Chatterbox: Inkwell



Nobody has done this before, so I thought I would. And I noticed a few fans, so I thought this would be a good idea. Okay, rules.

1: Please no alicorns. Unless you have an amazing reason, alicorns are supposed to be rare, so I don't want a ton of them.

2: Don't be OP. It's not fun when someone takes all the heroism because they are super powerful and stuff.

3: Have fun!

By the way, you can create other specied charries. You aren't just limited to ponies. Charrie sheet!








Cutiemark if any:


Here is mine.

Name: Lemon Lime

Gender: Female

Age: Just before being a full grown mare, but not a filly. Around 15?

Species: Earth pony

Appearance: Green coat. Curly, short yellow hair. Bright blue eyes. Freckles. 

Personality: Optimistic, hard working, somewhat insecure. Likes to make limeade and lemon cookies. 

Abilities: She is good at baking and making drinks. And has average earth pony strength. Her intelligence is pretty average.

Cutiemark: Two slices of a lemon and a lime forming a heart.

Backstory: She is the only earth pony from a father who is a unicorn, and a mother and sister that are pegisi (pegisy?). When she was a filly, should dreamt of using magic or flying. But then one day, while home alone, she decided to make herself a treat. She learned that she was great at making cookies and drinks, and learned to except who she is. And that's when she got her cutiemark. She now sets up a little stand and sells her treats for money.

Sorry this is so long. 


submitted by Lindsey R.
(August 1, 2015 - 11:26 am)

Yay! Another species!

submitted by Lindsey R
(August 3, 2015 - 11:21 am)

I'm joining! But I have no time now. Save me a spot!

submitted by Wren, The tree outside
(August 2, 2015 - 5:27 pm)


submitted by Lindsey R
(August 3, 2015 - 11:22 am)

name what was the name of the pony I made with u name Linsey 

gender female

She 15

kind of pony Pegasuls

looks golden with a wet mane just looks like it and tail lavender has headphones on her neck

personallity sweet always listening to music never walks u lest she has to um still thinking 

abilities singer good with lyrics


Cutie mark microphone with heart 

submitted by Emij114
(August 2, 2015 - 10:52 pm)

I don't think you named her. Oh yeah, and where does everyone want to live? And what should the plot be?

submitted by Lindsey R
(August 3, 2015 - 11:23 am)

golden song lives in ponyville

submitted by Emij114
(August 6, 2015 - 10:41 am)


Name: Tulip Springs (Sorry Linds, I forgot her orginal name.)

Gender: Female

Age: Around 15

Species: Unicorn

Appearence: Pale yellow coat. Baby blue eyes and mane. Mane is always in  a weird type of bun, but her tail is just down.

Personality: Stubborn, well actually just think of Rarity.

Abilites: She is a great gardener, and she loves flowers. Makes them grow with ease, with a hint of her own special growing spell.

Cutiemark: A tulip with a butterly on it.

Backstory: Her father was a Unicorn, and her mother and Earth pony. She is the oldest of eight foals. All of her younger siblings are boys and are pegisi. Don't know how that happened...Grandparents? She earned her cutiemark by usually tending to her school garden while the other children played. She owns a little flower shop near Lemon Limes. 

submitted by Buggy
(August 3, 2015 - 11:25 am)

Nevermind. Her name is actually April Spring oh and she has an older sister, but other than that she's the same. Plus she hates Winter, (the season).

submitted by Buggy
(August 4, 2015 - 4:08 pm)


I have an idea for a charrie. She may be a bit OP, though, so if you think so, that's totally fine, I'll pull her.


Gender: Female

Species: Draconequus (that's what Discord is, look it up) 

Appearance: Pretty much a female Discord. 

Personality: Mischevious but not actually evil, a little manipulative but mostly uses it for pranks. She's a good reader of character and can find and strike nerves when she wants to, but mostly has a childish dispostion and sees life as one big joke. Life of the party.

Abilities: Pranks, chaos (though controls chaos-lust better than Discord) and is a good manipulator.

Cutie Mark: None-- she's a draconequus.

Backstory: She's Discord's twin sister! Dun dun duuuuuuun! 

Except... not so much. She's got no revenge motives so isn't particularly evil. She and Discord often fought but made up eventually (siblings after all), mostly about her being five minutes older than him. Now she's coming to Ponyville to visit her "baby brother". 

Okay... I have an idea for a plot (if that's OK, of course, your RP, not mine)...

So, in the series (and those two abominations of movies), Celestia seems to know more than she lets on... right? 

And, in the series, there's lots of times when Celestia could have stepped in... but she didn't. 

And, in the series, we really only see it from one point of view. Kind of two-dimensional, really. But there are two sides to every story.  

And I had a thought.

What if Celestia is an evil master manipulator? And it turns out she was using the Mane 6 as pawns?

Of course, in the canon universe, she isn't and won't be, because-- let's face it-- the show is for little girls. 

*smiles evilly*

But this isn't the canon universe. This is a fanfiction... 

And I also thought-- Why do the good guys always win against all odds? Why can't the villian win for once?  

So now I have an idea for a plot story: Evil Celestia. (Luna doesn't have to be evil.) 

And in the end?

Evil Celestia wins. >:D   

submitted by Somebody, age Who cares, Secret HQ
(August 3, 2015 - 11:58 am)

I will join, And I'll post my charrie soon. Macaroni says wkzw. Webkinz world?

submitted by Mother Goose, age 1392, Story book
(August 3, 2015 - 2:41 pm)

I don't know.

submitted by Lindsey R.
(August 3, 2015 - 6:22 pm)

Okay, I' m assuming that was directed toward my plot idea/charrie, so I'll give you some time on that, and only post under Moonbow for now and won't make any plot advances until you OK Disharmony and/or the Evil Celestia Plot. 

submitted by Somebody, age Who cares , Secret HQ
(August 4, 2015 - 1:00 pm)

I have time now! (Yay) Sorry if I offend anyone with my horribly low knowlege of Mlp.. I have watched the show though! (Once..)

Name: Frost Glitter

Gender: Female

Age: About 10. 

Species: Unicorn 

Apperance: All white coat, straight short light blue hair, and pale blue eyes. small for her age.

Personality: Cheerful, always tries to do the best she can, sometimes has sudden mood swings and then is suddenly really gloomy. Also likes to bug her older brother.

Abillities: Is pretty fast, not that intellegent, but not dumb, and is able to.. do something with frost, I don't know...

Cutiemark (When she gets it.) : A snowflake with twirls of blue ribbons around it. 

Backstory: She is a unicorn from a long line of unicorns, including her mother, father, and older brother. Hasn't gotten her cutiemark yet and is really annoyed by the fact.

submitted by Wren, The tree outside
(August 3, 2015 - 2:40 pm)

We can start tomorrow.  I guess we'll live in Ponyville.

submitted by Lindsey R
(August 3, 2015 - 7:53 pm)

Scratch Mother Goose joining.

submitted by Wren, The tree outside
(August 4, 2015 - 11:57 am)