Wings of Fire
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Wings of Fire
Wings of Fire RP!
There are a lot of slots to fill... here are their names:
Three guardians (like Kestrel, Dune, and Webs were.)
Five dragonets (and you can be any type of dragon)
Nine extra dragons, and please tell me your name, location, and type; since you guys aren't guardians or dragonets you won't need to start at the starting place. You guys can be princesses if you want.
We will need some people to be queens of the dragons; there are six spots for that, plus three spots for the warring SandWing queens. So nine total.
Everybody can include a description of their dragon if they want, but please definitely include their name!!! Now, no killing, please, because there's no way we can judge fights like that, so just capturing. Nothing too gruesome, either. Remember, this is for fun.
So, for the setting: the dragonets of destiny are trapped in a rainforest, in a cave. The guardians get out through a small tunnel, but it's a maze that only they can get through--plus they never show how they get inside the actual tunnel. They say it's to keep you safe. The prophecy is the same, and you dragonets are 8 years old, like in the books. Find a way to get out, save the world from the warring Sandwing queens (whose names will be known when someone takes the slots), and eat a strange animal for the first time! (since all you ever get to eat is fruit)
I'm the tenth extra dragon; I'm a princess of the SkyWings named Glare. I'm on an expedition in the Mud Kingdom to asses their battle training, so I'm somewhat close to the rainforest. I'm scarlet red, and a good fighter. I hope to someday be queen of the SkyWings. I hope this will be fun!!!!!!! Feel free to ask questions!!!!!! Because I probably forgot something!!!!!!!!
(October 17, 2015 - 7:32 am)
Oops, that should be Clawmentine, not Clementine.
(November 3, 2015 - 8:26 am)
"Ahem. Ahem. AHEM," I growl at Cormorant when he's not making any move to get into my closet. "Get in the closet, SeaWing. It's just for the night, three moons." I jump off my rock bed and make a menacing face at him, hoping he can't see my worry. I'm feeling rather subdued right now. When that doesn't work, I gather up the fire inside me and blow a plume of smoke out my nose, followed by flames that begin licking at his tail.
"Fine, I'm going!" he says, and stomps into my empty closet space. Slamming the door behind him and locking the thick rock door, I growl silently at myself, angry that I wasn't being menacing or anything like that. I just can't be menacing right now. I'm too upset. Maybe if I didn't have to use the bathroom in an underground lake I'd feel more up to raging and ranting at Cormorant. Once I'm sure he can't get out of his confinement, I get my dreamvisitor out of the secret compartment. I'm prepared to apologize to Radiant for the lack of the albatross and map. I hope the secret training program is ready, for when we DO actually get the coordinates over there. I stamp over to my bed and slam my foot down on it, cracking it in half. Feeling a lot better after my successful angry temper tantrum, I lay down on my broken bed and repeat the usual dreavisit routine.
Radiant is sitting in her office, and I see a flash of red disappear right when I arrive. Radiant sighs, looking down at her desk. My eyes narrow. Who was dreamvisiting her? Did it see me, whatever dragon that was? Radiant looks up, and sees me finally. She sighs in a resigned way, and asks me,
"So, Prince of Night, did you lie, or did something worse happen? The troops were all ready today; we had to usher them quietly back into hiding when the notes didn't arrive."
"I'm sorry, we've had a bit of... trouble," I say, bowing extravagantly, snout touching the dusty floor. "I'm cut for time," I lie, "so I really must go. I hope to send the map very soon, your highness."
I jerk the dreamvisitor away from my chest and sit up. My powers begin to scream at me... Looking inside my mind, I forsee Cormorant. He's escaping. I look over at my closet to see that the door is still closed, and smell that Cormorant is still inside. His snores tell me he hasn't tricked me and really snuck out. Maybe those are fake snores he's doing. Anyway, I'm going to set a few traps here and there to see if we can regroup the dragonets when they return.
Sorry this is so long! Shadowdweller is a background charrie, just so you know.
The very morning after the night Cormorant was captured...
