Fantasy/Ashan RP This
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Fantasy/Ashan RP This
Fantasy/Ashan RP This is similar to middle-earth, but not the same and please read my post to the end. Their are five factions who all live on the continent of Ashan 1. the Elves live in the country of Irolan(like middle-earth Elves) 2. The knights live in the Griffin Empire and are humans(they do have royalty). 3. The necromancers live in Heresh and they are ghosts, vampires, zombies, and some humans. 4. The demons live in Sheogh.5. The wizards live in the Silver Cities and are like people with Gandalf's powers, but they dress like the people in Aladdin.If you would like an artifact I can assign you one. And the demons cannot leave Sheogh unless their is a blood moon eclipse, and when that happens they try to wreck havoc all of Ashan.
Name: Ariana Leone
Faction: Knights
Goal to complete during game: restore my family's honor.
Looks: light brown hair, blue eyes, dressed in this cool armor, rides a Griffin (only a member of the Royal family can do that)
Personality: smart, tough, knows to use a sword, sarcastic
Artifact: an ancient ancestors sword
Other: her father was thought to be on the demons side last blood moon eclipse, her father is the kings brother and she even though she doesn't know she was the heir to the throne when she was little. And every day she goes to the king to seek an audience to clear her family's name.
(October 8, 2015 - 8:15 am)
Can I PLEASE be an elf?????!!!!!!!!! I love Middle-earth Elves!!!!! If so, here she is:
Name: Anyenna, but most people call her either Anyenna or Nyenna
Age: 13
Faction: Elves
Goal to complete during game: kind of DESTROY ALL DEMONS!!!!!
Looks: Light blonde hair with a green streak in it, grey/blue/green eyes, kind of tan skin from being outside so much, has a light green tunic and some short green pants, rides a deer that is super-fast and has green markings
Personality: sarcastic, smart, awesome with a bow and twin hunting knives
Artifact: can I please have one? If so, this is it: something to do with my bow, you decide GM.
Other: is an orphan, father got killed by demons somehow, never knew how. Mother died protecting me from those same demons.
(October 10, 2015 - 11:22 am)
can i be a elf
(October 10, 2015 - 5:22 pm)
name fahandria garder
age 14
faction elfes
im confussed about the games
looks like so she has aburn colored hair colbalt blue eyes her hair short it goes to her elbow fair skin wears a periwinkle dress that is long is the back short in the back wears aburn leggings and black boots
personailty is very graceful carys a knife she is like artamis if you have ever heared of her the greek godess
(October 10, 2015 - 5:34 pm)
emij: I am not trying to be rude, but Cho just very politely asked that there be no more elves and you are completely disregarding her.
(October 10, 2015 - 8:00 pm)
Oh sorry, I didn't read it.
(October 12, 2015 - 6:55 pm)
Why are you confused?
(October 11, 2015 - 6:24 pm)
Thanks Brookeria, but I will let Coconut the dog be an elf because I was going to let Lindsey R. Be an elf, but she changed to a wizard, sorry emij114, but it's a first come first serve thing.
Lindsey R. Your artifact is a staff with a blue gem which helps channel your magic powers, and whatever spell you cast inflicts them with frostbite as well.
Shadow dragon you were supposed to have asked for an artifact, but it's okay as long as you tell me what you want it to do.
BrookeriaYour artifact is a light blue unicorns horn which helps you channel your water based magic
Coconut the dog your artifact is a beautiful bow which seems to be normal, but, when you whisper to it, it will shrink to fit in your pouch.
(October 11, 2015 - 4:46 pm)
Oh, sorry.
The key can unlock any lock, no matter what size it is.
(October 12, 2015 - 5:54 pm)
What's a necromancerer?
(October 12, 2015 - 6:57 pm)
It's okay Shadow Dragon. And emij114 A necromancer uses dark magic, usally to conjure the undead.
(October 13, 2015 - 8:07 am)
Can I be that?
(October 14, 2015 - 7:03 pm)
Sure! Necromancers are usally vampires, ghosts, zombies, and humans. Shadow Dragon great first post! I would let Gyro be part demon, but then the first post you made would be invalid, because any demon even part demon had to stay in Sheogh.
