 - 9:15 pm)


By an Impatient Person:


My impatience will soon burst,  

This RP is headed for the worst,

Fair kids and adults alike,

Please do this, please unite, 

'Cause on this day of deathly white,

This RP... she might not fight, 

She might not fight,

For greater right. 

submitted by Chinchilla, age =(, PoemVille
(March 1, 2016 - 5:12 pm)

This RP was a great idea, but I guess it's time for it to die. This is a dead RP and no one cares about it, so there's no point in keeping it alive if no one cares. Farewell.

Peace, Love, and Pie 

submitted by Chinchilla
(March 4, 2016 - 3:09 pm)