Shadowdweller sat, waiting for Skyflier. That cloud-for-brains prince is unreliable and unpredictable. I can't believe I'm sitting out here in the rainforest of all places, waiting my tail off. After about an hour, she readies to leave, assuming that he's not coming. I'd send this myself, but Skyflier is the only one who has the notes. Maybe he can deal with the wrath of his mother. Serves him right. Mumbling, she wings off, back towards the city of Night, to share the horrendous news with her queen.
(November 3, 2015 - 7:49 pm)
Starfruit ~As we near the cave I spot a guard. I blow a dart and it hits him, straight on the neck. We near the cave entrance and I quickly stick the stone into its crevice. "Go, go!" I whisper in excitement. Everyone scurries in quickly. I camouflage myself quickly as we enter.
Mission Cormorant here we come.
(November 4, 2015 - 9:39 am)
Whho HOOOOO!!!!!! I can't believe we are doing this!!!!!! This is so much fun!!!!!!!! Molly is holding on just fine. WHOOOOO HOOOOO!!!!! Cormorant, here we come!!!!!!
(November 4, 2015 - 3:09 pm)
I hear the pounding of talons. Several sets. Eight sets. The dragonets! The dragonets are coming, they're coming to save the day, they're coming to fight for they know what's right, the dragonets. Hooray!!! Don't ask where that came from. I can't wait to actually enjoy freedom! Star must've expected that the guards would put me in their caves, which are currently deserted, so it's no surprise when all eight burst into the cave I'm in. "Oh my gosh! Cormorant, we found you!" Star exclaims. "Thanks for coming for me, everyone!" Aqua smiles at me, and even Scorpion looks excited. We quickly dash back through the tunnels to the exit, find it unguarded, and soar away. I am free! With my friends! YAY!!!!
I thought that there were eight dragonets but there's no nightwing or skywing. I am putting that as six dragonets instead of eight!
(November 4, 2015 - 5:42 pm)
There are two part Nightwing dragonets, but nobody is even part Skywing. Maybe Peril will be able to clear her tribes name in her book in 2016.
Starfruit ~ Well we're all out of that nasty cave with everyone safe and sound. "Um, hey guys should we figure out where we want to go before we do anything else?" I say. "I think that sounds good." Pearl says, glaring at everyone else to defy her.Everybody nods their head quickly. Pearl is not one to be crossed."Um, hey guys who's the new Seawing dragonet?" Cormorant asks. "I am Seal, daughter of Q-never mind." She says looking alarmed. "A Queen? Humph. I bet I'm the daughter of Queen Rainbow." I say.
(November 5, 2015 - 9:27 am)
This is awesome!! We're going to rescue Cormorant! Aqua is clutching her spear like it's a lifeline, and everybody else seems as enthusiastic as I feel. I rush towards Skyflier, yelling at the top of my lungs. He looks a little, how should I say it, Surprised!!!! (Smirks evilly) WE'RE BUSTING YOU OUT OF HERE, CORMORANT!!!!
(November 5, 2015 - 11:26 am)
Sweat rolls off my face. I gasp, and pull back. Lumps of rock come with me, and I dive back for more. Finally, after a lot of digging, I sit back to look at perfection of art. The first trap is done! I hope it works... Probably it won't, but who cares. Loooking down my snout at my hole I just dug, I realize that I need to work on my art skills. My 'trap' is a six-inch dent in the rocky floor. *Sigh* It was a good try.
Okay, the next trap is going to be a net sitting on the ground that pulls up when someone walks on it...Um, right, where do I get the net?
I sneak into Flame's room. Looking both ways before running in, I grab the sheets off her bed and run out. I bet that looked pretty stealthy. Anyway, I put them on the ground and fasten them to a rope. This had better work, or I'm going to pry my scales off.
For my last trap, I am going to wait in my room for the dragonets to come and rescue Cormorant. As I begin to walk into my room, I hear Frost yell out.
Uh-oh. The trap worked. On the wrong dragon. I'd better pretend I didn't hear her. But how in the world did she know I was the one who did that? Aha. My room. I enter, ignoring the clicking of many claws running behind me. I'm in too good a mood to be disturbed by my paranoid-ness. As my eyes get used to the darkness, I keep staring, even though I already know what happened. I turn my head to the right, then the left, then up, then down.
