Owl RPOk I
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Owl RPOk I
Owl RP
Ok I had this idea.. What if we were owls? Likw mail owls whose kids were going to Hogwarts. I know the CB is really full right now, so I thought this would be a fun one.
Charrie sheet
Owl's name : Avalinia
Kid's name : Deric in Ravenclaw
Owl's apperence : Large Snowy Female
Kid's apperence : Dark brown hair, Green eyes, Always very nice, gives Avalinia his bacon.
Owl's personality : Very cheerful (except when Deric makes her fly through storms) Loves flying and sleeping until midnight.
Plotter? : No
The story will be set from the veiw of the owls, so the kids are really mostly back ground charries. This is after the Harry Potter series, so he isn't at Hogwarts any more.
The plot is basiclly one of the kids is plotting with some death eaters that escaped, and are trying to take over Hogwarts. The owl have to somehow stop him/her from giving too much info away or the death eater will storm Hogwarts. THIS IS NOT AN OPTION FOR THE STORY
If you want to join you must fill this out and submit it with your charrie
I, (your name), On My Honor As A CBer, Promise That I Will See This RP To The End.
I will choose the plotter after we have filled all the spots.
Hope we can start soon!
(September 27, 2015 - 2:36 pm)
Only one charrie per CBer please!
(September 27, 2015 - 2:46 pm)
Just getting this out of the back pages
(September 27, 2015 - 2:53 pm)