Chatterbox: Inkwell
STAR WARS RP!!!!! This will be taking place after episode six, and you can be any character from the books or you can make up your own. And please up to two charries!!!!
Name: Jaina Solo
Personality: like a mix of Han and Leia
Weapon: A VIOLET lightsaber!!!!!!!
Other: very techy girl, so she knows how to fly a lot of ships and yeah.
Name: Azea Fett
Personality: like Boba Fett, but a girl.
Weapon: a blaster
Other: smart, lives on her wits. You know she is Boba Fetts kid!!!
submitted by Cho Chang, age 12, In transfiguration
(October 7, 2015 - 9:57 am)
(October 7, 2015 - 9:57 am)
Aargh! Sorry about that post, it got submitted before St. Owl explained what was happening.
(November 4, 2015 - 9:31 am)
That's okay Hacker. We understand. DON'T WE!?! :-p :-)
(November 5, 2015 - 9:12 am)
Hey, yeah! That's a good idea. Rotta the Hutt is pretty overlooked, though. As far as I know he only played a major part in Star Wars: The Clone Wars, and that was terrible.
(November 5, 2015 - 9:21 am)
Cho Chang how about this? All the captives are at Rotta the Hutts. Rotta the Hut is rich and not that smart. He is actully being munipulated be his second in command. You know like that disgusting twlek with red eyes that lives at Jabbas palace in epasode six? Anyway he is working for Darth Cebrum. So Darth Cebrum is still working but nobody knows that he is behind anything. Anyway I will post now.
Kara- When I get back to my lodging I leave R2-C2 Outsidde my bedroom and go in myself. I reach into me utility belt and pull out my holoprojecter. I push a butten and the shadowy figure off Nuru, Darth Cebrums second in command pops up. "What have you to report?" He asks " I am waiting."
"Put me through to Darth Cebrum" I politly ask him
" I will tell him myself" he says " Fine" I snap " Tell him that the Jedi he wants is on the moon of Datuene. " He is searching for a plant. that he thinks can heal an illness that is sweeping the sixth planet of Bammer. He has T4-C4 our spying droid and his starship."
I wait for Nuru to recod all of the infermation then I ask him" So can you sent a starfighter with suplies or some mode of traspertation? Like very soon?"
He nods slightly and I shut off the holoprojecter." Hey R2-C2" I yell we need to pack. He rolls in and whistles a question " I was calling the Jedi council" I reply. He beeps and brings me my bag. I laod it up with all that I brought with me and leave my lodging. All my crash insuries have healed and I am readdy to recive my next job. I hope it will invalve some actin because I am not a hide-and-gather-information kind of spy. I walk down to the spaceport. When I get there there is a Ssleek fighter waiting for me. I give my bags to R2-C2 and climb into the cockpit. When i get there I see that Alex is at the controls. We blast into space.
(November 5, 2015 - 11:53 am)
I'm sorry to keep contadicting your RP posts, guys, but at the moment Darth Caelum is preoccupied and hot on Sasha's tail. So he couldn't be flying a fighter, could he?
"LEFT WING DOWN! LEFT WING DOWN!" screams one of the pilots. A low rumble enters my throat, and I concentrate on the Force: the wing is lifted and the cables wrap around each other.
"Send someone out there to fix it," I snarl, "and do it fast! FOLLOW THAT FIGHTER!"
Because I've figured out what the cargo is...
Once I'm a good few planets away from them, I pull out the cargo from the hidden compartment on the dashboard. It's very easy to locate, track, and identify, but once I get to Naboo and give it to the Queen, they should be able to hide it securely.
"Com-Som, take the controls," I say, rescuing the cargo from its cloth.
A small, glowing, golden stone drops into my hand, giving me a small jolt of electricity. I look at it for a few moments before wrapping it back up and placing it into the safe, where it's safer.
Hence the name.
(November 6, 2015 - 4:30 pm)
Sorry, should have thought more. How about the pilot's one of Darth Cabrum's servants. On the ship trip she gets a message from Nuru telling her to go to Naboo to sabbotage a factory that makes ship parts. OK?
