Chatterbox: Inkwell



No, this is not a continuation or redo of the other one. This is a brand-new RP I made up myself.

What happened is this.

In the future, technology kept expanding, as we know it will. Bigger and better computers, TVs, iPhones, and bombs were made. These bombs, even though the world recognized them as dangerous, kept upgrading and upgrading until they built the ultimate bomb.

A bomb that could blow the world to pieces.

It was an amazing atomic discovery, and scientists everywhere rejoiced. But then their faces fell. They frowned. Because if this bomb got into the wrong hands, the world would vanish.

So they started thinking.

First, the bomb was destroyed, even though they could not find the instructions to make it.

Then, they made the most important descision anyone has ever made.

They decided to start over.

So they started working. Day and night, night and day, scientists all over the world toiled to create a bomb that would fix every mistake mankind had ever made.

Then, one day, Doctor R.J. Lupin made it.

It was another bomb. No one knows what was in the interior except Dr. Lupin, who slid all of his notes in his pocket. The bomb was televised. Everyone got ready, or as ready as they could be for the end of the world as they knew it.

Five... four... three... two... one...

Dr. Lupin set off the bomb. 

If anyone from space had looked down and watched, they would have called the transformation odd. Cities vanished. Continents shrank. All global warming receaded. Greens of all shapes and colors grew.

And everyone on Earth forgot pretty much everything.

They still knew how to talk. They knew how to write and do basic math that was needed in life. They knew what to eat and what to drink. The basics. But they didn't really know anything else. They didn't even know their own names.

People all around the new world stood up. They shook their heads. They looked around.

They vanished.

Some never showed up again. Some did. The point was, humankind had been overpopulated, so they were thinned out.


End of story! And the beginning. Because this is where the RP begins. A whole new world, a whole new life.

The form, and my charrie!
Name: Danae Winters; she made it up herself.

Age: 11

Gender: Female

Appearance: Wavy hair that shrouds her face, which is small and round. Her eyes are a chocolate brown. She's rather short for her age.

Personality: She's a very controlling person. Bossy and stubborn, Danae usually gets her way by turning on "The Charm". If that doesn't work, though, she gets very persuasive. Being very short-minded, she sees people as either on her side or not on her side, period. If they're on her side, they should do what she says. If they're not, they should be.

Other: She has an incredible singing voice and uses it all the time.

submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(October 14, 2015 - 7:44 pm)

wears a white blouse that has red and pinkl flowers on it with black legging and lace tan boots

submitted by emij114
(October 16, 2015 - 3:22 pm)

By the way, Whisp's appearance is so light in color because the bomb affected her by taking away a lot of her pigment. I think she can remember what happened better than most because the bomb affected her body more than her mind. Her appearance before the *Ultimate Change* was this:

She had dark brown, waist-length hair, bright blue-greenish eyes with orange flecks that danced around her pupils, regular shade pink lips, like a million freckles, and fair skin.

Also, one thing she remembers is her love of cats.

This is basically a description of me. Sorry! 

submitted by Juliet, age 11, Encinitas, CA
(October 16, 2015 - 6:10 pm)

OK, I think we have enough charries, so we can start, but other people can still join until I give the word.

I don't really want to be the first one, because I'm kind of terrible at story starters, so would someone else mind doing it? I will give you this, though:

Your charrie can either wake up in:

-A desert.

-A jungle.

-A forest.

-A field.

-A mountain.

More than one charrie can wake up in the same landform, but I'd prefer for them all to be seperated considerably, so just not in the same desert jungle, forest, field, or mountain, please!


submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(October 17, 2015 - 10:04 am)

Can I start?? If someone else already started, it wasn't too long ago, 'cause it says their name in "last reply" on the thread, but I can't see a post. Oh well. Here I go... (I'm not going to write my character's name because she doesn't know it...)


It was so warm and soft where I lay. As wakefullness swept over me, I listened to the beautiful song of a bird. I inhaled deeply, and let out my breath as I opened my eyes. My cheek was pressed against the ground, which was covered in grass. Slowly, I got to my feet and stretched, yawning. As I blinked sleep out of my eyes, confusion swept over me. I was staring at a vast expanse of green grass and small hills.

How in the world did I get here? Where in the world am I? This can't be a dream; it feels so real.

But then, a much larger question hit me:

Why can't I remember?!

And finally, the biggest question of all:

Why do I have no idea who I am?!



submitted by Juliet, age 11, Encinitas,CA
(October 17, 2015 - 1:46 pm)

I'd like to be in either the forest, the jungle, or the field.

submitted by Brookeira
(October 17, 2015 - 2:37 pm)

Rani ~I feel startled as I wake up in the middle of a forest, a dog licking my face, I'm holding a book and I can't remember anything. I push the dog away away as I think and remember "Hermes" a dog, my dog one which looks just like the one in front of me. 

submitted by Cho Chang, age 12, In Herbology
(October 17, 2015 - 2:53 pm)

Oops! Ok, forget that Ammon can take apart electronics, and when I said "cooking" I mean old fashioned fire cooking if that's ok. Also, forget that they live in allyways and that Ammon's a thief, (because there's no cities.) Thanks for reminding me about that St. Owl! P.s. Ammon and Andrea still have an adopted little sister, but it's not Danie's charrie, if that's ok. 

submitted by Joan B. of Arc , age 13, Camelot
(October 17, 2015 - 6:13 pm)


Umph. l slowly crack open an eye, partly caked with dried blood, and roll onto my back, taking deep breathes. My head is throbing, l think there's a cut above my eye. Opening the other eye, my head starts to spin. 