Ariana ~ I feel puzzled, confused, and frustrated. The vampire smiles smugly at my discomfort. I glare at him quickly before turning my mind to more important matters. "Why did that guard let me in if this is one of your important matters uncle!" I say with sarcasm. "I told him to let you in." My uncle says simply. "But why would you let me come, sure I would like to come, but why me when you won't listen to me." I only just realize I was shouting. I glare at everyone. One of the elves meets my gaze sympathetically. I glare right back at her. "Like Godric said you all have five days to prepare." My uncle says. I start to leave when the man, Godric says "Nicolai, what if we are dealing with the Blade of Binding?" "It is of no matter uncle." He says to the man named Godric. "Wait, you're Godric, of the unicorn duchy, one of the heroes of the last blood moon eclipse!?" I say astonished. "Yes." He says rather shortly. "Then why aren't you Fiona, Aidan, Nadia and Anwen doing this?" I ask. "We are all getting on in years we are not fit for adventuring any more."
Note: Godric is a knight (obviously), Fiona died and came back to life and is the mother of king Nicolai and sister to Godric and Aidan, Aidan is a dragon knight (an order of knights pledged to destroying demons) and brother to Godric and Fiona, Anwen is currently a famous ranger traveling all of Ashan, Nadia is a wizard who hid the Blade of Binding so that nobody would ever be able to find it and is the mother of the current ruler of the Silver Cities. And they all played a major part in keeping Nadia's father, the last ruler of the Silver Cities from plunging ask if Ashan into ruin.
(October 15, 2015 - 9:55 am)
We are going to start, in the morning tomorrow, because I don't think Katia is going to make her charrie.
(October 13, 2015 - 7:48 pm)
Ariana ~ As I start to saddle my Griffin I wonder why I keep pestering my uncle over and over again. I decide it must be because I'm so headstrong, I'm always doing stuff like this. When I finally reach the castle the guard let's me in - good he hasn't let me in yet this week usally he'll let me in twice, but oh well I'm standing in front of the door to his throne. As I walk in I realise the guard pulled a trick in me. There are what appears to be a group of ambassadors, a necromancer, a wizard, and three elves.
(October 14, 2015 - 7:26 am)
If this is okay with you, l was thinking that Gryo is a half-demon, so therfore he can leave Sheogh.
Oh why, oh why do there have to be elves? The guards where bad enough, they refused to let Gryo come in with me, they did not want a dark alicorn within their walls and they were already edgey about me being a vampire.
But they had to let me, because of the current treaty about peace between all the fractions for the time being. Besides, l wasn't going to let Gryo eat anyone or anything like that. These people are so parnoid.
But elves. l can't stand elves. They'll all so for the good of the people and yada yada yada and protacting the innocent and putting down those who have too much power. l don't know how l'll ever be able to stand them.
l glance at the wizard, who is nervosuly boncing up and down. Wizards are almost as bad as elves.
The black-haired elf is leaning aganst the stone wall. Theother two are quietly talking to each other. l grip Gryo's halter. He has the build of a war horse, and four and half feet high at the shoulder, with two feathey wings and a single, dark, twisted and jagged horn that appears as if it was cut from obsidian, a proud arched neck and l wild long mane. He could cause choas if l don't keep an eye on him.
The doors bang open and a girl enters. She has brown hair, and blue eyes and by her side walks an griffin. She looks startled.
Gyro lunges, nearly triping me before l can stop him. l hiss and bare my fangs at the stares of the others.
"Ahem." l turn around. On the raised platform on the end of the room, a man stands. He is, l assume, a messenger.
"We have called you here togather because of a perilis curcumstance in which the fractions of Ashan find themselves in. A bloodmoon ecilsp is coming near, and this is worse then useal. "
"What? A more demon is on the lose? The king-"
The messenger glares at me.
"We do not know exactly what it is. Only that we have detected a larger amount of dark magic, far greater than anything that we have ever seen. If whatever this is gets out, it coud be all death and darkness for Ashan."
He pauses, then starts off on a cheery note. "It is your misson to travel to Sheogh and discover what this thing is. You have five days to prepare. Any questions?"
(October 14, 2015 - 5:59 pm)