Thoughts are like

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Thoughts are like

Thoughts are like little birds that are freed when shared.


Now share your thoughts!

submitted by The thinker, Deep in thought
(March 17, 2009 - 3:50 pm)

Um, well...

submitted by Brynne, age 13, A magic carpet
(March 28, 2009 - 9:22 am)


submitted by Jenni T, age 12, Nowhere or some
(March 29, 2009 - 4:01 pm)


*looks from Jenni to Bekah to Pirocks*
*bites lip*
*says nothing*
submitted by BellaTrix♡♥♡
(March 29, 2009 - 9:39 pm)

My random thoughts,

I think that people should spend more time out doors. Kids now a days are so hooked up in vidio games, and the computer, that they don't even pay attention to the wonderful world around them. They get so involved with their virtual worlds that the only time they even go outside (sometimes) is when they step outside to just get into the car. 

I know that this isn't the case with all people, but still, I think that they should take aware of this and spend time out doors. This would also stop people from getting bored, there are many opertunities waiting you just through the door. Climb a tree, look for birds, look at the stars, come on it isn't that hard.

submitted by nitehawlk, age 3.25, somewhere out t
(May 27, 2009 - 11:05 am)

I sometimes wonder whether I really exist. Maybe there's only one real world (not ours) and we're just part of someone's dream, or a book someone wrote. And if we're not real, then what is?

Is the sky really blue, or are all humans colourblind? How do we even know anything?

@ Bellatrix: Please continue! We really want to hear!

@ Mary: No one was talking about magic particularly, but maybe someone saw, for example, a pheonix that burst in to flame and didn't die. The first thing that person thinks of would probably be magic, but who knows? Maybe there's some special chemical in their feathers that makes them fireproof. And I don't really understand how God and mythical creatures (well, obviously if they existed they wouldn't be mythical, but you get the point) couldn't exist at the same time. I'm not saying I believe in them for sure, I just think it's impossible to really know.

submitted by Ima
(June 30, 2009 - 9:09 pm)