Chatterbox: Inkwell



Hey guys,

So, I decided it's time for a new Percy Jackson RP! They are always really great!


Basically, the plot is the same prophecy as Heroes of Olympus (credits to Rick Riordan)

Seven Demigods Shall answer the call

to storm or fire, the world must fall

an oath to keep with a final breath

And foes bear arms to the doors of death

This is NOT with the characters, it is basically creating our own seven 


To keep things interesting no characters can have the same godly parent, for example, It wouldnt be as fun with 2 daughter of Aphrodite with the same powers.

SEVEN ROLEPLAYER MAXIMUM because we are playing as the demigods who answer the call

Lets have fun !

I reserve my spot! so that means we need six people!  

submitted by Cloudy Dweller
(August 13, 2015 - 10:45 am)

I'd like to be either a child of Poseidon or, failing that, a child of Boreus (cold/ North wind god)

submitted by Brookeira
(August 13, 2015 - 10:53 am)

Okay, your spot is saved Brookiera. You can post your charrie sometime before it starts

submitted by Cloudy Dweller
(August 13, 2015 - 12:23 pm)

i reserve a spot.

I am using my charrie from the last PJO RP, Ianthe Sycamoore, daughter of Artemis. (I know, I'm breaking the maiden goddess rule a bit here, but let's just pretend that Artemis fell in love with ianthe's father briefly, but now is ashamed of that, and now no longer likes ianthe's father. But she IS proud of her daughter.)

ianthe is very quick witted and very confident. Not quite tomboyish, but still tough. She's a true leader.

She is Asian.  

i will elaborate further later 

submitted by Owl girl AKA Elena O, age 11, Texas
(August 13, 2015 - 12:51 pm)
Name: Ianthe Sycamoore 
Age: 14
Appearance: Asian. Long smooth, black hair. Usually wears it in a side braid. One eye a fern green, one eye a bright blue. Tall. 
Personality: confident, quick-witted, always thinks of the most clever things to say. Not quite a tomboy, but still tough. 
Weapon: bow and arrow. Is just about the best archer around
God parent: Artemis
Powers: is really good with animals, has control over almost every kind of animal, not including monsters. has good night vision as long as the moon or the stars are visible, has a good sense of direction
Other: she runs fast
submitted by Owlgirl AKA Elena O., age 11, Texas
(August 13, 2015 - 1:17 pm)
Name: Ianthe Sycamoore 
Age: 14
Appearance: Asian. Long smooth, black hair. Usually wears it in a side braid. One eye a fern green, one eye a bright blue. Tall. 
Personality: confident, quick-witted, always thinks of the most clever things to say. Not quite a tomboy, but still tough. 
Weapon: bow and arrow. Is just about the best archer around
God parent: Artemis
Powers: is really good with animals, has control over almost every kind of animal, not including monsters. has good night vision as long as the moon or the stars are visible, has a good sense of direction
Other: she runs fast
submitted by Owlgirl AKA Elena O., age 11, Texas
(August 13, 2015 - 1:18 pm)

I save a spot for a child of Apollo 

submitted by Hermione A, age 11
(August 13, 2015 - 12:56 pm)

actualy, I take what I said back.


i am not going to participate in the role play.

someone else can make a charrie.

though please make a boy 

submitted by Hermione A, age 11
(August 13, 2015 - 1:54 pm)

I reserve a spot as Athena's kid!

submitted by Hermione Granger, age 11, Hogwarts
(August 13, 2015 - 1:03 pm)

See name, location.

CAPTCHA says zzoe. Zoe who, CAPTCHA? 

submitted by Do we need kids , from Camp Jupiter?
(August 13, 2015 - 1:12 pm)

Oh, and of course I'd like a spot.

submitted by Rose bud
(August 13, 2015 - 1:18 pm)

I don't think so. I think this is the way it would be if there were no knew kids from camp jupiter.

submitted by Rose bud
(August 13, 2015 - 1:17 pm)

I reserve a spot! I am a daughter of Ares, will give more details later.

submitted by Joan B., age 13, Camelot
(August 13, 2015 - 1:41 pm)

My charrie will be new. She/he will be claimed during the course of the RP.

submitted by Rose bud
(August 13, 2015 - 1:54 pm)

Cloudy, can I make a charrie for the prophesy plus an extra charrie?

submitted by Rose bud
(August 13, 2015 - 2:32 pm)

so far we have six people, since Hermione A dropped out.


one more person!


okay, idk why my charrie post showed up twice. 

submitted by Owlgirl aka Elena O., age 11, Texas
(August 13, 2015 - 1:57 pm)