
Chatterbox: Inkwell






THIS IS NOT A RP. This is a story where you ask to be in it and I write it.

It is the year 2120. Cloning has become common practice for the upper middle class and higher. None of the children know why they do it, but they always do.

Keira is a clone of a girl named Tayi (note: Tayi is not based on a cber.) and is treated like a daughter. The only difference is that Keira's genes were altered to make her healthy, but Tayi has a brittle bone disease.

Keira has always wondered why, whenever a problem occurs with Tayi, it is fixed overnight.

When Tayi's heart starts having problems and Keira's arm survives beign run over by a truck, Keira discovers the horrifying secret behind the mass cloning procedures... 


If you would like me to write you into this story (yes, I know, too many threads on the inkwell, my apologies) please give me your name (no last name), appearance, and three-four words that describe your personality.

NO MORE THAN FIVE MAINS. I will wait until there are two pages of applications then decide who is in the story randomly.

I will start in a few days. 

submitted by Brookeira
(September 21, 2015 - 6:19 pm)

Part 1 

(Involving only Phantom and Jessica. Sorry, others... you will appear soon!)

Jessica Rose watched her Original, Jessica Daisy, chatting merrily with a few girls. J.R. scowled. Pretty little J.D, always quaint, always lovely.

J.R often went by Rose, or just J.R. She hated the name Jessica. She hated being a copy.

They always said that Daisy had eye problems, but Rose's eyes were the ones that hurt constantly. They always felt heavy, too, and she got 10 hours sleep every night.

"Your Copy is so draggy, Daisy," Rose overheard Daisy's friend sigh, "She is sooo annoying."

"I heard that," snapped Rose, storming off.

She walked a few blocks away, down towards the library where she could be alone, or at least be quiet.

Originals and Copies alike shuffled away from her; her disposition was legendary. Only Danie somehow managed to be friends with her. Somehow.

She sat down on an old bench that had been there since 2094, its ancient metal groaning under her weight. She looked with careless eyes around her, barely giving the alleyway a cursory glance.

Her vision whipped back to the alley. A tall, masked figure was standing there, watching her.

"Who are you?" she said, walking closer.

The figure, who looked neither male nor female, tilted its head."Not a Copy," it said. The inflexion of its voice was strange. It sounded like it was both saying 'I'm not a Copy' and 'Oh no, not a copy.' At the same time.

"Well, that isn't offensive in the least," growled Rose.

The figure turned to walk away.

"Who ARE you‽" Rose yelled.

The  masked figure whipped around and slammed his index fingers into a spot on her neck.

Rose couldn't see. It was dark now.

"What did you do‽" screamed Rose.

She heard the figure's foot coming and fell on her face.

The finger jammed into her neck again, and she could see. Two piercing solid black eyes peered down at her from a partially open mask.

"I am a Phantom," it hissed, "dust on the wind."

It shoved its finger into a spot on her chest, and everything was dark. 

submitted by Brookeira
(September 23, 2015 - 10:54 am)

Funny you said about eye  problems, l wear glasses.

Love the story so far! That is very is almost like my real  personality.

submitted by Shadow Dragon
(September 23, 2015 - 10:06 pm)

Part... two or three?



Lindsey looked up At the window and sighed. the stained gLass window fractured the lIght and made dancing patterns along the floor. she ThoughT it LookEd Green-no, blue, no Indigo, Really. Trickles, Little eddies of light, Bubbling and ancient, a reminder Of the hundreds of years this Remarkable library had survived. she Never skIpped her jourNey To tHE DARK, creaking library.

The door creaked open, and Hione and Keira stepped in.

"Hi," Lindsey whispered, edges of her mouth curving up.

"Hey," said Keira and Hione.

"Are you alright, Lind?" Keira asked, brows furrowed.

"Yeah," Lindsey said absently, "fine."

"Sure," Hione said, eyebrows raised, "you sound great."

"I'm forgetting something I saw," Lindsey snapped, "There was an alley, and J.R. That's all I remember."

Keira shot Lindsey a concerned glance. "So you don't remember anything about... what happened?"

