Warriors RP, hope

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Warriors RP, hope

Warriors RP, hope you'll join! So, there are 2 clans that I made up and here they are: Sunclan, and Lightningclan. 

For each clan we need: 1 Leader, 1 deputy, 1-2 med cats( if 2 med cats, no med cat apprentice ), at least 4 warriors ( not including Queens ), 1-3 Queens, 3 apprentices, 1-6 kits per Queen, 1-5 elders ( optional ) .

Rank: Leader of Sunclan

Name: Blossomstar ( oh, and only leaders have 9 lives in this, Okay? ) 

Age: 24 moons ( human/ twoleg age: 2 years )

Appearance: face, body, and legs are white with a pinkish tint, rest of body is a light brown, bright lime green eyes, very slim, and short fur

Personality: Very kind, fair, and understanding to all of her clan, no vivid hatred for Lightningclan, just a mutual dislike 




submitted by Coconut the dog, age I forgot , In the bed
(September 18, 2015 - 4:32 pm)

Save a place for me! Med cat please!

submitted by SheWhoMustNotBeNamed, age Negative 8, In A Potato
(September 18, 2015 - 5:00 pm)

Um, med cat of which clan? And may you please make a charrie?

submitted by Coconut the dog, age I forgot, In the bed
(September 20, 2015 - 9:25 am)


Name: Thrushwing

Rank: Warrior/Queen of Sunclan

Gender: She-cat 

Age: 16 moons

Appearance: White pelt with patches of tan all over her short fur. Dark green eyes.

Personality: Slightly rude, but understanding, a fierce fighter and would die for her clan.

And if I'm allowed to have a second cherrie...

Name: Smallpaw

Rank: Apprentice of Sunclan

Gender: Tom 

Age: 8 and a half moons. Almost a warrior.

Appearance: Blue-grey tabby cat with a white belly, a white tailtip, white on his face, and a white back left paw. Small for his age.

Personality: Meek and shy, likes (Insert apprentice later) Likes to hunt better then fight, and is teased sometimes for his small size.

Also, Smallpaw needs a mentor. If anyone wants to be it, say so. 

submitted by Wren, The tree outside
(September 18, 2015 - 7:24 pm)

Yes, you can have 2 charries, but that's it.

submitted by Coconut the dog, age I forgot, In the bed
(September 20, 2015 - 9:17 am)

Do you have a mate for one, and can you start the game as a Queen so that we can have some kits in Sunclan?

submitted by Coconut the dog, age I forgot, In the bed
(September 21, 2015 - 10:19 am)

I reserve deputy of Lightning clan!

submitted by Danie
(September 18, 2015 - 7:46 pm)

(I meant Sunclan :P)

submitted by Danie
(September 18, 2015 - 7:46 pm)

Rank: Deputy of Sunclan

Name: Skyshimmer

Age: 19 moons

Appearance: bluish white fur, bright blue eyes, sliky tail. Paws are purple (Will explain why). Not the slimish, and her fluffy fur makes her look even less slim. rather pretty.

Personality: Laughy, creative, funny. Very sympathetic and kind, but she gets embarressed easily. Slightly girly.

Other: She could have an apprentice? Oh, and she is amazing at hunting but not the best at fighting. May have a mate?

submitted by Danie
(September 18, 2015 - 7:56 pm)

Um, can you please tell me what you mean by purple paws now because you're going to be my deputy?

submitted by Coconut the dog, age I forgot, In the bed
(September 20, 2015 - 9:20 am)

Yes, you can have an apprentice or a mate ( you can't have both because you can only have two charries ), but if you have a mate and became a Queen than you will have to let someone else train your apprentice and you will also have to momentarily step down from being a deputy and have someone else do your job for you until your kit grows into an apprentice ( that takes 6 moons :). Does that answer your questions?

submitted by Coconut the dog, age I forgot, In the bed
(September 20, 2015 - 9:40 am)

Actually, You can have Smallpaw if Wren's fine with that since he's one of her charries, and if you want him.

submitted by Coconut the dog, age I forgot, In the bed
(September 20, 2015 - 6:35 pm)

Oh, yeah, I forgot. She got the purple paws because she used to be a kittypet, and an accident happened were the twoleg kits dyed her paws purple.

submitted by Danie
(September 21, 2015 - 9:37 am)

Oh. Yeah. Well, that would explain it. Ha ha! That sounds like MY little sister:-) 

submitted by Coconut the dog, age I forgot, In the bed
(September 24, 2015 - 8:27 am)

I thought it would be kinda cute. When my sister was little, she sometimes got a bunch of this purple sparkly glue and got it onto the dog. (I felt so sorry for the dog) Thankfully, we managed to wash it out.


submitted by Danie
(September 25, 2015 - 5:15 pm)

Yeah, poor dog. Well, at least you guys got it out OK. If my little sister had done that to my dog, I would've been kind of VERY MAD. :-) 

submitted by Coconut the dog, age I forgot, In the bed
(October 2, 2015 - 5:09 pm)