NaNoWriMo idea-throwing!
Chatterbox: Inkwell
NaNoWriMo idea-throwing!
NaNoWriMo idea-throwing!
I know there's still a whole month left, but it's been on my mind.
I don't have a concrete idea for this year. but here are some goals:
- Vary my worldbuilding more. I'm striving toward something more approaching diverging from the standard contemporary fantasy, if that makes sense - not quite magic realism as a genre, but definitely something where supernatural events aren't hidden from the public eye. Or maybe that's just me being lazy, to save myself from doing the "Oh Golly! Curioser And Curioser! Magic May Really Exist!" acrobatics for the third year in a row.
- Maybe write a more functional romantic subplot? Last year's NaNo lacked resolution, only a vague hope/implication of 'something' later - which was fine, because I was writing about middle schoolers! But - while romantic subplots aren't at all necessary - I really would like to include a more underrepresented form of one, and one of the nuances of writing a pair of people the media already sells short is making sure that they're happy, and that it moves beyond subtext. But I can't write it to save my life, so, uh. Good luck, self.
Those are the two major ones, and I'm generally getting more ghosty, supernatural vibes from this one, where my last two were more about alternate universes and whatnot. That's actually my third goal - branching out. Less predictability.
What about the rest of you? Are you doing NaNo this year? Do you have an area you're struggling in that you're struggling to improve in? Do you know for sure what you're doing? Is it absurd to make this thread in late September? (yes. yes it is.)
(September 25, 2015 - 6:22 pm)
You bet I'm doing NaNo! I'm basing my novel off of my short-lived "Storm RP".
(September 28, 2015 - 3:40 pm)