Breath. It is had for some reason. There is pain, pain that has something to do with it,  but l can't focus on one of the many aches and stings and bolts of pain. l take stock of my injuries. 

Slowly, slowly, sit up.  That's it. Lean aganest that large rock. Take a breath. Move an arm. Lift the another arm. Pull off the gloves. Wiggle the fingers. l stare at my hands as if they are the most interesting thing in the world. They are rough and calloused, and part of my middle finger is missing. My fingertips are ripped open, the skin hanging in sherads, as if l had tried to hold onto a spinning saw. 

Take a breath. 

l rasie my hand and let my fingers explore my head and face. My hair is twisted into two sort of ropes, and very dirty. There is, in fact a small, long cut above my eye, clotted with blood. Feeling my neck, l stop. There are a large number of deep, maybe fatal, clean cuts on my throat, half-healed. Someone did this with a knife. l know, somehow.

With shakey fingers, l unzip my thick coat lined with some sort of reddish animal fur and shrug it off. l am  exhausted.l close my eyes, then sleep.


When l wake up, the great ball of light in the sky is falling to the far horizen. lt's colder, and l can move more of myself. l pick up the coat and stand up, but l can't walk. 

Sitting down again, l feel a jab in my side, and for the first time notice a belt around my waist. There are five or so sharp objects with handles. These could be useful. Around my neck l found a small cold object, that looks like an animal. l stare at it for a mintue or so, and it clicks. "Fox." l taste the word in my dry mouth and sore jaw. "Fox. Hound. Dog." l smile almost dumbly at that. "Foxhound." l like that.  

Realizing that it will be dark soon, l half drag and half crawl underneth a ledge in the rock. l discover that it goes farther then it appears to, l keep crawling on until l hit something hard and metal. l slowly move my hand over it, then feel something with rough fur and warm. And breathing. It's alive, whatever it is. l stop right there, and gentaly gather the animal in my arms. l warp it in my coat, and then curl up beside it in the dirt.

Our breathes are in sync, mine deep and hargerd, the strange animal's faint and slow.

Thus we sleep.


Danie, could you wait for me to post one more time before Foxhound and Anna meet? 


submitted by Shadow Dragon
(October 17, 2015 - 8:11 pm)



A small figure is curled up against a tree.  Golden hair bounces on top of her head, and large blue eyes shine. The figure yawns, stretchs, and looks around.

The first thing she notices is a tiny black thing on the ground. And its moving. She looks at it more closely.

Ant. That one word comes up in her mind.

"An.... An... A..." She rolls the word off her tongue. The last letter seems far away...

More of the 'ant' come along, some big and some small.

"An..." She gets excited. "An! An! An-an-an-an!" Pointing to each and everyone of the ants. 

"An-an-an-an-an!" She stops for a moment. "Anan..."

Something far from her reach tells her something, something she can't hear...

"Anan..." It needs something more... "Ananie!.... Anaie? Ani?... An...Anna?"

It still needs more.... But it will do for now.

She gets up from her sitting position. Shaking her curly hair from her face, she skips into the forest.

Skip. It seemed like a happy word, a good word. She liked it. Anna liked it. She smiles. It sounded good. Anna.

"Anna, Anna, ANNA!" She calls into the forest. "I'm... I'm ANNA!" 


I thought it would be rather difficult to do first person on Anna.... Third person felt better. 

submitted by Danie
(October 17, 2015 - 9:58 pm)


I shake my head and look around.

Where am I?
Everything is green. Very green. I makes my head hurt. I stand up slowly and try to ignore the dizziness this gives me, instead walking forwards a few tottering steps. Then I slowly sink down on a gray mass- a rock, I think. Before I can stop myself, my eyes have closed.

I wake up slowly, but feeling much better. I open my eyes again and look up- the first place I can think of.

"Oh," I whisper happily. Small flakes of white are falling from the sky. I stick my tongue out and catch one, but it melts far too quickly. They land all over the thick thing on my body- a coat- and melt there. I smile.

After a few hours, the white stuff has congregated on the floor so that there's a soft carpet around me. I step down in my feet-covers- boots- and taste a bit of it. Cold, but delicious. 

As I explore this new thing, a word comes to my mind- a word I like a lot. Winter.

submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(October 18, 2015 - 9:26 am)


Frost watched the girl come towards her, her porcelain skin making it easy for her to hide in the snow. The girl twirled around, smiling, before seeing her.

She must have good eyesight.

Frost slunk up and perched on the log, eyes almost feline. "Oh!" said the girl, "Hello!"

Frost smiled. "Hello," she said, "I'm Frost."

"I'm-" she pauses and frowns. Frost interrupted her.

"Have you forgotten too?" she asked her.

"Forgotten?" the girl paused, then shrugged. "I guess."

Frost nodded and smiled. "We all have," she said, eyes now resembling something more like an owl's."

"Who's we?" the girl was starting to become annoyed.

"I don't know who they are," Frost said, "but they're out there."

The girl tilted her head. "O-kay," she said, turning away, "but-"

The girl turned back around, but Frost was gone.



submitted by Brookeira
(October 18, 2015 - 4:21 pm)

Brookiera, that was Danae Frost was talking to, right?

submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(October 18, 2015 - 5:03 pm)

Yes, it was.

submitted by Brookeira
(October 19, 2015 - 8:03 am)

Danie, are we in the same forest? Or is this a call for the GM?

submitted by Cho Chang, age 12, In my dormitory
(October 18, 2015 - 3:08 pm)

Not the same forest.

submitted by Danie
(October 18, 2015 - 5:34 pm)