Chatterbox: Inkwell

The doorbell rings, you get it, and there are a bunch of girls throwing confetti and a dude with good hair and a white smile. "Congratulations! You are one of the lucky few that will go on a FREE CROSS-COUNTRY TRIP on the Happy Butterfly Express! The Express leaves at precisely 2 a.m. tomorrow in front of Hotel Happy Sunshine Good Times!!! Come, on to the HAPPY BUTTERFLY EXPRESS, where there will be ABSOLUTELY NO MURDERS.... OR WILL THERE?

The dude laughs maniacally, and then he and the girls leave.

So... you will be going on to the Happy Butterfly Express... one of you is a murderer.... the rest are all murderees. The Happy Butterfly Express will be waiting for you...

*laughs evilly* 

(Yes, I did copy and paste from the last one, don't judge me. Also, hopefully my writing will be better.)  
submitted by The Train Master
(October 11, 2015 - 9:12 pm)

Yay, free trip! Yay, murders! Yay, idontknowwhatelse!

I'm joining! 

submitted by The Phoenix, age Immortal, Oblivion
(October 12, 2015 - 7:11 am)

toptoptop go right now i demand go to the top

submitted by toppitytoptop
(October 12, 2015 - 7:12 am)

go i said

submitted by top
(October 12, 2015 - 7:13 am)


Top, joining, etc.

Spyro, you coming?

"Aren't you wound up in too many RPs right now anyway?"

Wh-no, I... Shut up. You're coming!

"(loud groan)"


submitted by hotairballoon
(October 12, 2015 - 7:49 pm)

Yay! Happy Sunshine and Whatnot! At least you're attempting non-murderousness.

Never mind, the happy sunshine things just add to the murderousness. Oh well. I'm coming!  

Fflewddur says nuoi. New...oi? New oink? Silly Fflewddur, I play the lawyer, not one of the pigs. 

submitted by Sydney C., age 13, Fairy Tale Courtroom
(October 12, 2015 - 9:10 pm)


l'm coming!

submitted by Shadow Dragon
(October 12, 2015 - 11:59 pm)

Ok I need an excuse to get away from school anyway.  W-wait did you say murders?  All right I suppose BowAndBalletTheMechanicalPencil will protect me.

submitted by balletandbow, age 12, Moon
(October 13, 2015 - 4:38 pm)

I'm joining! 0ink, are you coming?

Okay, but only if there's there Death by Chocolate ice cream.



submitted by Hermione Granger, age 11, Hogsmeade
(October 13, 2015 - 5:15 pm)

Totally joining! Puck are you coming? 

*Puck: Fine, but I need to play A LOT of tricks on people. Please?!?!?*

*Me: Maybe.....*

Anyways, I'm bringing Puck (my AE), my sword, (Only for defendancy purposes people!), a skateboard, and perhaps a couple books.

See you there!  

submitted by Joan B. of Arc, age 13, Camelot
(October 13, 2015 - 6:24 pm)

I want to come! 

Shifting: I shall come ^_^

Volcano: yAaY! i wAnt tO coME!!! 

submitted by Somebody and Co., age Who cares, Various places
(October 14, 2015 - 4:47 pm)

*This is- an automatic voice message system. We provide you with a key to the Owl Family's posts:

Bold is Devil Owl.

Italic is Feather.

And regular is St.Owl.

Thank you for using Automatic Voice Message System Inc.*

I'm coming! And, as usual, Dev and Feather will be coming, although I can't count on either of them to protect me.

I don't want to die! When they say no murders they mean everyone will die!


Well, at least Dev's happy.

I'm not happy!

I'll hide you in my suitcase. Chillax.

submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(October 14, 2015 - 7:04 pm)

Sure! Why not? I'll come. I guess Critic A will join too if she's not too chicken...

Who are you calling scared? *Shakes* I'll-I'll come... maybe...

Oh come on now.  

submitted by Abigail S. , age 11, Nose In a Book
(October 14, 2015 - 11:00 pm)

Seriously? The Happy Butterfly Express? And what's a murderee anyway? <yawns> I might come if I find the time... I just need to untangle myself.

submitted by Scylla
(October 16, 2015 - 9:48 pm)

Seriously, I'm in five RPs right now (one's mine).  One of them might finish soon, but I doubt it.

submitted by Scylla
(October 19, 2015 - 9:47 pm)

May the train carry you to the TOP!!! 

submitted by The Train Master
(October 17, 2015 - 10:20 am)