"...... AHHHHGGGGHHHGHGHGHGHGHG!" I yell in what is a NightWing version of 'stunned silence'. My brain acts before I can even register what is happening. I grab my stuff, run down the dim hallway, through the passage, past an angry trapped Frost, and catch up with the dragonets. They don't even look behind their shoulders to look on in fear at me. That's okay. I'm not aiming for an intimidating dragon face right now. As they run out of the cave, I slip out too, jump into the rainforest, and I fly away as fast as I can... without a backward glance at the badly-behaved young dragons. I've got to get out of this place. It's nuts.
(November 5, 2015 - 5:23 pm)
Sorry for my lack of posting, but this RP is moving very fast, and I'm having a hard time keeping up with it. I'll post tomorrow or the weekend.
(November 5, 2015 - 10:30 pm)
Starfruit ~Hooray!! We're all free!! Fly away!!!
(November 6, 2015 - 4:00 pm)
I'm flying over the prisons of the SkyWings... With a thrill I realize that today is the day of the annual Diamond Egg Challenge!!!!! Excitement fills the air as all of my subjects bustle around like ants in preparation for the arena battle. Let's see... who's going to fight today? If I remember correctly, it's that IceWing prisoner who has won seventeen battles so far and our Diamond Challenger, who just so happens to be my court overseer. I've been wondering why he of all dragons volunteered for that honor, but of course it's his choice.
Anyway, after the first battle, the winner gets to battle another Diamond Challenger, and the second challenger is... a SkyWing named Ravine. And the winner after that gets to battle a pit of scavengers, and if he's still alive after that he gets to battle Glare, who is supposed to arrive home today. She's coming early since she didn't want to miss this thrilling event. If she can win, it'll prove to the other SkyWings that she'll make a good queen one day. My other daughters, Topaz and Alp, will be old enough to fight next year, so I do hope they are training hard for another thrilling event. As I wing over the glinting golden palace, I bank straight down and fly through a waterfall. Instead of cracking open my skull, though, I end up in a bluish cavern with a rock door at one end. There is a fierce-looking guard in front of it. No one knows he's here except me and the NightWings.
"It is I, Queen Radiant, and I vow upon the royal throne not to drop the goat to the scavengers." The secret code having been spoken, the guard stepps aside, allowing me safe entry into the hidden cave.
A bright, blinding light coming from the cave makes me close my eyes a moment. when I open them, I can't believe what I see...
(November 7, 2015 - 9:59 am)
To the toppiest top of tops!
(November 9, 2015 - 6:44 pm)
Sorry guys, but I'm going to stop posting on this RP. It's not that it's a bad idea, Wings of Fire is awesome and it's great that you made an RP for it. It's just that it is a very fast paced RP, and I can't keep up. I'm not complaining about the whole "making rps slower and recreating the old CB" thing, I just don't think I can keep up with it, and I don't want to disappoint you by not posting much. I'll still read this, and I think it will be amazing, but some rps I'm better off reading than writing :)
(November 9, 2015 - 9:03 pm)
I can't beleave we lost!!!!! That should have been so easy!!!!! And then my brother is saying that's MY FAULT that we lost beacause I listened to that seawing. Why is my life so HORRIBLE!!!!!!
MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM tuna. My favorite. " Are you ok?" Tuna asks. "Yes I'm fine." I flash back to him, while eating some tuna. Tuna he's such a nice guy. " Are you really ok? I know Commander Shark was your father." Tuna flashes. " I don't want to talk about it." I flash back. "Oh... ok sorry." Tuna flashes back as he leaves. *Sigh* with Anglefish dead I'm left without parents. But Seal my sister is a lot of help. She's one year younger than me but it feels like she's the same age. Uncle Hammerhead is a lot of help too. He was Father's brother and is like a second father to me. Ridly (that's a type of sea turtle, there's an Olive Ridly and a Kemp's Ridly) is my mother's sister and is just like my mother. Mother died when I was 2 so I don't remember much about her.
I wish I know where my egg is. That would make her an heir to the throne. I have the misfortune to be the brother of Desert.
(If you think I have too many charries someone can have Desert.)
(November 10, 2015 - 5:36 pm)
As long as they're background charries you're fine.
Chip says, "dvew'. I agree, the view is nice from the sky palace.
(November 11, 2015 - 3:17 pm)