"No," Lindsey said miserably, "maybe it was just a dream."

"Probably," Hione said, "don't worry, Linds."

"Okay," Lindsey said, much more brightly. 


submitted by Brookeira
(September 24, 2015 - 10:00 am)

Are all the CBer's and the characters the CBers made up Copies, or are some Originals?

submitted by Hione, age 11, Still at Hogwarts
(September 24, 2015 - 2:15 pm)

Lindsey may be an Original. I haven't decided.


submitted by Brookeira
(September 24, 2015 - 3:12 pm)

May I be a Clone, but one who is, like, BFFs with Original?

submitted by Hermione Granger, age 11, Hogwarts
(September 25, 2015 - 4:57 pm)

I reversed the order... Lindsey is the Copy, you are the Original. It has to be this way for the story to work.


submitted by Brookeira
(September 27, 2015 - 7:45 am)


submitted by Okay
(September 27, 2015 - 5:00 pm)

I JUST SCREAMED. Look at the capital letters in the first paragraph (other than Lindsey's L.)



Brooke. What. Does. This. Mean. 

submitted by Code Cracker
(September 24, 2015 - 3:15 pm)

Wow....l'm creepy.....

submitted by Phantom N.
(September 24, 2015 - 7:44 pm)

@Code Cracker: Wow. You solved that quickly. WHy do you think I'd tell you? (manic laughter)

@ Phantom: That's the point. :)

submitted by Brookeira
(September 25, 2015 - 1:16 pm)

Hione brushed the dust from her skirt and adjusted her Noman Wights on her feet. Her appearance had to be immaculate today.

Her Copy, Lindsey, (side note: Is this okay with you guys?) was babbling about something that happened in an alley. Copies were so strange, claiming they had injuries and pains. Everyone knew they were genetically engineered to be healthy.

"Hione, darling," her mom took long strides towards her past aisles of holobooks, "your hair is a mess. So is yours, Lindsey darling. Why don't you let me dye it blonde?"

"No!" Lindsey and Hione chorused, hands flying to their curly brown hair. Everything could be immaculate but that and their red shirts, which they wore to protest AI abuse.

"Contacts? For your eyes?" the mother pleaded.

"No," they said, shaking their heads. They both had one blue eye and one brown eye. Hione's left was blue and her right was brown, and Lindsey's were vice versa. 

"Oh, all right, darlings," their mother sighed, brow furrowed, "let's get some cookies and milk, shall we?"

They wrinkled their noses. Lindsey and Hermione hated Triple Chocolates. They brightened at milk; they loved warm milk.

"Can I have your cookies?" Keira asked. "Sure," Hione said, "just come with us."

Their mother looked irritated, but said nothing.

Their mother paid with Erits and they sat down to eat their food. She bought a considerably smaller milk for Keira, but Keira didn't mind. The library cafe was cozy and bright.

"It's so cold," said Keira appreciatively, dipping a cookie in with slow relish.

"Funny," Lindsey said, "ours is warm."

Hione nodded. She was feeling very sleepy because of it. 

"That's strange," Keira furrowed her brow, but kept eating.

"Keira, dear," their mother said absently, "I believe my daughters are rather sleepy.We must go."

"Thsleepy," repeated Lindsey, and Hione barely found the strength to nod. 

Hione and Lindsey barely remembered being virtually pulled to their feet before they stumbled into the Hovercar outside and fell asleep. Hione's last thought went something like, 'How will we meet with the selection comitee for Perfect Pairs if we are so speely... sleppy... Prefect Parrs Beeootty Pajunt... sleep..."

submitted by Brookeira
(September 25, 2015 - 4:46 pm)

I will add a new part later toDay, mAybe luNchtime or a lIttle bit aftEr. Sorry for the delay!   

submitted by Brookeira
(September 27, 2015 - 7:47 am)
What do you mean by:
A little girl born in the dark. Danie? 
submitted by Hermione Granger, age 11, Hogwarts
(September 27, 2015 - 5:05 pm)

Another code, hm?


submitted by Danie
(September 27, 2015 - 5:38 pm)