(November 6, 2015 - 7:36 pm)
Okay! That sounds great!
(November 8, 2015 - 10:41 am)
Great idea thanks Elvina!!!
(November 5, 2015 - 5:37 pm)
Sorry I haven't posted in awhile!
The Fortune's Smile is dark when I wake. Judging by the weak gray light from my tiny viewport, I would guess it's before sunrise local time, but to me it feels like the height of morning. "Mom? Dad?" I call hesitantly, and then remember what they said last night: the round-trip from the capital (where they set the ship down) to the city where the goods were to be delivered was liable to take a long time, so they might be not be back yet. Sure enough, their quarters are empty. I'm alone.
The lounge is by far the best place to do homework. Our ship is of Mon Cal design, so it has two huge curved view ports besides the one in the cockpit; being in the lounge is a little like being in a giant bubble. It's the coolest thing ever. "Lights, one-half," I say to the room in general, and the lights oblige.
This is when I catch sight of a teenage Twi'lek in the next hangar bay over. Her skin is an unusually dark blue, an astromech droid rolls at her heels, and she wears black robes that look a lot like the holos of Jedi you see all over the place. She's walking toward a ship that looks more Huttese than Kuati- the Jedi get all their ships from Kuat, we run parts there all the time so I should know. Then why would she be heading for a ship that isn't Jedi? And why is she walking just a little too fast?
She reminds me of someone Tanthi talked about. A Padawan who effectively dropped off the map after her Master died. Kira something, I think her name was, or possibly Kana...
Elementary hyperspace calculations can wait. I drop my homework and call Mom.
Koda says nabh. Aw, Koda, do you want to go to Naboo?
(November 5, 2015 - 9:23 pm)
Jaina ~ As we near Rotta's palace on Dantooine, I wonder what the future will hold for me. Most likely . . . death. Well, you can always stay positive. Usally.
(November 6, 2015 - 12:52 pm)
I don't know what you mean, St.Owl. Sorry, but I just don't.
(November 6, 2015 - 7:37 pm)
Ok great. So I will be going to Naboo now.
Once safely away I busy myself with cleaning R2-C2 until he shines. He gives me a beep of thanks when I am finished. As I lean back to watch the lights of lightspeed I feel a viberating in my belt. I pull out my holoprojecter and Nuru pops into view. " New orders from Darth Cebrum" He says, " you are to go to Naboo. Once you are there your job is to blow up a secret factory that makes ship parts for the jedi. Any questons? Good, there are supplies for the job in the back of the ship. Tell the pilet to drop you off at the Ren Spaceport. Oh and you may use the droid that you bought but be sure to wipe its memory and insert a new card. "
I nod and his image goes away. Then I inform the pilot of his duties and walk to the bunks for a bit of sleep. I wake up about 10 to the pilot saying " Master Kara, we have arrived. "
I jump up and grab my bag. R2-C2 beebs to me to hurry. When I step out of the ship the first thing that I notice is the air. Even though I am at a spaceport with lots of ships taking off and arriving, the air is the freshed i have ever known. On Corasaunt it was full of smog and exhaust from all the ships and on Dia it was sented with the smell of the marshes. A voice brings me back to the present. Ii is one of the jedi masters I was trained by when at the temple. They are coming towords me but hey havn't seen me yet.. I bolt down the docking bay, away from them and towords the city. I don't stop running until I am in the new part of Thames. I duck into an allyway between two very nice houses. A little way ahead I can see the road climb a small hill and at the top of the hill I see the palace. R2-C2 catches up to me. He gives me a questioning whistle but I ignore him. I take out the holoprojecter and look at the location of the factory. It isn't far. Hidden in the shadows i memorize every bit of infermation that is gives me. I finger my lightsaber witch is hidden under my cloak. This is going to be very fun.
(November 8, 2015 - 5:31 pm)
Is this still going or is it going to die?
(November 10, 2015 - 6:46 pm)
I will post later.
(November 13, 2015 - 12:57 pm)
Am I the only one doing this? Someone please post.
(November 13, 2015 - 3:11 pm)